A Sunny Street [MF]

I can tell I'm dreaming because the day is hot and dry. Gleaming red bricks of sidewalk sail gently beneath me, but I can't feel my feet upon them as I walk. The day is bright and peaceful, and everyone around seems to feel it also.

There are shops to my right, shadowy, indistinct recesses whose signs I cannot read. From one of these, you emerge and walk almost directly into me. I halt to give you space, and you smile at me with a closed mouth, your eyes bright. It's a warm smile, mischievous. The smile of someone who knows you better than you think they do.

You turn to your right and begin gliding along the red bricks – we're going the same direction. I follow, trying to leave a decent amount of space between us, but it is difficult; your gravity keeps me tethered and I float along behind.

I'm struck by your slender shape, your relaxed grace. Your dress, open at the back, reveals just the tiniest drop of sweat on your spine. The sun kisses it.

My corner is coming. I'm going to have to turn left, and cross the street. To my surprise, you stop walking and face in that direction. It seems that you are going my way. I stop and stand next to you as we wait for the light to turn from red to green. The indistinct shapes of cars flash past, and in a moment of exquisite bliss, your bare arm brushes gently against mine, just for a second.

Green, and we walk. Our strides are matching, and I know you're aware of it too. Neither of us looks at the other, neither alters their stride.

The street now crossed, there's some sort of office building on our left and the area darkens slightly as a cloud passes over the sun. You stop, almost tripping up the person who was walking behind you. He and the other pedestrians pass around you as you adjust what turns out to be a strap on your shoe.

I stop in place, mesmerized. I shouldn't, but I must. There's no way I can leave of my own volition. I stagger backward slightly to lean on the office building wall, and I can tell that you know I'm still here, though you still haven't looked at me since that first time.

You rise, and I prepare to watch you leave. I can't, but you can.

It's to my surprise, then, when instead of walking away, you glide toward me, looking at nothing in particular. Coming breathlessly close, you turn toward the street and lean back against me. I can feel you from head to toe, I can feel the rhythm of your breath and your head against my neck.

Passersby glance and smile at us, the young lovers; but in reality, complete strangers.

I can tell I'm dreaming because my fingers reach down and lose themselves in your soft dress, pulling it up, up, until your thighs are in my hands. Your left hand reaches up and holds the back of my neck. A loud bus passes slowly by, and two of the passengers inside meet our eyes.

I lift the back of your dress with my left hand, and hook a finger into the back of your panties with my right. I slide them down, and your ass is smooth and heavenly against my knuckles. You reach back and twist the button of my jeans open, pulling down the zipper. You reach into my underwear and pull out my cock. It is stiff and craving, but you don't play with it. There will be no 'getting to know each other'. You want it in one place, and one place only.

And just like that, I'm inside you. You feel like the love of the gods around me as you rhythmically bounce against my pelvis. I hold your hips and match your rhythm. The tiny drop of sweat on your back has been joined by another.

People pass by and smile, some stop and watch for a moment before continuing on with their business. A young man offers us a handbill for a concert, but you shake your head no and he moves on.

The cloud that had hidden the sun has now blown away, and the street is bathed in brilliant light. I can tell that this excites you, as your rhythm and intensity increases. You're going to come, right out here in the bright sunshine, in front of these nice people. Right here on the deep red bricks. I want that for you.

I pull your dress up over your head and drop it to the ground at your feet. Your breasts rise and fall in the lovely sunshine, and your hands grip my hair feverishly as our bodies slap together. Our pace quickens, quickens, and now most of the people nearby are stopping to watch, kind, eager smiles on their faces. I feel your sex grip mine tightly and I know the time is here.

We are going to come together, strangers you and I.

Oh god, please don't let me wake up.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2q472d/a_sunny_street_mf


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