Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.07: Marcia’s Got It (Part 1)

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< Chapter 6, Part 3

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 7: Marcia's Got It

Lady Jennifer flew into her private dining room as she did earlier this morning, but rather than passing through, she went to her seat at the table. Immediately following her from the parlor was Linda, then Marcia. None of these women showed any evidence of the intense sexual release they had all just experienced. The other girls were all ready seated at the table as they were last night. Linda took the seat Lord Jacob had been in at the opposite end of the table from Lady Jennifer, while Marcia sat next to her mom.

As Marcia looked at the girls seated there, she wondered if they could have heard what had just transpired behind that door.

After Lady Jennifer had sat down she said, "Girls. I want you to meet Linda Quillis, and while she could easily pass for Marcia's older sister, she is in fact her mother."

"Hi." Linda said to the assemblage.

"And yes," Lady Jennifer continued. "She was the woman I know you all heard screaming earlier, not Marcia. Marcia was the one administering the cause of those screams."

'Well,' thought Marcia. 'At least I don't have to wonder whether they heard.'

As if on cue, Roberta Gonzales came in pushing a cart piled high with sandwiches. Immediately following her were the other two ladies from last night that assisted her. They had large pitchers of sweet tea in each hand, and began pouring them into glasses in front of the girls. They all were wearing those French maid uniforms that weren't looking so ridiculous anymore to Marcia. In fact, she was starting to hope she would be in one soon.

Roberta pushed the cart next to Lady Jennifer and told her, "I have tuna on rye, roast beef on sourdough, or turkey on white. Take your pick my Lady."

"I believe I'll have the roast beef," she said as she grabbed one.

Roberta then began pushing the cart back across the table opposite of Marcia, stopping first to Allison Lilly's left. "What would you like?"

"Tuna for me, thanks," replied the studious looking girl with curly auburn hair.

"And you?" said Roberta to Sandra Nelson.

"Thank you. That turkey looks real good," replied the Rubenesque girl with long, wavy blond hair. "It has lots of mayo. Just the way I like it."

Roberta continued down to the left of Becky Phadt. "What will you have?" she asked.

"I'll have the tuna," said the girl with the Middle-East appearance.

"And how about yourself?" she said to Evellyn Robinson.

"I'd like the tuna also," said the beautiful Nubian princess. "Thank you."

Roberta then pushed the cart around behind Linda to her left. "So what would you like, Linda?"

Linda got a big smile on her face. "You, of course," was her reply.

Roberta returned the smile, then leaned down, and kissed Linda with a passionate, yet quick embrace. "So what sandwich would you like?"

"Hmmm," said Linda. "I was thinking about having tuna also, but there is only one left. I leave it in case someone else wants it. My second choice I think will be… …roast beef." Which she helped herself to.

"You're next," said Roberta to Marcia.

"Do I get a kiss also?" Marcia asked.

"Like mother — like daughter," replied Roberta with another big smile. She came around her cart and leaned in to kiss Marcia. As she did, Marcia reached up with her left hand to hold Roberta's head as she kissed her.

She held her there at least 30 seconds, and didn't let go until she heard, "Oh no, Linda! We've created a monster!" Lady Jennifer exclaimed in jest. This actually got a few giggles out of the rest of the girls.

Once she let Roberta stand up, Marcia reached around her and took a sandwich. "I agree with Sandra. That turkey looks great."

After getting herself back together, Robert continued down to the diminutive girl with long straight black hair, Lisa Green. "And what would you care for?"

"I'll have the roast beef too, please," she said. Her hand almost seemed too small to grab such a large sandwich.

"And how about you?" Roberta asked the blond surfer-girl, Alyson Frazier, whom everyone calls Ally.

"I'll have the last tuna," she said. "Thank you for leaving it Mrs. Quillis."

"Call me Linda, Ally," she replied.

