Kidnapped by a Demon, Part 3 [BDSM, cheat]

Note to the readers: Sorry its been so long since I've written. As you all can imagine I've been busy wit the holidays and family from out of town. Anyway, let's continue…

I try to turn away as my fiancee begins to moan again and again while the demon licks and sucks away between her legs but the demon in my cell is holding me too tight for me to do much. I have to watch…

A few more moments pass and her moans start to slow down. I notice that the demon is starting to let up on her. Eventually he stops. "Very, good!" he says as he stands up, wiping his mouth. "I knew that would make you give in to me."

"I didn't give in to you," Court says through gritted teeth. "I just couldn't hold back much longer."

"Because you liked it."

"No I didn't!"

"Ha. I bet. Well either way, let's see how much you like this." The demon approaches her with a huge grin as he reaches up and unchains her from the wall. He presses a button near the chains and a platform rises from the center of the cell floor. The platform is suspiciously sized like a king bed. The demon steps behind her and says, "Lay down."

"What?!" Court says turning back to look at him. "No way!"

"Then I guess I'll have to make you!" the demon grunts as he shoves her forward and pushes her onto the platform. He follows right behind her so in order to keep away from him she climbs up onto it.

I can see that she's looking toward the door so I yell, "Go, babe!" for what little motivation I can give her at this point. She doesn't even make it off the platform though as the demon grabs onto one of her ankles and pulls her back to him.

"No! Steve, help!" she cries as she feels the demon force her legs apart. She turns back to look at him, "Please! Don't!" she begs.

The demon places one hand on her back and pushes her down pinning her on her stomach. Looking at me the demon gives me his biggest smile yet and says, "Now she WILL be mine!" Returning to her he thrusts forward and pushes deep inside causing Court's back to arch against his hand as she lets out a grunt of pain and sorrow as he begins to pump over and over into her.

As she tries to break free the demon pulls her up against him so that her back is pressed to his chest. Laying on his side he turns her toward me so that I am forced to watch her body tremble with every thrust. He wraps his arms around her so that he can grope her breasts while also hold her against him.

I try to get free of my demon but it's no use. There is nothing I can do to save the love of my life from this torment.

"Please stop!" she begs him for what seems like the hundredth time. "Just let us go!"

"You want me to stop?" the demon says between thrusts. "Then give in. Submit to me!"

"Never! I won't give myself to a monster like you!"

"Yes. You. WILL!" The demon says with each thrust. On the last one she lets out a small gasp. "See? You're liking it!"

"No she's not!" I call out. "Leave her alone and let us go!"

"Let her speak for herself!"

"He's right," she tells the demon. "I'm not enjoying this. I never will. My body might want to betray me but my heart still belongs to Steve. You'll never win."

The demon laughs and says, "I love how resistant you are! I will break you but…for now I'm getting tired so I'm going to finish this." Suddenly he starts pumping much faster than before. This catches Court off guard and causes her to let out just a few moans before she regains control of herself. "Just. A few. More…UNNNNGH!"

"No! No stop! Not like this!" Court cries out in shock and horror as she tries her hardest to break free while the demon comes inside of her.

"Too late, my dear," the demon says as he pulls out of her. Standing up he makes his way to the door of the cell. "Don't worry though. We may have compatible parts but our species cannot breed together. It's just more fun to watch you squirm and fight it when I finish inside." He smirks and locks her inside the cell when he leaves. "You will give yourself willingly to me eventually…" Walking down the hall, he leaves us alone.
