Aye Captain [group]

The salt from the sea stung my eyes as I laid out on the wooden rack in the center of the deck. Your crew had stripped me down to a cotton shift, and tied me down to the rack. Leather straps held my arms apart, making sure I had to lean on it. My bosom was pushed to the top of the shift as I was sprawled out. My legs were tethered apart as well, exposing my arse and cunt for those who surrounded me. Every so often a crew member would come by, prick in hand, and grope my tit or finger my slit. They weren't allowed to much more. Because I was promised to you, and only you.

I should have known that you had something up your sleeve. Didn't realize it was a trap before I was already neck deep. Didn't have a crew of my own to help. Just a eager little wench that dreamt of adventures unknown. Now, I could hear her as your crew took her one by one. Luckily for her, she enjoyed a good fucking like most men. But that wasn't her only taste, you would know that. You caught us in the middle of the act when you seized us, her head between my legs as I had reached my climax. Now she was sucking cock as she had each hole filled, moaning like a mynx in heat. Unfortunately the sounds of it was making me wet and my nipples hard.

You finally came out of your cabin, half dressed and a flog on your hip. A large velvet bag in your hand made rattling noises and clanked when you dropped it next to me. Your hand came up my arse, smoothing it out and fingering my hole softly. A soft moan escaped my lips and you chuckled. Realizing what was making me wet already you had two crew men bring her around to where I could see them. She was stark naked, and greedily sucking a cock when they put her on her knees again. The second man came from behind her and resumed fucking her from behind. He pawed at her tits and fingered her clit. By the sound of her moaning she was close. How I could smell her from where I layed. Caught up in the scene I didn't realize the flog was in your hand until you hit my arse with it. I gasped as the sting turned to heat, and my cunt got wetter. With each strike I moaned louder, wishing I had something to run over my sensitive clit or erect nipples. My arse felt red hot when you put down the flog. I was a stroke away from climaxing. The bag you brought with you shifted as you reached in, pulling an item I could not see.

Circling to the front of me you ripped the shift off my breasts. Pinching the nipple and rolling them between your fingers, you knelt down and began sucking on one. The feel of your rough warm tongue on my skin pushed me over the edge. Moving to the other nipple, you put a small clamp on the one you just left. My breath hitched as I cursed you. The heat gathering in between my legs again. After you left the other breast, another clasp was secured on to the nipple. A small chain hung between the two clamps, so when you gave it a small tug electricity ran through my body to my pussy. My attention went back to the wench as you disappeared behind me. More had joined her, and she was now sandwiched between two men. They each claimed there own hole as one sucked with need on her breasts. Her mouth alternated between two other cocks in front of her. She was still moaning and writhing with the men with great stamina.

Your hand grasped my ass as the head of your prick bump along my back. Feeling you stroke yourself, I tried to push toward you and got nowhere. A sudden thrust you were inside me. Your long hard cock squeezing through my tight wet pussy. The long stroke pushed me to another release, but I couldn't rest or get comfortable before you began pounding into me. My eyes closed shut as the ecstasy spread through my body. Although I couldn't see them, I could still hear her and the men around us. A small tongue flicked over my clasped nipples and my eyes shot open. Her head next to my bosom and mouth over a nipple, the wench was bent before me. Your first mate had her hips grasped as he fuck her, pushing her onto my nipple and pulling her back with it in her mouth. My moans quickened, pressure building, and it all stopped. My body was on the brink of an orgasm, but you had stopped to retrieve that damn bag again. Anticipation, frustration, and need engulfed my body. She crawled under the rack I was being supported by, stopping just before my clit. Something smooth, polished, and wood pressed between my lips. A wooden phallic device was pushed into my pussy. It seemed to be hollow with weights in it, rocking when I moved. Her tongue began lapping at my clit, so sensitive and wet. I came when you entered my ass. My body seemed to rock, wave after wave, of ecstasy as you began to slowly move within my tight hole. A man had moved under her, licking her cunt as she licked me. Her and I came again, both of us dripping wet but wanting the next release. You finally came into my ass, your cock pulsing as hot seed spilled. Her and my moans became louder, and you were still hard in my ass.

You pulled both your cock and phallic device out and pulled her out from under me. I heard leather straps, a soft moan, and then felt the wooden phallic enter me. The harness and device was strapped on the wench. She moaned as you took her ass, thrusting into me. A cock came close to my face, and it smelled like her. Taking it in my mouth I sucked hungrily wanting the taste of her. This time I came first, the orgasm draining my body. Your first mate shot his liquid down my throat as he held my head and fucked my mouth. I heard the two of you come together. She laid down on my exposed back, breathing heavily. I was finally released as you went back to your cabin to clean up. We both were lead to a bath, where her and I washed each other for supper.

We were both given a slinky dress, small phallic device, and a wicked smile from the cabin boy. Figuring we were desert, we decided to rest before summoned… Again.



Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2sjk1v/aye_captain_group