Alyson got a bewildered expression on her face, and when Linda understood why, she said. "Yes, I know your name. I know the names of all of you." She said this while looking around the table. "I am the one that advised Lady Jennifer to select each of you."

"In fact, Ally," Lady Jennifer continued. "The person most responsible for you being accepted into this kingdom is Linda. She has been a long time advocate of atheists and liberals being allowed in. Her very strong belief is that we should not judge people by how they choose to label themselves, particularly when they don't understand what that label really means. Making a requirement that everyone joining us sees him or herself as a Christian and a conservative does not serve our kingdom well.

"Which reminds me." Lady Jennifer looked towards Linda. "How did everything go with Chris this morning?"

"It went exactly how I thought it would," Linda began. "Although, Tony almost blew it."

"I know how you feel," said Lady Jennifer. "At least he is willing to try. Jacob isn't sold on this at all. I thought for sure he was going to kick Ally out last night. So you really think Chris will work out?"

"Definitely," continued Linda. "Tony didn't push him to renounce liberalism at all. He just laid out the expectations to him, and Chris took hold of them… and me… quite nicely." They exchanged knowing glances. "Regardless of what he thinks of himself, he's a wonderful asset to this kingdom."

This exchange caught Marcia's attention in a way that surprised her. Who was this man that 'took hold' of her mother? …And why did this bother her so much?

"Mistress Jennifer?" said Evellyn.

"Yes dear?" replied Lady Jennifer.

"While we seem to be on the subject, are there any specific requirements to be in this kingdom?" she asked. "Since nothing can be written down, I am a little confused about what is actually required of me."

"There is only one specific requirement," she said, "but even that's not very specific. Simply said, you must be more of an asset to this kingdom than you are a liability." Lady Jennifer paused for a moment before continuing. "If I were to tell you that you have no say what so ever on whether you are an asset, would you believe that you being one is out of your hands?"

"If I'm required to be an asset, but I can't determine whether I am one, would that not be self-evident, Mistress Jennifer?" she replied.

"It would be if there was no power in being a submissive," Lady Jennifer continued. "Not only is it well within your power to comply with the desires of others to be an asset, more importantly, it is also well within your power to convince others what you believe should be your assets.

"There are a couple of key points to consider with this. First, this is not a male/female thing. Men of this kingdom are also required to be an asset, and they too do not get to decide whether or not they are one. I would even say women have an advantage because there is a natural value to being a woman. Men don't have this. In other words, just being a woman and going with the flow makes you an asset. Men don't have that option. A man must be a dominant to be of value here, and for a dominant, there is no 'going with the flow'."

"The second point is one that liberals get so wrong. They truly see the poor and middle class as powerless, and work so damn hard at convincing all of them of that. Yet in this country… this wonderful and magnificent country… the rich are more at the mercy of the poor than the other way around. There are scores of new wealthy people created every day that got that way by delivering to the poor and middle classes what they desire — rather than just going along with the desires of the wealthy. In the same way, wealthy people are losing that wealth because they are not adapting to the changing economy, and the desires of the majority.

"The same holds true for you. Yes you must conform, but what exactly that conformity is, is within your grasp to influence. Has that made it any clearer?"

"No, Mistress Jennifer," replied Evellyn. "I want you to understand that I am not trying to complain. I'm willing to conform, but conform to what? I'm the kind of person who likes to plan everything out. Uncertainty really makes me nervous. Don't you have any advice at all on what I need to be?"

"Not really," said Lady Jennifer. "We intentionally do not list specific requirements because we want to see what you can think up, so we are not looking for robots. While we want your submission, keep in mind that robots cannot submit because they cannot choose to do so.

"My best advice I can give you is to be attractive. Be the kind of person others are drawn to, and want to be around. Just be beautiful, and you'll be just fine."

"Be beautiful, Mistress Jennifer?" This question came from Evellyn's neighbor, Becky. "Isn't that awfully shallow?"

Part 2 >
