Wife walks in Drunk [MF]

(This is from a dirty writing prompt I posted to. You guys should check out that subreddit. Enjoy! )

"HI BABY!!" screamed Gaby as she waltzed through the front door and hugged Henry. Henry was taken aback by the sudden show of enthusiasm. As she showered him with kisses, he was even more thrown off by the smell of alcohol. "My God Gaby, you're dead drunk! It's the middle of the day for god's sakes. What did you do with your friends?" moaned Henry. Gaby wasn't too good with alcohol. It went to her head and she was liable to run and make mischief like a three year old. They already had one of those, and Henry thought with Andy at his grandma's for the weekend, this weekend might be ….CRASH. Henry rushed into their bedroom to find the desk overturned with all the paraphernalia strewn on the floor. "Gaby that's enough you need to calm down and go to bed" Henry followed the trail of clothes to the shower. He could have also followed the wailing sound, which was Gaby's best impression of Beyonce. But he tried to shut off that sound as much as he could. Gaby was in her red panties and bra, dancing in the running shower. She looked amazing as usual, with her toned stomach. Henry loved her thighs, they looked so delicious. There was no other word to describe them, and she had gotten angry at him more than once for his tendency to bite. But she loved it and he knew it. "Gaby, please stop this right this moment!" pleaded Henry. As soon as she saw him, she grabbed his hands and tried to waltz with him. "Come on baby dance" she crooned, and moved across the floor smoothly. Too fast for Henry though. "Gaby stop you'll get us both killed" moaned Henry. As he feared, he collapsed on his back, dragging Gaby on top of him as well. "Oomph, stay right there" he grabbed her hands to prevent her from standing up. She stared straight down at him with a light in her eyes. "Oooh Henry, why didn't you tell me you wanted to play?", she sounded just like a school girl right now. Henry could feel his arousal rising, but he wasn't so sure of having sex with Gaby while she was intoxicated. They were both pretty wet from the shower right now. Henry wondered if Gaby was wetter than she should be. Amazingly Gaby seemed to read his mind. She sneaked her left hand under her soft silk panties. She brought it out dripping wet, and it definitely wasn't water. She brought it close to his lips. "Lick it", she commanded. Henry obliged. He could feel his hard on poking against his shorts. Gaby adjusted her position on his crotch, pushing down on his hard on. Damn this woman, he thought. She seemed to have gained mind reading abilities with all that drink. "So what shall we do Gaby?", Henry knew very well what he wanted to do to her. He was just curious if she was still in this world. She looked at him like she meant business. Suddenly she grabbed his shirt and tugged at it harshly. "Hey wait..", Henry tried to stop her, but it was too late. She ripped it off and threw it aside. Henry stared at Gaby hungrily, ravenously. He had never seen her like this. He was loving this animal side of her. "I hated that shirt anyway" she said smiling. Her fingers circled his nipples slowly. Water dripped down Gaby's face down her neck, past her now transparent bra and settled down in her panties, mixed with all her other juices. "You're gonna pay for that Gaby" Henry raised his hand and grabbed her neck, slowly tightening his grip. She just laughed and dug into his chest with her sharp fingernails. "Don't make me too angry Gaby" warned Henry. "Oooooh, I wonder how angry baby can get" she crooned, drawing her nails down his chest. That's definitely going to leave a mark, Henry thought to himself. Henry couldn't wait to …'SLAP' Henry looked at her shocked, his left cheek still stinging like crazy. "What was that for?" he hissed. "To make you angry baby", she said laughing, choking every now and then under his grip. Henry growled and grabbed her hips, turning around and pinning her on the floor. He pinned her hands and looked at her dangerously. He reached down and tore her bra off from the middle. He slapped her hard on the face, leaving one side of her face red. She still wouldn't stop smiling. He slapped her again, leaned in and kissed her viciously. Their tongues fought for domination, but at the end there was no clear winner. She wrapped her legs around his lower torso, and moaned "Fuck me baby, I want your fat dick in me". Henry didn't protest either, he hastily pulled down his shorts and his dick sprung out, all eight inches of it. He pushed her panties to the side and stuck it in immediately. "OH FUCK" screamed Gaby, her hands immediately going to Henry's back and holding him tight. Henry couldn't believe how wet and smooth her pussy felt. He thrust into her hard and fast. He could feel her ass scraping against the rough bathroom floor, making a squeaky sound. Gaby's moans were much much louder though. "Yes baby, fuck me harder, HARDER!!". Henry's body slapped against hers vigorously. Henry could feel her breasts bouncing under him. He grabbed one of them and licked her erect nipple. Henry could feel her nails digging into his back. She was really getting into it. Henry was fucking her really hard now, he was almost out of breath. She didn't seem any closer to cumming though. "Don't ever stop fucking me baby" she moaned. Henry lifted her up and smashed her agains the wall, still fucking her. He looked deep into her eyes as he thrust his throbbing cock into her. Her mouth was open in delight as each thrust pushed her to higher levels of ecstasy. She drew her nails down Henry's back, drawing some blood. This only made Henry fuck her even harder. "FUCK ME OH YES FUCK ME BABY", she was screaming really really loud now. Damn, alcohol really got to her head. "I'm gonna cum baby" moaned Henry, he couldn't take it any longer. "CUM INSIDE ME BABY, CUM!". Henry did as he was told. He groaned and bit down on her neck as he filled her insides with his hot bodily fluids. He could feel her whole body shaking. Her orgasm lasted for at least twenty seconds, and Henry could only marvel at it. He slumped to the floor with his wife on top of him. All he wanted to do was sleep with her lying on top of him like this. Henry thought she was passed out, but she surprised him with a kiss. "You were wonderful baby. Now go to sleep, because we've got round two as soon as you wake up" she whispered, with no hint of drunkenness about her. She went to sleep with her head on his chest. Henry smiled and dozed off without a worry in the world.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2qvwgp/wife_walks_in_drunk_mf