Cinema Fun [M][F]

I’ve never done something like this before, my heart is pounding, I’m so nervous. We had been talking online for several months, we had agreed it would never be more than a friendship as we had both recently gotten out of a long term relationship and weren’t interested. Over time our online interactions became so much more erotic and desirable that we decided to meet in person. We had both been wanting to see a new movie so we agreed to meet in the car park behind the cinemas.

Annie, just thinking about her makes my heart race. I have a hard time believe she’s the same person I talk to online. How could a gorgeous, sensual, amazing person be single after so many months? I began worry when I got here that she wasn’t going to show, despite her assurances that she would, and that she would have a surprise, I still however compulsively checked my phone for that dreaded message.

I waited no longer than 15 minutes before another car showed, and I was hoping to hell it was her, the suspense was killing me. I’ve seen online pictures of her, but never in the flesh. She steps out of the car and my god, she’s sexy as hell. Her long brown hair, falling gracefully down her back, with a fringe just above her eyebrows, wearing the tightest white shirt I have ever seen, showing off her cleavage to tease and tantalize, and black mini skirt finishing mid-thigh, and to finish it all off sheer lace stocking that finished a few inches before the skirt starts, to let the mind wonder at the part of skin exposed. With a small amount of jewellery, she was sex on a stick. I still can’t believe she’s single

Surely she wouldn’t never find me as attractive in real life as she does over the key board. I haven’t even talked to her and I’m already imagining all the things I want to do to her behind closed doors. “Hi. Are you Justin?” hearing her speak my name sends my mind on a frenzy, lust and desire fuelled by months of flirting, teasing and dirty talk threatened to overwhelm me, she sounds so much cuter in person that in my head. “Yeah. Ah. Hi. Annie, you look amazing! You ready?” she giggles and blushes. I know a few other things that would make her blush “Yeah, let’s go”.

As we make our way there she says "I’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time," as I gazed down into her eyes. ”So have I”. My body was buzzing being this close to her. I could even see her hair stir in the slight draft of the breeze. So close all I had to do was wrap my arms around her and kiss her…but we promised we would restrain ourselves, this being our first official date.

We arrive at the cinemas and headed towards the ticket booth, she steps in front to go first, so I take a moment to appreciate the curves of her body. The way her shoulders narrowed down to her waist, her round hips and rounder ass, the skirt stretched a bit tighter as she bends over the counter to make her purchase, my mind begins to wonder, as I study her arse, I have a small suspicion she isn’t wearing any panties, as I see no outline of them through the stretched skirt. We make our way to the designated cinema number. There’s no one else here, she wonders straight for the back seat, and gets comfortable.

Halfway through the movie she leans across and settles her head against my shoulder, I slide my arm around the back of her neck resting my forearm on her shoulder, she grabs that hand and holds it and she snuggles in closer. I turn towards her and you could see the want in each other’s eyes. With months and months of lust and desire building between us our lips met and desire sweeps through us. Her hands reached for me, pulling me closer, my tongue swirling with hers as we’d described so many times before. I let go long enough to pick her up and place her on my lap, legs spread wide as she straddles my legs. She reaches down and begins to tease my cock through my jeans while my hands couldn’t help but explore her body, feeling her soft skin against the palms of my hand, the sensation is so much more than I had previously dreamed of. Suddenly she takes one of my hands and puts it between her legs, she’s not wearing any panties.” Surprise” she whispers and she pulls away from our embrace. “This is the best surprise ever” I say with a grin. Holy fuck, with my hands on her hips I pull her towards me and our lips meet once more. She came here wanting this, she knew this was going to happen, I was in shock, and yet it made me feel so much more turned on than ever before. She begins fumbling with my belt buckle and undoes my zipper and frees my beast from its cage and begins stroking it with her soft hands, all the hairs of my body stand on end I let out a groan at the sensation. She once more moves one of my hand down, I start by tracing the lines of her stocking to tease and tantalise the skin as I head towards her pussy. I reach my destination, her pussy is so wet, slick with readiness. I begin teasing her, stroking her up and down, around her clit, she becomes ever more turned on than before, she whimpers and bites her limp so as to not make a sound, and our lips meet once more to silence her moans. I slide one finger in her soaked pussy, then another, I match her rhythm as she’s stroking my cock, in and out, up and down. She begins to grind her hips against my hand, and moans into my lips as our tongues intertwine, wanting more than I can give her with just my fingers. Her body begins to shake with the impending orgasm, building as I move my fingers, stroking the inside of her pussy. “Stop” she says breathless “I want you inside me, now”

“I’ve been waiting for this to happen for some time now” she says as I lift her off my lap and make her sit on top of the chair, resting her legs on the armrests. Our lips meet more hurriedly than before both wanting what coming next. I begin slowly sliding my hands down her body, starting with her neck, over her breast, she arches her back, an unspoken invitation to suckle, I tease her nipple with my tongue swirling it around and around, the other nipple with my hand, rolling it between my thumb and finger, then sliding my hands down to her waist and hips, finally settling between her thighs, drawing her skirt to settle it around her waist, revealing a cleaned shaved pussy “ Just for me, you shouldn’t have”. Already panting with lust and desire, wanting more than just a tease, wanting more than I’m willing to give right now.

