Veronika and Rachel: Two Roommate’s Can’t Help Themselves [FF]

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The door was thrown open and Veronika came shooting through it with a stride that would have knocked a man on his back. Her bag hit the floor and her feet the coffee table as she flung herself onto the couch. A long discontented sigh slipped from her mouth, underscoring the peel of leather rolling on and off her skin like glue.

The door slammed shut.

Rachel’s upper body poked out of her bedroom, her eyes quickly shooting down to make sure her tits popped in this shirt. Check. “Trouble at lunch?”

Veronika did not answer for a long moment, her eyes fixed on the roof. Rachel had seen that look before; in waiting rooms, on hospital beds and aside fiery wrecks: it was the unmistakable look of the recently damned. Rachel had asked a patient once what was behind that thousand yard stare. She had responded: nothing but the weight of the world all your expectations had just moved to. This was the slack jawed stare of those with rapidly changing circumstances.


Veronika’s eyes rolled over and the first glimmers of recognition set in. She straightened up a bit and looked her in the eye, as her lip glossed mouth curled up and out. The laughter seeped out first but quickly grew into a bellowed gale. Soon it was rushing out of her, her bony hand slapping the couch cushion and her eyes seizing up in a teary squint.

Rachel gave a simple smile back.

The laughter started to subside and Veronika fell into the sniffles. Her mascara was beginning to run too. Rachel opened her mouth to mention it, thought better and closed her lips again. Finally Veronika said, “We ended things. And I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

Rachel threw her hands up in submission and found an excuse to move closer, hooking her fingers into her little pajama shorts as she did so, letting them naturally ride down just a little past her hips. With the crop top she was wearing she knew she was giving away plenty of bare skin. She picked up the textbook sitting on the coffee table in front of her roommate and smiled, “Well we don’t have to talk, but I can at least keep you company.”

Veronika smiled back, and made room on the couch. As Rachel sat down she noted the fishnet stocking on under her dress. A sexy little surprise Veronika had put on for a man who would never get to enjoy them. For a man that apparently had little interest in enjoying them. Rachel had never been a straight A student, but she was far from dumb: the ‘we’ in ‘we ended things’ had a distinctly masculine bite.

Another sniffle from Veronika.

Rachel put the unopened book down on her lap, and was slightly ashamed of the tingling she was starting to feel down there. Under the cover of the book, she let her hand slip down and trace a path through her shorts, gently teasing around her bare pussy. Through the thin fabric she could feel the beginning glistens of moisture.

Veronika looked up at her, her eyes puffy and beginning to stream again, and Rachel’s maneuvered her hand away from her shorts and over to behind her friend, embracing her in a hug. As much as she may have tried, the feel of Veronika’s body against hers did not help her southern situation. Her boobs, held tight by that dress, were pushing into her now, and not for the first time Rachel noted their size. This was, however, one of the first times she got to really feel how perky they were, how they barely fell at all even when mashed up against her body.

Her groin tingled again and images of their bodies rubbing up against each other, gyrating in an endless pattern of stimulation and response until they exploded together. She thought again of that thousand yard stare, of that other world you could suddenly find yourself in, and thought of yet another; a world of heat and motion she had found herself stumbling into on many a young night.

She could have sworn she heard her friend moan and almost responded in kind, but quickly realized this was just the opening gambit of a protracted sob.

“He…he dumped me.” The words were heavy and spluttered, “After all this time, after everything, he just fucking dumped me over lunch.”

Veronika’s body pressed into her harder, and Rachel thought it best not to notice the drippings of snot she could feel spooling on her neck. She didn’t mind. “Fucking dumped me over a tuna on rye sandwich.” The sob came out like an animal wail, “Tuna on fucking rye.”

Rachel didn’t miss a beat, “Wouldn’t have even bothered you if it was bacon.”

Veronika’s whole body worked up to a shuddering laugh and Rachel could almost feel the pent up energy radiating off her, the anger dissolving into her cackles as she let it fall away. Rachel started to laugh too then, and as the two girls held each other so, their bodies began to rub against each other once more. Rachel found herself continuing it longer, knowing she could always chalk it up to a physical release if she was ever questioned. She was not.

Finally, Veronika separated from her and wiped the tears out of her eyes, running a hand through her brown hair as she did so. Her angular face held a smile now, accentuated well by the way the sunlight glinted off her small silver earrings. She brushed some hair out of her face and looked Rachel in the eye, “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I know this is nothing, just a guy. Nothing compared to the things you have to deal with.” Veronika paused for a moment and Rachel found herself rushing to brush this off, but was slow to the draw, “I don’t know how you do it. The stress, the anxiety. I’m a mess when something doesn’t go my way.” She smiled, “Obviously.”

