Love after the Nuclear Holocaust [mf]

We hold each other close like the only survivors in a nuclear winter. It is twilight: days under a blotted sun, nights under blotted stars. A Chernobyl world begging for its concrete grave. She moves naked and freely through the cold wastes, her radioactive body kindred to the radioactive world; each thing contaminating the next; an orgy of free protons and immeasurable half-lives. Atomic heat from a fallout heart.

She sits on my lap, facing me, her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck, her shirt falling off her shoulder, disintegrating. I lick her neck thirsty for water as microwaves from her body boil me inside. I close my eyes and struggle to think of the cold lakes I grew up around. To think of rusty drinking fountains in summer parks; fetid pool water I've swallowed. I beg for rain. All I receive is fire.

She kisses my closed eye. Her spit is cool for a second on my eyelid, then evaporates in her heat. She is killing me, her breast like uranium, her pussy like plutonium. She pulls me down. I can't resist. Her poison over comes me. Friction, fusion, fission.

I'm coming like the stars, she says.

I feel her tension. Her body collapses over mine, suffocating me. I'm longing for water to cool her microwave poison; her blistering heat. I come in her, in Hiroshima, in Nagasaki. I come in islands now erased from maps, in the deserts of New Mexico and Arizona. I come in the endless furnace of the sun.

She leaves me drowning in my spit; dying. She returns to the world, the sole survivor in a nuclear winter.


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