I lean forward and begin trailing kisses from her ankles up to her calves, slowly to her knees, and even more slowly to the flesh between her skirt and her lace stockings, teasing her all the way, making her want more than she already is, I sneak a peek at her, her back arched, head lolling back, hands clutching the back of the seat, as I get closer to my target I can hear small gasps escaping from those perfect lips. “Hurry up already” she says in a moan. I bring my head further up, nearing my target, I look up once more and green eyes meet blue, my lips meet her already soaked pussy, and from there on she has a hard time keeping quiet, letting out louder moans and gasps as I begin to move to tongue around.

I let myself enjoy a few moments of personal pleasure of hearing her load moans and gasps. My mouth working her, sucking, licking, and teasing like a man desperate for drink and her juices life giving water. Her hands were through my hair, nails scratching my scalp, pulling me, urging me to go deep, I wrap my hands around her arse, grapping hold, kneading of her soft skin, pulling her even closer to me. Her body, already beginning to quiver with the approaching orgasm. I begin stroking my cock, turned on by the sight of our coupling, stroking it, matching once again, the rhythm of what I’m doing to her, she begins again grinding her pussy against my mouth, wanting so much more than want I can simply give her with my tongue. She’s so close, I just want to push her over the edge. “No, stop, not yet”. A stab of fear went through me, we’re in public, in a cinema, where other people can walk in at any point, just the thought of being was turning me on more than before. “Justin, I want you in me, I want you to cum in me”. I roughly stand up, helped her off the back of the chair, urging her to turn around and face the back of the chair and hold on to and while kneeling on the seat legs spread apart. Hiking up her start again so it’s sitting around her waist, taking a moment to admire her near perfect shape of her arse, framed by sheer lace stockings, I begin stroking her pussy while she gets comfortable, she hangs her head as pleasure once again washes through her at the feel of my touch.

Arching her back and shifting her hips upwards so as to put her pussy at the perfect angle for my cock to slide in. I press forwards, aligning my cock to meet her soaking wet pussy, hushed moans letting me know I’ve hit the right spot. Sliding my hard cock into her pussy for the first time was overwhelming, so tight and wet. It was sensational. I begin moving, in and out, torturously slow, pleasure only intensifying as I begin to pick up speed, and her grinding her hips back as to meet each thrust. She reaches down and starts vigorously rubbing her clit taking her pleasure to a new level. I reach forward, pushing deeper as I do, hearing gasp at the unexpected thrust, I free one of her breast from its confines and once again being teasing her by playing with her nipple, rolling it with my thumb and finger, bringing her closer to her climax. My cock throbbing inside her, ready for release.

I begin picking up speed, thrusting deeper, harder, each thrust intending to push her over the edge. Her fingers now rapidly stocking her clit. “I’m so close” she says in a groan. Realising the movie is nearing its end, and that we don’t have much time to finish. I start thrusting into her as deep as I can as fast as I can, I can feel her body start to tense and shake with her rapidly approaching orgasm. Her body pulses around my cock, clinging onto it, sucking all my juices out as I release everything I’ve got into her pussy, her biting her lip while she cums so she doesn’t alert anyone to our presence, . As we finish, she turns around taking my face in her hands, fingers still wet with her juices, and kisses me like her life depended on it, and she collapses into the chair, I onto the ground with my head on her lap, her hands gently running through my hair. “That. Was. Amazing” she says between breaths. I look up at her, she’s gazing down at me. “You’re not too bad yourself” I say as I wink at her. The credits begin rolling and the light being fading on. Anne stands up and fixes her skirt so it falls nicely over her round arse, I fix myself up, and stand next to her. I take her hand and we walk out together, not willing to meet anyone’s gaze, so as to not give anything away. We walk to the outside carpark and I escort her to her car.

“Oh, I have something for you”, she fumbles in her handbag for her car keys, opens her car from the driver’s side and leans across to the passenger seat, I take another moment to admire to perfectly shaped arse, and the way the skirt lifts up and almost reveals her pussy, still dripping with my cum. I step forward and caress her cheeks, she giggles “Haven’t you had enough for tonight” I just grin in response. She steps out and hand me her underwear, she must have taken them off just as she stepped out of the car. “Until next time” she says as colour comes to her face, “So there’s going to be a next time?” “I would hope so” she says with a matching grin.

She leans forward and kisses me once more with enough heat to melt a volcano. My hand again roaming over her body. “Actually, I moving into my own place in a couple of weeks, want to come around and check it out” I say, “text me the address”. She steps into her car, starts the engine, and zooms away. I just stand there, reliving all that has happened in my head, this night couldn’t have gone any better, and she wants to see me again. As I walk to my car I take a moment to look at her panties, g-sting black lace, she defiantly has a sexy style about her. Until next time indeed.


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