Soapy Blonde on the Bed [Fsub, Mdom, hotel, soap]

Hanna Tamm lies on my hotel bed, arms above her blonde head, white lacy blouse held loosely together by a silk belt, covering her fit tanned body. Her long legs are crossed, her private area concealed by little white knickers decorated with a pink ribbon. She looks the epitome of innocence.

But innocent she is not. By day she works in the accounting department of a large Estonian finance company, analysing numbers in tight skirts and white shirts, occasionally letting her boss get a glimpse of a red lacy bra when she bends down. But it’s all a game. By night she stays late, when everyone’s gone home, creeping round her boss’s office stealing valuable information.

MI6 believes her boss is helping finance Russian spies in London, a front man for the KGB still operating incognito in Estonia. She’s been passing secrets to us for just over a year now, since I recruited her in Tallinn. My choice to use her was partly based on her willingness to break the rules, and the fact that when I first made contact with her, her little white skirt was so thin, I could see her pink thong underneath. And she liked the attention.

We meet this morning in my 5* hotel, relaxing by the glistening blue pool where she updates me on progress face to face. Things are going well, and so far no one at her office suspects a thing. I tell her to keep up the good work, but don’t get complacent. We agree to meet for drinks in the bar later. I can tell she’s interested, but too shy to make a move, too upstanding. Before going back to my room to write up the report for London, I work out for an hour in the hotel gym, feeling pretty ripped by the end.

Later that evening in the bar, a bottle of Champagne later, things are hotting up. She’s wearing a tiny red skirt, her long bronze legs crossed. As she sits opposite me on a stool, her high heels touching the floor, I can see her little white panties up her skirt. Despite her coy personality, I can tell she’s impressed by my solid chest packed into a black Armani shirt, top buttons undone. And every time I get up to order a drink, she catches a scent of Acqua Di Parma.

Fast forward two hours of tipsy flirting, intertwined with spy talk, and we’re in my hotel room. Her little red skirt lies crumpled on the floor, high heels left at the door. Now she’s in a lacy blouse, barely held together by a silk belt, lying back on my bed, waiting. Still maintaining her respectability, her long bronze legs are crossed, her tiny white knickers covering her private area.

I sit down on the bed next to her, shirt off, muscles pumped from my workout earlier. And slowly I undo the silk belt holding her blouse together. The sides fall by her waist, exposing her pert breasts, nipples like bullets. Then I turn her over, her ass sticking up, and tie her hands behind her back using the silk belt. I make sure the knot is tight. Then I turn her back over, letting her lie there for a while bound up.

I return from the hotel bathroom with a bar of soap and I place it on her flat stomach. She closes her eyes. Then from the minibar I pick out a bottle of ice cold water. She flinches and squirms as I pour the cold water down her slim body, letting it trickle down her neck, between her breasts and onto her white knickers. She wriggles, but her hands are still tied behind her back. Then I begin massaging the soap bar across her body, starting at her neck, then across her little pert breasts. I rub the soap into her flat stomach and navel, close to the top of her knickers. Her body is tense.

Then I open the top of her white knickers and let the soap bar slide down into them. I pour more iced water down her stomach, but this time keeping her panties held open so it trickles down into her private area. She tries to close her legs tight, but I hold them apart, letting the water down.

Then I put my hand down her pants, on top of the soap bar, and massage it around, holding her legs apart. Her head turns to one side, covered by blonde hair. She breathes quickly, squirming but secretly enjoying it.

After she’s covered in soap, lacy blouse undone, breasts exposed, I turn her over, hands still tied behind her back. Then I slide her over the edge of the bed so her knees are on the floor, bending over the mattress. With both hands, I pull her tight white knickers down past her thighs to her knees. She rests her head to one side. Then I enter.


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