An unexpected evening [Mf, cheating, bdsm]

They had had a good evening, relaxing on the sofa. After some wine they were giggling at everything, the stand up show they were watching, the not particularly funny jokes they were telling each other. This was not out of the ordinary per se, apart from the fact that it had never been just the two of them alone.

She stands up and tries to do the crow yoga pose despite never having succeeded before in her life, and her lack of strength and the alcohol-fuelled lack of balance makes her topple over against the sofa. They both laugh, he leans forward to help her up, but as she touches her something happened. They look at each other and fall silent for a moment, their minds blank, then with little hesitation he reaches her, one hand behind her head to pull her closer, and they start kissing. She sits on top of him, straddling him, confused by her own whirlwind of thoughts, when she met him he was married and off limits in her eyes, and after all these years it feels almost incestuous. What is going on? How did this happen? And yet it’s as if they’d both been wanting this for so long, or at least been curious about it.

He lifts her top off her, leaving her in her bra and gym shorts. She’s dying to do the same to him, but hesitates for a moment, then her curiosity and longing have the best of her and she finally can run her hands over his skin, touching his arms and going over his belly, the feeling of his skin against hers exciting her even more. Even though he’s in his early 40s he’s still in good shape, possibly even better shape than her at her current 26 years old. he enjoys working out, she knows this and has always wished that her husband would take a bit more of an interest in fitness as he does. She takes pleasure in feeling the strength in his body, all while barely breaking off their passionate kissing.

He lifts her up then, a little clumsily, puts her on the floor, the soft carpet making for a comfortable spot, now she’s sitting while he’s kneeling in front of her. He moves a little to take off her shorts and pants, then slowly makes his way up from her feet, gently stroking, kissing and nibbling the skin, up through her legs, she quivers he reaches her knees and lets out a moan when he reaches the top of her thighs and kisses that ever so sensitive spot on the inner side. She’s overwhelmed with pleasure, she feels like her arms can’t hold her up anymore so she lays down on the floor. He reaches her most intimate spot, takes a deep breath through the nose then lets out a moan while exhaling, as if he had smelled something delicious, this subtle thing alone maker her feel like her heart skipped a beat, butterflies in her stomach.

He keeps going up, kissing her tummy, navel, all the way up to her breasts, she takes off her bra to give him free access. He gently sucks on her nipples, her breathing starts getting faster, she feels like she can’t handle all of these sensations at once. At last he reaches her mouth again, more lustful kissing while she runs her hands over his back, he single handedly undoes his trousers and pushes them off as far as he can. Her legs wrap around his waist, pulling him in, but he teasingly holds back for a few moments.

Then with one move her enters her, she gasps, not out of pain or discomfort, but almost out of relief, she feels like she had been waiting for that moment for so long. He starts thrusting, they’re looking in each other’s eyes, neither has forgotten that this should have never happened, that it’s a mistake, but lost in that moment they can’t seem to find the will to stop.

Unexpectedly to her, he pulls out and turns her over. She adjusts herself on all fours while he doesn’t waste any time to start fucking her again, hard and fast. She feels like it won’t be long until she comes, perhaps until they both do. She starts to be more vocal about the pleasure running through her body. He slows down and down comes his hand on her bare cheek. She’s startled, turns around to look at him over her shoulder wide-eyed, then she understands. He knows of her interest and occasional experience in BDSM, of her love for pain, and she knows the same about him, though they’d never discussed it openly. He breaks the silence: “If you want me to stop, call my name. Otherwise I will continue. Do you understand?”. His tone is cold but she knows it’s part of the game.

She doesn’t move or nod, bracing herself for what to come. He is not inside of her anymore by this point, but has moved slightly to her side to be in a better position to start spanking her, alternating from soft to hard hits, leaving red marks on her skin that get worse each time. She hears the sounds of his belt sliding off his trousers, and feels a pit in her stomach. She had never been whipped with a belt before, brushes and paddles sure, but a belt sounds so much worse. She glances at him briefly, he sees the excited fear in her eyes and figures out that this is new to her. She gets ready again, thoughts racing, skin still hot, she starts shaking a little when down comes the first blow. She whimpers and her arms give way making her fall on her elbows, she tries hard to regain control and not let herself overcome by the pain, while he gently caresses her sore skin and kisses it softly.

As soon as she pulls her weight back up on her hands, he hits her again, this time she lets out a small cry which she tries to muffle, her eyes are tearing up. She’s dreading what will come next, but at the same time doesn’t want him to stop, and above all doesn’t want to ask him to stop and prove to him that she can take it. She’s never had to ask someone to stop before, but then they’ve all been fairly easy on her, this all felt so fast and rough, the adrenaline pumping through her body making her feel a bit lightheaded.

He goes on 3 more times, he can see her getting weaker and turns her back around, he can see her face now, dotted with tears, her eyes filled with pain and gratefulness, she smiles an exhausted smile. She holds her arms out to him, he gets on top of her and starts fucking her again, gently at first, conscious of how raw her ass must feel right now. She hugs him tightly, kissing him even more passionately than before, she’s lost in ecstasy, holds his face in her hands to feel him closer.

Her breathing starts to progressively get louder, more shallow, he can guess that she’s getting near to coming. He can feel her arching her back, moving her hips with his, she’s longing for it so badly, then at last it comes, an orgasm that makes her feel like the time has stopped for a few moments, she moan loudly, eyes closed, her head tilting back. He keeps going, she’s still feeling the aftershocks when at last he comes too, his low grunts giving her another hit of pleasure. He slowly collapses on her, both still panting, happy, his head nestled against her neck.

She runs her hands slowly over his body, savouring it, knowing that this is very likely her last chance to do so. Surely they will have to pretend that nothing happened after this night? Nobody can know. She had always been faithful to her husband up to this night, while the same couldn’t be said of him, but what would he say if he found out? If, of all the people in the world, she had chosen to cheat on him with his own brother? They both stayed there for what felt like an endless time, without saying a word, yet aware that they were both thinking that same – was this it, never again? Or was it the first of a string of forbidden encounters?



  1. I’ve never written a story before and English is not my first language, apologies if this doesn’t read well. Just a little something that I’ve been meaning to put down in writing.

  2. its not a bad story. Some background would do wonders for it. give it characters, vs her and him.

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