It was Rachel’s turn to laugh now, “I’m a mess too, more than you know. You just…” She shrugged, “I’ve found ways to cope. Lose myself in things.”

Veronika leaned forward, interested, “Now that…now that’s an idea. I wouldn’t mind losing myself in something right now.”

Rachel’s heart started up.

Veronika turned to the kitchen, “Do we still have that Seagrams? I could lose myself in that right now.”

Rachel’s disappointed frown was momentary, and she hoped her roommate did not notice. She instead forced a smile back on her face, leaned in closer and tried to give Veronika a peek down her crop top, “I didn’t mean booze. I prefer to lose myself in other things.” “Other things?” “Sure.” “Like what?”

The two girls’ lips were inches from each other. Rachel looked her friend up and down slowly, taking in the gorgeous features she had been thinking about for months when she was alone in bed, biting down on her pillow to keep her moans manageable as her hand rubbed her clit. “Like passion.” Veronika didn’t say a word.

“Sometimes when I get back from the hospital, I need to go someplace else. Be someplace else. Just lose myself with someone.” Rachel continued, “You know what I mean?”

“I…I think I do.”

“I just want to step out of the cold and lose myself in the heat of the moment.” Her nipples were starting to get hard now, and she felt her fingers start to twirl around Veronika’s neck, “Feel myself fall into the passion of a night I’ll barely remember.”

Veronika’s mouth was slightly agape, but she did not move away.

Rachel moved even closer to her face and lowered her voice to a whisper, “I’ve found it really helps get rid of all the stress. To lose yourself.” She paused, “With someone you trust.”

Rachel pushed further forward, closed her eyes, and felt her lips push into Veronika’s. She kissed her slowly, moving her whole body into hers, and heard a tiny moan escape her roommate. Rachel’s hands moved down to Veronika’s sides, feeling down her athletic body. For too long of a moment, Veronika’s lips were stiff, and the inherent fear of denial slid down Rachel’s side. Then they responded, and in force, kissing her back, sliding her lips over hers again and again, sniffling back her tears as she realized there was something far more pressing here. Veronika’s hands joined Rachel’s, and a giggle escaped her lips as it moved to her crop-top, stroking one of her boobs.


1 comment

  1. Rachel giggled too, “You can have them you know. If it would make you feel better.” She spoke the words right into the heat of her partner’s mouth. “I think it would.” Their faces came back together, and Rachel found Veronika’s tongue exploring the inside of her mouth, quickly mustering hers to join in a dance. “I’ve never done anything like this.” “I have.” Through the kisses again, growing more rapid and urgent, “Let me show you.” Her fingers gripped Veronika’s dress and she had it up and over her head in seconds, exposing her large boobs to her. Another giggle, and Rachel’s fingers went straight for the bra. Once it had fallen to the floor, she took a minute to take in her roommates chest. It was better than she had ever imagined, and she had imagined plenty. “You like?” Veronika asked, with a smile growing more confident by the minute. Rachel had always found it better to answer with actions than words, and moved in, cupping her tits as she licked and swirled her tongue around them. Veronika moaned above her, and she found her eyes moving down to the little panties she had on under her fishnets. Rachel’s tongue moved up and around her tits, working in tandem with her hands to make Veronika squeal and shudder. “Oh my God…” She started down then, kissing her way down Veronika’s body while she pushed the girl back against the armrest. Her body was relaxed and limber, her hips arcing up towards Rachel’s face as she got closer and closer to what she was sure would be a delicious pussy. Rachel knew she would be expecting her to stop there, probably like her ex-boyfriend, doing only the necessary before plunging in and going to town. She was not her ex-boyfriend. Instead, she kissed down past her panties, into her milky thigh and down, hooking her fingers into them and pulling them down with her tongue. As she kissed down her body, the moans started to build above, her legs twitching as the panties travelled down them. Finally, she peeled them off her feet and threw them to the side, shooting her eyes up. Veronika was biting her lip, looking down at her. There was a thin mound of hair leading right down to her pussy. The sunlight helped illuminate the strands of wetness hanging down from that pussy, and Rachel felt herself start to salivate as she moved her face in. “Oh God…please….” Rachel looked up and smile before the first lick, “I’m going to make you forget that son of a bitch ever existed.”

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