Now She’s in Trouble [Fsub, Mdom, huml, blkmail]

Daniela Novak is pushed up hard against a dirty backstreet wall. Her arms are handcuffed behind her, resting against her pert little backside. I’ve stripped her down to a leather corset and black knickers. She’s uncomfortable, but things are about to get a lot worse.

I’m in Slovenia, investigating a corrupt politician rumoured to be working with the Russians. But he’s proving impossible to track. He’s a master of evasion, and I’m having no luck getting close to him. So this is plan B.

I make contact with Daniela Novak, his personal secretary earlier this evening, following her to her well-kept apartment after work. Answering the door in her formal pinstripe work suit, long legs extending from a dark grey skirt above the knee, I try to interrogate her on the spot. But she’s a stubborn woman, won’t say a word. She’s too upstanding to be coerced into giving away secrets about her boss. But even the most loyal servants can be broken.

Before she can call the police, I snatch her, bundling her downstairs into my waiting car. I handcuff her arms behind her and make her lie down across the backseat. I drive to the little rented apartment I’m staying at.

Inside I make her stand in front of me in her formal work suit, hands tied behind her. She turns her head away. I try to coerce her into talking again, now in unfamiliar and uncomfortable surroundings. But she’s remaining tight lipped. She won’t agree to cooperate with British Secret Services, to pass on information about her corrupt boss. If anything, she’s getting defensive. So I step it up a gear.

I unlock her handcuffs behind her back and tell her she’s going nowhere. The doors are locked; she doesn’t want to test me. Now I make this respectable secretary feel very uncomfortable.

I order her to remove her suit jacket, reminding her she doesn’t want to test me. Reluctantly, and worriedly, she does what she’s told. Now she’s standing there in her tight white work shirt and above-the-knee skirt, her long legs in high heels. I can see her plain white bra through her shirt. This is a girl who dresses as serious and sensible as she behaves.

Next I order her to fully unbutton her shirt. Her initial defensiveness now turns to anxiety. Despite her sexy body, she comes across as someone who never undresses in front of a man. And this is a very uncomfortable thing to do. Reluctantly she slowly undoes each button on her tight work shirt until, eventually, it pops apart exposing her busty chest and plain white bra. She stands there looking to one side, her long brown hair partly covering her face. I get her to brush it back so she can see what’s happening.

Then it’s time for the skirt. Unzipping the back and bending forward slightly, she slides it down to the floor, revealing matching plain white panties. She crosses her legs with discomfort. Then it’s time for the master plan.

I order this serious and sensible girl to change into a tight leather corset and sexy black knickers, laced at the front. It’s a kinky costume she’d never dream of wearing normally. She can use the bathroom to change.

When she returns obediently to the living room I put the cuffs back on. And in the middle of the night, I lead her downstairs into a dirty back alley alongside my apartment block. Now things will get really uncomfortable.

In the cold dark alleyway, I press her up against the dirty wall, her hands cuffed behind her back. She’s shivering in the tight black corset and little black knickers, her long legs totally exposed, her pert backside facing me. She has no idea what I’m going to do.

Reaching into my satchel, I produce a camera. And I ask her to turn around. Seeing the camera brings a look of utter distress to this sensible secretary, now dressed up sexier than she’s probably ever been. Everyone is probably so used to her formal suits and tightly crossed legs, to see her like this would shatter her good-girl reputation.

Facing me, I ask her to crouch down, back against the wall, hands tied behind her back, and spread her legs wide apart. Slowly she does as she’s told, hating every minute. Now this sensible secretary is crouched down against a dirty backstreet wall, wearing kinky leather corset and sexy black knickers. Her long legs are spread wide apart, her high heels dusty. Everything is exposed.

I put the camera up to my eye, poised to take a photo of her in this extremely compromising position. And at that point, she finally breaks, says there may be something she can offer about her boss. Good job too, as I didn’t have any memory card in the camera, and would never have actually taken a real photo. But the deception worked.


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