Hide and Seek [group]

It was a beautiful day, perfect for the game we were playing. Sir said that the game would be fun, even if I didn't play with him or he with me. That I would be safe, and didn't need to worry. So I dressed up in the costume he gave me. Bunny ears, tail, and a mini skirt and shirt that matched. I was given no underwear and the tail was a butt plug. He explained the rules and what is expected of me. That I was to run and hide. The men would come looking for us after ten minutes, and who ever found us first gets to play with us. We are to present ourselves to them. Some girls hid together and some men shared their prize. It sounded like a lot of fun.

I was given a basket before the whistle sounded. Carrying it and its unknown contents and taking off as quick as I could, had my adrenaline pumping. After a little while I slowed down to get a look at what was around me. There was a large tree, but a girl with a fox tail and a girl with a cat tail hid together behind it. Going deeper I found a little cave, but there was already a girl there too. She wore a zebra outfit, there was leather tendrils coming from her tail.Moving quickly past it, I found a little grove surrounded by berry shrubs. I knelt down there, over my basket, peering through the bushes. The second whistle gave my heart another surge. The men were loose now.

It seemed like hours before I started hearing them come closer to the area. I began hearing others girls squeal and giggle, which turned into moaning. I could see the zebra, she had been found by two men. They started to caress her body, exploring her curves. Soon they had her on her hands and knees. Her tail also was a butt plug, so the first guy brushed the leather straps aside to get a look at her pussy. The second guy had unzipped his pants and began fucking her mouth. I started to get wet watching them. The first guy was now licking and sucking on her pussy, moving her butt plug in and out. Oh, how I wish I was her.

I almost didn't hear the rustling of bushes when a man invaded my grove. Knowing what I was supposed to do, I presented myself for him. I got on my knees, sticking my chest out, placing my hands on my legs, and bowed my head. Although I didn't look at him directly, I saw him before I bowed my head. His long hair, loosely braided, went past his shoulders. He was wearing all black, except for the red wallet chain on his pants. He came over to me, circling me.

“Were you watching them?”

I nodded keeping my eyes down.

“Are you wet?”

I nodded again blushing.

“I want you to look at them again. And touch your self for me.”

I quickly moved back where I was, over my basket, and spread my self open for him to see. He knelt behind me, guiding my hand to my soaking wet pussy. I moaned softly as my fingers slipped in. He was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my bare ass. His hands glided up my skirt and then down my leg.The jiggling of the tail plug caught me by surprise. When he started to move it in and out slowly, my body began to spin out of control.

The zebra now had a cock in her pussy and one in her mouth. She was still on her hands and knees. The tail plug she had was out of her, and the man fucking her from behind was using it as a flog. His other hand had two fingers fucking her ass. I could hear her moan over the guys cock that was in her mouth.

The man behind me chuckled.

“You like that?”

I nodded again, feeling my climax rising.

He pulled my hand away and stopped fucking my ass with the plug.

“You don't come until I say so. Understood? I want verbal answers, call me Sir.”

“Yes Sir.”

“On your knees, now.”

I scrambled to my knees, sitting right beside my basket. My eyes down, looking at his feet in front of me. The sound of his zipper made my mouth water, my pussy clench. I watched his trousers and shorts drop in front of me.

His hand lifted my chin roughly.

“Such a beautiful bunny, but a very naughty and dirty bunny. I don't think you deserve to taste me.”

I whimpered, looking at is big erect cock inches from my face. He took me by surprise by walking over to the basket I had. Removing the cover, he dug through it. I couldn't wait to see what he pulled out for me. When he brought out the thick flog, I quickly returned to my position. The leather straps slid up my back.

“Take off your clothes.”

I quickly stood up, pulling the shirt over my head and wiggling the skirt off my hips. Finished, I returned to my position in front of him.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes Sir.”


The sting flooded my back with heat, and then pleasure. He grabbed the back of my head, and pushed my mouth onto his cock.


My moan vibrated over his cock. He lowered to where he sat before me. This caused for me to follow his cock down, and my ass to go up in the air. Perfect position for the next flog strike.


My ass flushed and tingle from the hit, making me push my throat deeper on his cock. He groaned loudly.


The inside if my mouth got tighter as I sucked harder, taking all the air from my mouth. His moaning got louder, thrusting into my throat.

“Good girl, you want to taste me?”

I nodded.


He pushed into my mouth as his cock began to pulse, coming down my throat.

