Anya and Michael (F-dom, first chapter, constructive crit wanted.)


Hearing his phone buzzing against the coffee table in the other room sent Michael's heart racing. "Four short bursts" was reserved for her, the urgency of the ringer matching how important it was to get to the phone quickly. Bzzzt-Bzzzt- "Hello Mistress Anya," Michael gasped, snatching the phone up and holding it out so she can see his face. Her eyebrows were furrowed on the other end of the video call, narrowing her dazzling green eyes.

"And what took you so long to answer?" Her pink lips pursed thin and tight waiting for a reply.

"I was in the other room cleaning, I left my phone on the table by mistake," Michael quickly added, "Mistress."

"Oh? Is that so?" She raised a brow skeptically on screen. "I think you might have been up to something else. I know you've got trouble keeping your hands off yourself when left alone." She smirked devilishly to herself with this last comment.

"No, Mistress."

"Prove it."

Michael took a deep breath. Anya often gave this order, he pulled down his black sweat pants letting them drop to his ankles and held the phone at waist level so Anya could inspect his member for signs of "foul play." He was rarely disobeying orders when asked to stand for inspection, yet he found the inspection itself quite arousing, which often led to punishment when he grew turned on before her gaze.

"Turn left, now right," Anya's voice came through the phone as she theatrically squinted her eyes and cocked her head side to side, her silky red hair sweeping with her movements. "Lift."

The last order did it. It had been weeks since she'd last let him cum, and as he lightly grasped his shaft it began to grow.

"Aha! Just as I suspected." Anya's smirk grew as Michael's member swelled in his hand. "Looks like you need some more training."

"Yes, Anya-"

"Excuse me?"

"Yes Mistress Anya." He swore at himself in his mind for the mistake.

"I thought so. Now go to the toy drawer, and fetch ten clothes pins."

Michael, now rock hard from the light stimulation, hurried across the living room to the bedroom of the apartment, his stiff cock bobbing ahead like a divining rod. Anya's voice hurried him along as he held the phone out for her to watch as he made his way. "Come on now, hurry up." He hurried through the door and around the large neatly made bed before crouching in front of their toy drawer. He held the phone with the camera aimed ahead so she could watch as he opened the toy drawer and began to sort through its contents.

"You'll have to organize that today," she commented. The drawer, heavily used the past week, was crowded with their materials. Dildos, plugs, cuffs and clamps of all varieties mixed together in their pleasure chest. "Count with me."

One, two, three… Michael picked wooden clothespins from amongst the mix of items. Four, five, six… His heart began to speed once more as he laid the clothespins in a line on the bed for Anya to see. His member pulsed between his legs, warm with anticipation for his Mistress' punishment. Seven, eight, nine… Rummaging through their drawer for the last pin he thought back to the hours they'd spent with these tools since he met her not long before. Laying on his back, wrists and ankles held tight to the bed posts as she ground her warm, wet mound over his eager tongue. Or on his knees as she eased a plug inside of his tight hole, training him for something larger.

"Ten! Very good. Now please stand at attention and give me a good view." Michael pulled a pillow to the middle of the bed and propped the phone against it. From the screen she smiled and looked him over. He stood straight and tall at the side of his bed, hands clasped behind the small of his back, flexing the muscles of his chest and abs to give her the view he knew she enjoyed. His eager hardness now slightly wet with precum jut from his body and hovered over the pins.

"I'll do the counting now, you just follow the instructions. One. Left nipple." Michael took the first large pin from the row, squeezing it open and pinched around his pink areola. With a stinging, sweet sensation the pin closed tight around his sensitive skin and a tingle ran through him. "Two, right nipple." Picking up the next pin he let it close around his other nipple, the same stinging, sweet sensation growing slightly from the last.

"Now let's make sure they're tight! Show me." Anya smiled from the phone as he reached up with both hands to pinch the pin ends tighter against his nipples. The quick pain sent more tingling sensation through the soft skin of his nipples into his chest, and faintly down into his loins, causing his stiffness to twitch slightly. A light moan escaped his lips. Leaning forward with his hands on the bed to give the camera a better view, he lightly shook his chest from side to side, swinging the pins like pendulums. Painful pleasure sparked in his soft skin as they swung, and Anya's eyes followed their path as she nodded approvingly.

"Three." her voice broke Michael out of his motion. "Between your balls now." He picked up the next clothes pin and straightened up. His hard cock bulged eagerly in his hand as he gripped it to move it out of the way, but he tried to put it out of mind and focus on his task for Anya. As another drip of precum oozed from his swollen crimson cock head, he slid the next clothes pin over the smooth shaved skin of his sack. His balls parted and a bittersweet pinch sent sensations of titillation and pain through his groin, his hips bucking slightly with surprise and anticipation. He thrust his pelvis forward to give Anya a better view. "Fourth, just above that, at the base of your shaft, and fifth and sixth on each side of those tight orbs."

