Reserved guy and confident mature – part 1 [mF]

Hello, this is my first time writing an erotic story. Tell me what you think!

This is part one of my encounters with Ms Hart, next-door neighbor to my parents. These happened while I had come home after graduating from college. It all started when I was getting bored at home and decided to join her for a boat ride.

"So do you have a girlfriend from college?"

"No, Ms Hart."

"That's alright. You're moving to a big city for work. I'm sure you'll meet a lot of young ladies."

"Uhm…yeah, I guess."

"You don't seem very excited about that."

"Uh, I…I don't usually feel attracted to women my age. I'm not sure why that is". I immediately felt a sting of self-consciousness at having blurted out this personal information. I don't know why I said this. I averted my gaze.

She waited for a while before speaking. "Look, Andrew, you're a wonderful young man who is just getting started with exploring life and himself. Sometimes people want different things than what is expected of them, and that's quite alright."

"Thanks, Ms Hart."

"You can call me, Rachel.", she said with a smile.

I just gave her a close-lipped smile.

She removed her sandals and rested her legs next to me on my seat. She leaned back to support herself with her hands. "Isn't it a lovely day!", she tilted her head to the side, inhaled deeply and let out an 'Ah' of satisfaction. Letting her head drop back a little, she gazed at the clouds for a bit before closing her eyes and soaking the sun. She had a smile on her face, and was humming a tune. The boat was gently rocking with the waves, and her calf would sometimes graze the side of my thigh or her toes would brush against my forearm. I kept stealing glances at her. Her brown colored hair flirting with the wind, her meaty upper arms, smooth skin, ample bosom, and shapely and firm calves. She slid her legs close to me and pressed her calf against my thigh, while wearing a smug smile on her face. I felt this upsurge of lust in me. There was this pulsating warm glow in my loins, expanding every moment and flooding to the rest of my body. I could feel my breath quicken, and my heart go ape-shit. My mouth went dry. My head rushed as I let myself sink deeper into these sensations. There was very little of the usual thinking man left in me. My instincts were taking over. Whatever thoughts I tried to formulate were getting shredded into ribbons. My experience was a bombardment of sensations too quick for my mind to process into a coherent whole. I wanted to lunge at her and reduce the two of us into a ball of animal energy. I imagined us writhing wildly, being completely consumed by our instincts. I was anxious, torn between my lusty instincts and my cautious mind. Between taking charge and holding me back. I struggled to keep my balance as my body started shivering. I tensed up my muscles and clutched hard at the oars. I inhaled deeply and exhaled through my mouth to gain composure. The cold breeze was nipping at my red searing ears. I decided to head back.

"Ms Hart? Ahem. Ms Hart?"

She woke up from her reverie, looking relaxed and happy."Hi?"

"I think we should head back now."

"OK, let's go."

I started to row, and the excess energy was now being put into physical work, calming me down. We're back to the dock behind her house in about half an hour. I secured the boat before helping her out.

"Thanks for the lovely boat ride, Andrew. See you soon."

"You're welcome, Ms Hart."


"Ah, yes. Rachel. Bye."

I was my parents' house in 5 minutes.
