Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 26)

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< Part 25

Lord Jacob was the first to break the silence, which he said in amazement, "Bravo, Marcia. Bravo. What a display by both of you. I don't care how many times I witness something like that; I will never grow tired of it."

"I share my husband's sentiments," replied Lady Jennifer. "My only regret was that it could have been me in Alyson's place earlier today, if only Marcia had found that dominant side of her then."

Both girls were standing there looking pretty proud of themselves. Marcia then leaned over, and gave Alyson another kiss before walking over to Lady Jennifer.

As she approached she raised her dress to expose all of her panties. Lady Jennifer then reached inside, and of course, found a very damp vagina. As she was leaning around to deliver the initial swat confirming she was not shaved properly she said quietly, "Don't worry about your excited state. We'll be taking care of that shortly."

This was followed by the swat. Marcia then raised her dress, and then received her sound spanks while being aggressively stimulated by Lady Jennifer. Marcia wasn't counting, but it had to be a lot more than what the other girls got, and strangely enough, she was glad.

Once done with the spanks, Lady Jennifer did to her what she had done to the other girls. She continued to stimulate Marcia with her left hand, while the right one massaged her bottom. Before she could get too stimulated, she was sent along with other girls to the back of the couch.

Marcia heard Lady Jennifer say, "Laura, I want you to be Ally's submissive." But she wasn't paying too close attention to what was going on. Her big concern was the overriding urge she had to stick her hand in her panties. Maybe then, she thought, she would be able to concentrate on what was going on.

It was the sound of spanking that again brought her back. Because of the angle of the couch, and where she stood at the far end, she could see some of Alyson's back. If the state of her upper thigh was any clue, her bottom must have been quite red, which should have made the spanking she was receiving even more painful than what the rest of the girls got. She certainly broke down crying more than the others.

When Lady Jennifer was done caressing Alyson, she sent her to stand next to Marcia. Now all of the girls were lined up along the back of the couch, facing towards it. Lady Jennifer walked in front to address them. "What you girls have just experienced is a small fraction of the rituals that we have. Some are directed from above, and come from the King or Queen and anyone else down the chain of command. Each person down the line can establish their own, as long as they don't break others that come from above them. Our lordship has a few that other lordships don't. Even your husband can establish some.

"Others are organic, in that they are not established, they are just things we have come to do. Still others start out as organic, and then become proscribed.

"Take the inspection you just submitted to. Some maidens wanted to deepen the submission of it, so when the woman slid her hand in the panties, the maiden would immediately drop the front of her dress and raise the back. She was signaling that she did not care about the result of the inspection, and she wanted the spanking anyway.

"I have since turned this into an obligation for women; because I do not want maidens to get sloppy with their shaving just to receive a spanking. If a woman begins an inspection, and the maiden presents her bottom, then the woman is required to spank her as if she had failed.

"What I am trying to get at is that even though you have a lot of rules placed on you, you also have a lot more choices than you think. From my perspective, you have far more choices than you do outside of the kingdom.

"The best analogy I can give you is the difference between a desert from a forest. In the desert, you have an unobstructed view to the horizon, but in the forest, your view is blocked by a lot of trees. Yet if you think about it, which environment do you have more choices and more options in?

"Yes, there are a lot of rules here, but the choice is yours as to whether you see those rules as either an obstruction or a framework. An obstruction in your life will diminish you, yet a framework will allow you to develop. We believe we provide such a framework like you can find nowhere else.

"I am now going to turn the rest of the evening over to my husband. Hopefully what he says and does, does not scare or upset you too much."

As Lady Jennifer sat down on the love seat next to Laura, Lord Jacob got up and walked in front of the couch.

As he started to speak, he began to slowly swing the strap he was holding along the ground. "Would you believe that out of all you have heard so far, the hardest thing you will need to deal with we haven't discussed until now. It's not an easy thing to broach, and like much of what we have told you, there are a lot of related concepts. This means I can't tell you in a linear manner about it. I have talk about many things that will eventually get to it.

"First a review. You are joining a profoundly patriarchal kingdom. That means we men rule. Period. While we should not do anything to harm you, or diminish you as a person, we men are given a great deal of latitude when it comes to the things that turn us on. Put bluntly, if it gets our dick hard, you will do it. You would need to demonstrate how significant physical harm would come to you if you comply in order to get out of it, and as you saw with Ally, there is a pretty high threshold for what we consider as harm.

"Even more so by what you are about to witness. Normally you don't see anything like what happened to Ally this soon in your initiation, so your first exposure to something like it is what I am about to do to my own wife." With that he whipped the belt up high, and snapped it back down to produce a horrible crack.

"But that is not the point of where I'm heading right now. I'm saying this to give you a sense of what it means by men getting what they want when it comes to sex.

"Another point you need to understand is the role I'll play in your future while you are a maiden. I am your master. You belong to me. I play the role of your father until you eventually marry. Then your husband will take over as the person you will belong to.

"As your master, or father, it is my job to accept you into this kingdom as a maiden, and also to approve of the men you will date. There are no arranged marriages this kingdom, but I will establish when you can marry. My standing rule is that you must date ten men ten times before you are allowed to choose a man for a husband, yet he does not have to be any of the men you have dated. You are indeed allowed to marry whom ever you please.

"This leads to what does it mean when I accept you into the kingdom. Until you are a maiden, you are not permitted to date any men, and as we stated earlier, you cannot go anywhere of a personal nature without a male escort. So in order to enjoy the many things that this kingdom offers, I must first declare you ready.

"It starts by my wife, and yourself, telling me you are ready. You will then submit to a spanking more intense than what you saw performed on Ally. If you take it like I demand that you do, then my wife will prepare you for me by first shaving your pubic mound, followed by orally stimulating you, so I will have no problem penetrating you. Upon your satisfactory performance, I will then declare you a maiden.

"Something to keep in mind is that 'satisfactory performance' means that you react with willing eagerness for everything that happens. If I detect the slightest bit of anything approaching dread or fear, then the test ends.

"Until you pass this test, you actually don't belong to me. You are in fact in limbo. My wife will not treat you any different because you are not yet a maiden, but I will. This means I will not touch you in anyway that can be construed as sexual, and I will not punish you with a spanking.

"This belt that you all are looking on with dread will not be wielded by me, on you, until you tell me, and show me, that you want it.

Part 27 >