Michael complied quickly, his breaths quickening as the pinching pleasure ran from point to point, pin to pin. With each movement and each pin added, the sensations became stronger. He could feel the backlog of unreleased pleasure in his loins swelling and pulsing with every new jet of sensation through his body. His now reddening nipples stung between the wood of the pins and hardened in pleasure. As he added pins four, five and six to his swollen cock and balls he felt them jump and twitch involuntarily, volleying pleasure from his pelvis to chest and back.

"Seven and eight can accompany one and two on your nipples now, Michael." Came the order from his phone. Anya was quite enjoying his punishment today, smiling happily as he pinched his tender skin, looking coyly satisfied as he twitched with excitement for her inspections. Michael added two more clothespins to what was left exposed of his nipples, which were now red like cherries and were beginning to grow sore from their tweaking. He pinched the skin around them to give the pins more surface to grip.

The soreness was beginning to outweigh the pleasure Michael felt, but it was a welcome, therapeutic pain. Each pinch and pull lit up Anya's eyes on screen, and he found himself more aroused as he watched her grin with satisfaction when he completed her orders. It felt comforting to him to give in and carry out her instructions, and he knew with every step he gave over to her he was working toward a reward of his own. "Well," Anya began from her digital vantage. She was nibbling lightly on a pen as she thought, a small touch she knew drove Michael wild, and he stood rapt at attention, "for number nine we'll head back below the belt. You can place that one over the tip, we don't want you making more of a mess."

Her eyes pointed down to Michaels member, crimson in excitement and now dripping with a thick drop of precum, a small puddle of which had gathered on the bed sheets in a damp oval before him. Michael brought the ninth clothespin to squeeze tight on his cock head, wondering what she had in store for his final placement. His rod pulsed deeply as the pin slid tightly around his tip, sending another mixed wave of electric pleasure and shivers through his body. Anya was quiet as she watched him squirm in growing pain and shooting pleasure. "Where next?" Michael though, trying to keep standing straight at attention for Anya's gaze. As stings and soothing ecstasy mingled in the tight grasp of the pins he took in deep breaths of anticipation.

"Well," Anya began again, "it would seem we're out of space for the moment. Toss that one back in the drawer." Michael let out a sigh of relief and grabbed the pin to return it to the drawer. He hoped this meant that his punishment was over, and was soon to be replaced with the pleasure of reward and release.

Michael bent to return the last pin to the drawer, gazing once more at the objects his Mistress had at her disposal. Each one put him under her control in its own way. "Now," Michael jumped back to attention as Anya snapped at him from the phone, her voice growing more stern and commanding than it had been, "because I'm not there to test that you did everything to my satisfaction you're going to have to demonstrate for me. You'll do twenty jumping jacks, and you'd better hope those pins stay put."

Michael gulped as he met her gaze on screen. With a deep breath he got into position and began his jumping jacks, Anya counting out loud for him. As he hopped and waved for her watchful eyes the movements sent the clothespins shaking at the end of his flesh, each motion sending them flailing wildly, pinching and pulling at his skin. His cock had now shrunk between hard and flaccid from the building dull pain of the pins and swung and shook about as he moved, pulling his aching balls, and all the pins, with it. He had just passed the count of eleven when he felt some pins begin to loosen. He drew in deep breaths and hoped they'd hold out. At the count of fourteen the two he'd added two the sides of his nipples fell to the floor with a pinch and a clatter. Michael kept going, hoping for the best. He counted along in his head, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen -just as he thought he had made it, the pin at the tip of his now soft member slipped off with a pinch. The motion of the jumping jacks and his flopping dick flung it forward. With a light clack it collided with the screen of his phone, where Anya watched on sternly. When finished he returned to attention to catch his breath and waited nervously for her response. She sat quiet, building the tension for him as she nibbled a pen and thought. After several beats, "It seems you're going to have quite the day in store. Clean the apartment. Wait for my next call."

The video feed disconnected and Michael was left alone at the side of the bed. Slowly he removed the remaining clothes pins and placed them in order back on the bed. Each brought a sigh of relief as it was pulled away, yet also a sense of longing to remain under her thumb, carrying her orders to fruition and her pleasure. He gathered the remaining pins and knelt down to the drawer. Removing the toys he began to reorganize them by type and size. The small slim plug which she had used to introduce him to playing with his ass was followed by those she'd introduced in succession. Each one brought him new sensations of pleasure and fullness during their play, wrapping him tighter and tighter around her skilled fingers. The clothespins were arranged neatly with the other assorted clamps and cuffs kept in the drawer, pinchers and binders belonged together he thought. The mistress' vibrators and dildos were then arranged by size and function. So far these had only been for Anya's use, but Michael wondered if she'd soon be penetrating him with them as well. He allowed himself to dwell on this fantasy for a moment before closing the door. He imagined being taken by her from behind with one of her largest cocks, laying beneath her weight as she enveloped him in servile pleasure. His cock grew once more at this fantasy, but he new better than to give in to its yearning.
