The Intern

Sorry that this is another rough draft. I took my first stab at writing erotica the other day, and really enjoyed it. I'd love to know what you all think of my next piece: The Intern.

"I'll only be another hour or two," Taylor said, without lifting her head from the deposition she was rushing to complete, "well… hopefully." She picked up the remaining stack of pages and flipped through them far too quickly to count.

"Just don't be here all night," her boss said, "an attractive young girl like yourself should be out on the town on a Friday night, not stuck behind some desk."

"Well," she sighed as she finally looked up at him and slowly took off her glasses, "most attractive young women aren't up for a promotion to Sr. Partner if their case goes well."

"Ahh.." he said, tilting his head in acknowledgment, "just don't forget to have some kind of fun for yourself tonight." "Oh don't you worry," she said back to him, sliding her glasses off her ears, "this office is my playground." He laughed as he turned and left her office. She looked back down at her paperwork slowly, then double took and realized that she never noticed how tight, lifted, and pronounced his ass was. It lifted as he walked in the same way she hoped that hers did. If only he wasn't such an overbearing, micromanaging jerk, she thought to herself, maybe i'd want to take a look.

With her head deep into the deposition, she had completely lost track of time, when she noticed that the cleaning crew was starting to clear out the other side of the floor. She heard a few soft footsteps enter her office and a slight knock on the already wide open door.

"No cleaning for me tonight, thank you," she said without looking up. She kept her office so spotless that she honestly had a hard time thinking about what they would do in there.

"Uh, Taylor," the voice from the door said. It shook slightly an anxiety and almost cracked. She looked up to notice that instead of a nightly cleaning employee, it was her intern, Joseph, that was for some reason still in the office.

"My god, Joseph," she said, "what are you doing here so late?"

"The reports you asked for. I just finished organizing everything and getting it all together." He laid down three individual binders with spines a few inches tall. They were perfectly manicured, just the way she liked them.

"Thank you, Joseph," she said, not admitting that she completely forgot about her original request, "I really do owe you one."

"No problem, Taylor," he said, "In a weird way, I actually enjoyed it.

She looked at him and in that moment, was reminded of her college boyfriend. He was a tall, skinny young man with a shaggy brown haircut that covered his bright blue eyes. His tie was loosened, sleeves were rolled up to the elbow, and his collar was unbuttoned. She looked at him from top to bottom, quickly, and noticed a stain on his navy slacks and a few scuffs on his brown wingtips.

"Joseph," she said as he walked out the door, "do you have a second?"

"Uhh… sure," he said, a bit puzzled why she would want anything else from him on a Friday night.

"Come take a seat," she told him, "and go ahead and shut the door." She reached for a key that unlocked her filing cabinet and revealed a bottle of Talisker 21 and two rocks glasses. She poured them both a drink as he sat, and she leaned back in her chair.

"Tell me, Joseph," she said, "What do you think of this place?"

"I love it," he said, "the experience is amazing and I feel like I'm learning a lot of new things." She expected nothing more than a textbook answer. She leaned back in her chair, and unbuttoned the top button of her blouse with her free hand. Their eyes were locked, and she could feel his nervousness inch up with her movement. It was exactly what she wanted.

"What do you think of me?" she asked, as she reached behind her head and pulled the clip holding up her hair. His eyes widened as she ruffled it through her fingers and let it fall on her shoulders.

"Well… what do you mean?" he said, unsure how to answer, realizing that this wasn't a situation they prepared him for in law school. "I mean," she said as she stood up from her chair, revealing her tone and tanned thighs below her skirt, hiked up from sitting down. She walked around the desk and leaned on it right in front of him.

"What…" She unbuttoned another button, "do you…" another button came undone, "think…" she releases the final button and her stomach lays bare between them, "of me?" As he continued to stare at her, baffled at the situation, she reached behind her and unclasped her bra. It hung off her shoulders as she heard his breath began to get heavier.

