Stunned, (Part 1)[MF, office affair]

Go easy on me, this is my first post. My inner erotic writer is still learning and trying to find a creative voice that can out-shout my lizard brain. I'm a guy in my mid 30s and have been looking for a (safe) place to let my dirty imagination run wild. Help me get better.


With a shake of his head Karl snapped back to reality. It felt like the temperature in his small office just rose 15 degrees.

'Are my cheeks flushed?' Shit.

He clicked on the attachment again…

'Damn, that's fucking hot. Did she really mean to send that to me?'

With his mouse still hovering over the email, Karl slowly slipped his gaze around his monitor, across the hall and into the open office of the apparent owner of the sexy black laced stocking top and smooth thigh that had popped up on his screen. A pair of strong brown eyes stared back and with a playful arch of one eyebrow, another electric jolt ran up his spine, across his red cheeks, and down between his legs.

His felt like his pants suddenly lost 3 sizes.


He jumped, forgetting he had his headphones on, and shot his focus back to his screen to find the new IM.

'Holy crap, it's from her!'

He couldn't click fast enough…

Karl had been languishing at this firm for almost four years. Commute was short, hours were flexible, and the pay was middle of the road. Easy. If only he had something to spark him. Jogging a couple of days a week and watching TV with his wife just didn't carry the comfortable draw it used to. Maybe this was the mid-life doldrums of being an adult. The hardest part was the prospect of always asking or instigating intimacy and never being sought after. His wife was cool and fun in almost everything but the bedroom. In the last few years she had become that stereotype he'd read about. Once an exciting romp between the sheets, she had gradually lost desire and ceased to have any needs. Too many nights of asking her "so, was that good for you?", and getting no response or simply "I had fun". But his brain would be screaming 'did you cum? don't you want to cum?!! Don't you want to get that release?! are you only doing this for me?' Apparently she wasn't in the mood, ever, to discuss and he had stopped asking.

Karl read the words on the screen as the excited knot in his stomach and bulge in his boxers grew.

"Today, I get what I want…next time, it's your turn." She wrote, "You're not happy, I'm not happy, and no one needs to know. Deal?"

Karl squirmed in his seat, readjusted himself…

'What fucking balls!'

…and hit reply.

"Ok, what do you want?"

He sat in silence, heart pounding, shuffled some papers and stared blankly at a spreadsheet that had lost all meaning in the last few moments. It was 5:30 and a couple of co-workers walked by his office towards the parking lot. This dull afternoon had rocketed into something completely new, and had him at the edge of his seat.


"I sit here all day long making decisions, ordering you people around. You all probably hate me. But what you don't know is that I'm wearing something sexy under my boring work clothes most days…for me I guess. Enough is enough. Today I need you to make me squirm."

Fucking hell. Karl sat and stared at the screen. She wasn't really his boss but she certainly ordered him around like she was. She marched her little rig around the office getting shit done which he had always respected. But on the days her wrath feel on him, the first 10min of his afternoon run would invariably be fueled by a certain amount of rage.

"'You've got my attention, send me another picture if you want me to play" his fingers typed with slowly rising courage. Kim wanted someone else to be in charge…


The laced top of her stockings matched her panties apparently.

'You're doing this' his heavy balls shouted up at him.

"Take those off" he typed.

Standing up, he adjusted his erection knowing she was watching. He crossed the hallway and closed her door behind him. Kim sat back in her big chair, her hair in a tight bun and the slightest of smiles twisting one corner of her mouth. He sat on the corner of the desk next to the black panties brazenly left in full view.

"Slide your skirt up" he directed. Her eyes stayed locked onto his as she slid her skirt up her thighs, exposing the lace that had started this whole thing. As the material bunched, she lifted her ass and pulled the skirt over her hips, spreading her legs slightly. A trimmed landing strip pointed to puffy lips that her clit poked through. Whoa. Her stomach tightened and her hips twitched toward him ever so slightly as his leg touched hers.

"Put your foot on the desk"

She complied. Karl reached over and ran his hand over her leg, across her knee and slowly down the top of her thigh. He felt her skin pimple to his touch when his fingers left stocking and found her warm flesh. He slid to his right in front of her and she raised her other leg to him, resting her heel on the desk edge. He caressed her calf and stocking,

"Close your eyes and don't make a fucking sound"

Kim pushed back into the chair and closed her eyes. Karl dropped to his knees, slid his hands along her thighs to cup her ass as it scooted to the edge of the seat. He breathed her in and flicked his tongue softly across her clit. She jumped and shivered, grabbing the chair arms and pushing her head back. Her mouth opened…

"Not a fucking sound" he reminded her, watching her twitch as he flicked her button again, and then traced his tongue in a long slow circle around the base, exploring her folds.

'I can't believe this is happening. Un-fucking-believable ass. It's been too fucking long since someone wiggled like this.'

Kim's ass was slowly tracing circles on the chair to match the rhythm of the tongue that sent sparks through her body. She unbuttoned a few buttons of her shirt but got distracted, letting out a long sigh. Karl quickened his pace. Kim and her amazing hips matched his tongue's cadence around her clit while he grabbed big handfuls of her ass, pressing his mouth into her. The soft creak of the chair and Kim's deep trembling breaths were all that could be heard. He gave her clit one hard flick that made her jump and increased his pace. Her long deep breaths shifted to short gasps as her stomach tightened and her head rose off the chair. Kim's legs began to quiver next to his ears.

