Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

As they were stepping out of the tub, they grabbed some towels, and with Marcia following Lady Jennifer's lead, began drying each other off. Laura then entered the room with two identical dresses. They were white, but not like the long gown Lady Jennifer wore earlier. These were more like casual sun dresses with short skirts. Laura also came in with appropriate sized white underwear to go with the dresses.

Laura assisted both women with getting dressed, then Lady Jennifer told her, "We'll have tea on the terrace." As Lady Jennifer led Marcia out a set of French doors to the terrace outside, Laura went off to do as she was bidden.

It was a beautiful, warm, late-afternoon sun that greeted them as they walked outside. Marcia had always loved this view out the back of the manor. She could see the playground she grew up playing in, and the sports facilities that she and her friends competed at. As much as she has always loved her home, she was always thrilled when her parents said they were all going over to the manor.

Once they were seated at a patio table, Lady Jennifer continued, "So where were we. Oh yes, we were covering the things our kingdom is not. I was talking about how our kingdom was not created to replace the government, yet at the core of almost all misconceptions, there is usually a grain of truth. In this case, our kingdom was established to do the things that people like to use the government for, yet the government is poorly suited to accomplish. Namely, using the government to take care of people who are having problems.

"At the beginning of the twentieth century you could have an intellectually honest debate about the effectiveness of a government to take care of its people, but not anymore. Anyone who continues to advocate socialism is intentionally refusing to look at the evidence of what these social experiments have wrought.

"All government solutions to people's problems inevitably end up as one-size-fits-all solutions. The people who implement them never take the time needed to understand each individual's situation, so the solution they provide will inevitably do more harm than good. It's like a doctor proscribing a medicine for a patient he has never examined.

"Our kingdom was formed as a way for us to take care of one another. As a member of this kingdom, you can be assured that we will take the time to get to know you well. Whatever we may command of you, you will believe that it is based on what we know of you, not what we assume about you.

"This brings us to the sex. We are not just a collection of fair weather friends, gathered together to enjoy things when the times are good. We are committed to each other as if we were married to each other; as if we had formed an extended family. As I explained earlier, sex is used to bind us together like no other means can.

"So the best way to describe our kingdom is that it is a kingdom of relationships. Our kingdom is focused on how we relate to one another, so that we can know each other in a profoundly intimate way. The deeper we know each other, the more effectively we can assist each other at being the best we can be.

"In this way, we have taken the focus of sex off of marriage, so that marriage can focus on the things that are important, which is to nurture and develop our children."

Part 3 >