"Uhh…" he said, "Taylor i think i should go." He puts down his drink and as he stands, she grabs his hand and thrusts it up her skirt. She feels his fingers start to cares her wet, barren pussy through her panties. He looked at his hand in shock, and when he looked up he was confronted with her mouth, which she pressed onto his and began to kiss him. As she did this, he slowly pushed her panties aside and started to rub her clit. He started slowly, and in small circles. While he did so, she reached down and un-notched his belt, unbuttoned his slacks and let them fall to the floor. For a moment she was struck by the radiating feeling through her body. As if telepathically, he plunged his middle and ring finger, slowly into her warm, wet pussy, and she felt his fingers as they went further and further into her abyss. With her fingers digging into his back, she felt him circles inside of her, touching as much as he could. He then bent his fingers slightly and started moving them in, and out, back and fourth, pushing upwards as he did so. Through this motion, she felt waves of pleasure as he hit her g-spot over and over again. He pulled away from her mouth and turned his hand with the palm facing upwards. With his fingers cocked in the trigger position, he began to pull his hand upwards, striking her g-spot over and over again. It started slowly, as Taylor felt a new pleasure that she had never felt before. She fought her body from uncontrollably convulsing, as she could immediately tell that the orgasm she was building to would be enormous – likely bigger than any she had had before. His hand got faster and faster, and she focused on the feeling of his fingers inside of her ramming continuously into her g-spot. The tension inside of her grew as she felt her orgasm coming. She fought back screams as she finally let it overtake her, exploding in pleasure and letting every muscle in her body release it's tension. As she did this, she felt something new. As she reached her climax, she felt a stream of her own juices eject from her engourged, red pussy, covering her inner thighs and landing on his slacks. She looked up at him and immediately realized that it did nothing but intensify the pleasure of the entire situation, and before she could start constructing even how it happened, he slid his cock from his boxer-briefs and pushed it into her pussy.

She felt it's girth fill her as he slowly started moving back and fourth. She watched as he started licking his hand that was now covered in her juices. With his other hand, he reached over and squeezed her nipple and lifted it from her breast. The pleasure she felt from his cock moving back and fourth inside of her combined with the pain of her nipple getting pulled almost put her over the edge again, but she resisted. Instead she focused on the massive girth of his cock and the way it perfectly rounded out the inside walls of her pussy.

She wanted him to turn her over, so she pulled out and before letting him start fucking her again, she fell to her knees and quickly slid his cock into her mouth. She sucked it hard, and watched as he gripped her desk. She began to rub her clit as she did so, and felt herself getting lost in complete pleasure. She loved tasting herself on someone else's cock, and loved the way she could play with herself while doing so. She plunged his cock deeper and deeper into her throat, fitting the entire shaft past her teeth. She pulled back slowly, almost choking as his cock was bigger than she had expected, and with her spit as lube, rubbed his cock with her hand as she looked up at him.

He reached down and pulled her up by the arms. After quickly spinning her around, he bent her over and again, pushed himself inside of her. This time, she felt him get much deeper, and he started pounding her almost immediately. She was so turned on by the sound of her ass slapping against his thighs, than when he suddenly slapped her and she felt her ass bounce, she was nearly forced into another orgasm. She held back until he did it again, and again, and again, until suddenly she take it anymore, and felt herself overtaken by orgasmic pleasure, feeling herself dripping again has he continued to fuck her, faster and faster, harder and harder. His breathing grew heavier, and he began to shallowly grunt. Nothing felt better to her than his cock pounding her cervix in the way that it was. She was in absolute ecstasy and was shocked at the way she almost came again when she felt him jam in cock deep inside of her and hold it there, as his body quivered and she felt his hot load explode deep inside of her. He stood frozen, gasping for breath as she slowly slid his cock from inside of her pussy and collapsed back down into her chair. She turned around and faced him, and with her knees slightly bent, began pushing his cum from her pussy and into her hand. As it fell from inside of her, she licked it up, loving the way it tasted as it fell down her throat.


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