“Good girl…”

He pet my head softly. Right then I realized I was tense and had my eyes closed. My body relaxed on him, but I still sucked and licked him clean. That's when I felt a second pair of hands on me, caressing my fresh marks. I willed myself not to panic. The touch was soft and light. Soon there was small kisses, starting at the small of back and trailing down to my ass. The tongue licked the lines along my ass and around the plug. Sir's cock in my mouth began to stiffen again. This mystery tongue went from the plug to my pussy, diving between my soaking lips. Whimpering, I began to lick the cock in my mouth. The person behind me moved his tongue back and forth from the plug to my pussy. The stiffened cock in my mouth moved in out, mirroring the movement of the butt plug. My new partner soaked both holes in saliva and juices from my pussy. My breathing became heavier. He eased the plug out of my hole, replacing with his tongue. I moaned loudly on Sir’s cock. The assault from behind and the hard thrusting down my throat started to bring me closer to another peak. A hard swat on my naked bottom stop the climax and licking.

“Not yet.”

A chuckle came from behind me. Soon I heard the rustling of the other man's clothes. His finger played with my rear hole, lubricating it with my pussy juices. Sir pulled me over him, bringing my chest up to his face. He took one nipple into his mouth as he pinched the other. The finger from behind slipped into the now very wet hole. I arched my back pressing into Sir's face. Letting go of one nipple, he bit the side of the breast. His mouth and tongue moved slowly to the other nipple. My eyes were closed, enjoying the attention I was getting. The constant being on the edge and being used made me feel so excited. Sir's cock rubbed against the lips of my pussy.

“Would you like this?”

Before I could even answer, he slammed into me as deep as he could go. I answered with a loud moan and arching my back to where I pushed his face between my breasts. Between the two he licked and bit at me.

The other man had his finger deep inside me when Sir entered me. Now he pulled out and nudged the tip of his cock in its place. I whimpered when he guided his cock into my ass. It felt so good, so tight. They both were in me as deep as they could go. My body ached for them to move, for that friction. As if they heard my thoughts, they began to move slow and long thrusts.

“Sir… can I? I'm so close!”

I bit my lip trying to hold in my climax.

“Yes, sweet bunny. You can.”

The feeling that burst inside me was ecstasy, adrenaline, and weakening all at once. It flood my body and mind. They picked up their pace, using the euphoric state I was in. Sir pulled my hair, bringing my face up.

She was standing there, zebra. Her body glistened in the sunlight. Behind her was one of the men from earlier, the one that fucked her mouth. He pushed her forward as Sir pushed my face into her exposed clit. She tasted of sex, my tongue lapped at her and dived into her pussy. The thrusts from the two cocks in me got quicker, harder. The man behind me grunted, filling me with his seed. He pulled out. Zebra's escort walked behind me, filling the now empty hole.

I sucked on her lips. My body beginning to build back up to the edge. She was pulled from me by my stranger who took me from behind earlier. He had her on her hands and knees. Her ass and pussy in front of me, and over Sir's face.

“Lick her.”

“Yes Sir.”

Taking up where I left off, my tongue assaulted her pussy and clit. I brought up my mouth and circled her rear hole. shoving the tip in slightly before moving back to her pussy. Hearing her moan, I pushed my face into her. My tongue making long strokes from pussy to ass. Sucking on her lips, tongueing her ass. I loved the taste of her, of them.

“Good girl. Does she taste good?”

I nodded.

My body rose to the edge. Tightening around Sir's cock. Holding back.

“Not yet.”

I whimpered.

Harder was the thrusts. My frustration taken out on zebra's pussy. I quickly moved to her ass again, fucking it with my tongue. Her ass tasted as good as her pussy, covered in the salty taste of sex. My face pushed into her, trying to get my tongue deeper.


I cried out. The flood of euphoria covered my entire body. I went limp. The man behind me pulled my arms back. He held me above Sir. Soon both grunted loudly and I felt the hot loads fill me. I was allowed to lay on Sir when my other partner pulled away. Zebra came around to where he was. Sir turned me so I was sitting in his lap, with my legs open. I watched him mount zebra from behind. She smiled at me. He pushed her face into my lap. Her tongue rubbed against my sensitive nub. Sir spread my legs, exposing me to her. Waves still rolled from my orgasm, being drawn out by her tongue. She lapped his cum from my pussy. Her face flushed when she came on her escort's cock. I rubbed my clit against her mouth. Noisily, she lapped at my soaking pussy. He allowed her to collapse in my lap. We cuddled together, sandwiched between her and Sir.

My Sir soon entered the grove. Chuckling he lifted me into his arms, cradling me.

“Did you have fun princess?”

“Yes Sir”

I laid against his chest, too weak to actually move. So satiated, so blissful, so happy.

“That’s my girl, you will have to tell me what you did. Later, after you rest.”

“Yes yawn Sir…”

Everything went black, as I dreamt of what had happen, and hoping it would happen again.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2tfhig/hide_and_seek_group