Karl gave that ass a hard squeeze, throttled up the speed and pressure of his tongue. He held tight as her hips left the chair and she pressing her throbbing pussy into his face. Her legs held his head in place as a quiver radiated out, shaking her whole body.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhiiittttttttt" she quietly and almost painfully let escape as her stomach, hips, and ass pulsed. His hands gripped her tight convulsing cheeks while his tongue strongly and quickly flicked her hard button. Her folds opened and closed, her cum dripped down his chin. They stayed locked for a long moment, her eyes shut tight and mouth open. Slowly the wave of pleasure passed and she let herself be lowered back down to the chair. Karl's tongue slowly circling the folds around the base of her clit, making her body twitch and jolt every time his lips brushed the tip.

With one last flick of her button that sent a shock to the tips of her toes, Karl let go of Kim's ass and pushed the chair away from the desk, her stockinged feet dropping to the ground leaving her high heels on the desk. He stood up, his pants bulging.

"Get up" he instructed.

She stood up, removing the last few buttons of her shirt and taking it off. She started fumbling with his belt, feeling his dick straining against the zipper, while their lips met. There was no hesitation from either of them, but as they leaned into a long kiss, she could feel the momentary break from his strong character and a slight desperation sneak out. Her mouth tightened into a smile as his tongue chased after hers, and she tasted herself.

She finally released his belt and while one hand slid his zipper down, the other went fishing inside. His shoulders sagged and he breathed out a heavy moan as her fingers wrapped around his shaft pulling it out. His hot head snapped against her thigh while she gave him a couple of pumps. Her surprise advances and his performance on his knees had made him sweat, she took a deep breath while his lips found her neck.

'Fuck he smells good!'

Suddenly he pushed her hips back, finding his courage again and taking charge. Locking eyes again he narrowed his gaze,

"Bend over, I want you right now."

Kim let out a little grunt. 'Oh so cliche,' she thought, 'but exactly what I fucking want!' She stepped passed Karl while he dropped his pants and took off his shirt. So many afternoons squirming in her seat and wishing someone would fill her up on this very desk and now it was happening. 'Guys are so easy.' She bent over the desk.

Strong hands grabbed her hips pulling her ass back and forcing her to grab the far edge of the desk. 'Yesssssss!' His foot nudged hers a few inches further apart while he gave her cheek a hard squeeze. 'ohhhhh soooo goood' she shivered. A long tense throbbing moment passed and then his large hot tip pressed against her snatch. She immediately pushed back against it and Karl let out a guttural moan as tight warmth wrapped around him. His head and shaft pulsed as his stomach tightened and he slipped deep inside her. Even as his pelvis snuggled up against her ass he pulled at her hips to get even deep. They both strained against each other and let out deep sighs. She'd been longed to feel stretched, feel filled and he'd ached to feel someone's hungry pulsing hips push back against his. This was the moment they both longed for.

He reared back and thrust against her…pressing deeply. And then their lizard brains took over. His thighs pressed against hers as he pumped deep inside. Karl watched as her back arched and her ass rippled with each thrust, his balls slapping her skin. He sawed back and forth as Kim closed her eyes. She dropped one hand down between her legs finding her clit and pushed back against his weight as he press into her. The big oak desk shook with each thrust.

Kim could feel his pace quicken and his urgency mount just as she was suddenly blinded by waves of pleasure. She clenched her stomach, gripping and bearing down on his hard shaft. The wave finally broke while she furiously rubbed her button and let out a silent open-mouthed groan.

He shifted his weight against her, putting his hand against the small of her back pushing her down and grinding he hips into hers. As she pulsed and twitched she gripped him tighter than he'd ever had. Had anyone ever cum on his cock? He couldn't remember and in this moment it didn't matter. She bucked and her pussy pulsed around him. Karl felt his cock strain and bulge, his stomach and ass tighten as he erupted. His orgasm brought him up onto his toes while he jerked and pumped into her. Looking up at the ceiling and opening his mouth with a deep long sigh he emptied himself. Kim let out another moan as she felt his whole body tighten, his cock grow, and his wet warmth filled her. She dug her ass against his hips, feeling his body pulse and pump against her. She released her button and reached back, grabbing his tightening balls. He jumped and his cock twitched again, hard, deep inside of her.

Karl came down off his tiptoes and paused to listen to their ragged breathing for a couple of long minutes. He stepped back, his cock flopping out of her with a slurp, and collapsed into the chair. Was there a more perfect view? Kim bent over her desk, her ass red from his weight, and her loved puffy lips staring back at him, cum dripping down her leg. The afterglow embraced him.

"Ha, I finally feel fucked!' he snorted happily. "You and me both" she sighed, wiggling her ass at him.

She looked back over her shoulder,

"So that was what I needed, what do you need?"

He sat there for a moment, taking in the whole picture. His dick twitched, but laid back down, spent.

"I need to be teased too," he finally said,"told what to do, wanted, needed."

She winked and stood up, adjusted her skirt and reached for her blouse, "I think that can be arranged."

And she walked toward the door.


1 comment

  1. Wow, you are a really good writer. This is really hot, and it’s also extremely well written, from a technical standpoint. I have to admit, I find it a little tough to believe this is your first time writing. My only suggestion would be to put "thoughts" in *italics* (by *surrounding them with asterisks*), just so that the reader immediately knows they’re thoughts, and doesn’t have to find that bit out *after* reading it.

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