Me [M] getting carried away with a total stranger [F] in the back of a theater.

This is my first story on here. Been lurking for some time and finally decided I’d share some experiences I’ve had.

I’ll explain a little bit about who I am first, to help with context. I’m a 25 year old straight male. I guess you could consider me the “sensitive artist” type. I’m a musician, somewhat of a romantic, and for a living I’m a graphic designer. I *would* consider myself pretty conservative when it comes to sex, and I may have been before, but after analyzing my sexual experiences over the last few years, I just realize that’s simply not the case. Enough about me, ONTO THE STORY! This happened to me earlier this year, in the summertime.

I was at work one day (I worked in a creative firm downtown at the time) — a Tuesday to be exact — and one of my bosses, John (creative VP), made an announcement. We were taking on a local theater as a new client. They essentially wanted the works. It was to be a total rebranding effort; new website, new logo, a social media overhaul, etc. etc. John then announced, to my surprise, that in addition to being part of the team assigned to the client, I’d be in charge. I was excited. I saw this as a potential “stepping stone” into a more important position.

After the announcement, he came to my cubicle and threw an envelope on my desk. “Congratulations, bud. There’s a play at this theater Friday. Here are two tickets. You can bring whoever you want, enjoy yourself. When it’s over chat up some of their staff.”

I was never a very big fan of plays. Not that I disliked them or anything, I was just sort of indifferent. But I figured I’d go. I didn’t really have a choice anyway, my boss would’ve taken it as an insult had he found out I’d skipped.

By Friday afternoon I had asked a few people at the office if they wanted to come, and everyone had plans. Same with my friends outside of work, so finally I just figured I’d go alone. I was unsure of the dress code at theaters when I got back to my apartment. But I knew I’d be talking to the client’s people after the play, so I went with a suit and tie.

When I got to the theater, I presented my ticket at the door, got a bourbon, neat, and found an usher who led me to my seat. I was seated in the very back on the second floor. Not exactly the most pleasant seats in the house, but they were free after all. To my surprise, there weren’t a lot of people seated in my section. Maybe 10 other people in a section of 50 seats. The play wouldn’t be starting for another 15 minutes, so I flipped through the program and started messing around on my phone, spacing out.

I was startled out of my facebook-induced trance by a woman sitting down directly next to me. For a moment I was slightly annoyed that someone would be sitting so close to me when there were so many seats available. That is, until I saw her.

“Oh, hi! I’m sorry, is anyone supposed to be sitting here?” She asked with a smile. Her voice was sing-songy and cheerful. Her smile was piercing. She was gorgeous. Not the kind of woman you see and think “Damn, I’d fuck the shit out of her!” — no, the kind of woman you see and think, “Oh my god, I could fall in love WAY too easily with this person.”

Her almond-shaped eyes were big and bright with deep blue irises, framed with long, feminine eyelashes. Her hair was long and wavy, tied back in a tight ponytail, in an intense, dark auburn. She wore very little makeup — maybe a hint of blush on the cheeks — and even that she didn’t need. Her lips were full and her smile was intoxicating and contagious. Her long, strapless dress hugged her body in all the right ways, accentuating her sharp collarbone, displaying her small, elegant shoulders, and showing off just a hint of cleavage. Not too much, but enough to make it difficult not to look.

As for the rest of her body. God damn. The best way I can think to even begin to describe it would be “perfectly proportional.” She seemed to be somewhat of an average height, maybe 5’5, and looked like she weighed 115 lbs. And her (likely C-cup) breasts matched her body perfectly. Her scent was a mixture of perfume and *her*, and it was heavenly. Subtle, not overpowering.

Obviously I wasn’t annoyed that she sat down anymore.

“Oh, uh, no, no one’s sitting here,” I said, “you can sit there all you want… Hah.” I felt so overcome with attraction that my brain was malfunctioning. She seemed to notice my nervousness, and she giggled playfully and put her hand on my knee. Normally a touch like that would make me jump a little, as I’ve always been hyperaware of touch (for some strange reason). But with her, it actually made me relax a little.

“Well, Mr. Suit and Tie Man, don’t mind if I do! I’m Jen, nice to meet you.” She shook my hand and I noticed how soft her hands were. *Jesus, does this chick have ANY flaws?* Every little detail I noticed about her just added to my sudden infatuation for this person I’d met 1 minute earlier.

“Nice to meet you too, I’m Tom. I’m sorry to be so blunt, and I know this is *probably* going to make the rest of this play sliiiightly awkward, but I just can’t help myself: you are incredibly pretty. That is all.” I gulped as I said it. I felt recklessly brazen, and in all honesty, kind of like an idiot. What was I doing? I never say this kind of stuff. I’m not even good at it for fuck’s sake!

But her smile grew even bigger, and she laughed and said “Wow, how much of that whiskey have you had, buddy?” Oh thank god. It wasn’t reciprocation, but at least it was comic relief.

“Haha, I’m sorry. Either too much, or not enough, I’m still not sure.” I laughed nervously.

“Well, don’t leave me out of all the fun! Let me have a sip.” Before I could respond, she reached across my seat, grabbed my glass of bourbon, and downed the whole thing like a shot. She wiped her lips with the back of her hand, coughed, and said “Oops!” We both started laughing hard. Then she said “don’t worry, I’m not that big of an asshole!” and proceeded lift up her dress, revealing incredibly smooth legs.

“Uh, what are you doing?” I asked. Not that I minded. I was taken aback but could feel myself steadily growing hard as I saw her pull up her dress and reach in between her legs.

“Getting more bourbon!” she said, and pulled out a flask she had tucked behind her garter. She pulled her dress back down and poured a couple fingers into my glass and gave me a cheers. “There you go. Thanks for the compliment. By the way, you’re pretty good looking yourself.” She gave me a peck on the cheek. Even though it was a peck, that was all it took to take me over the top. I was hard as a rock now, and there was no hiding it.

She looked down at the unfortunate tent I had pitched in my thin suit pants, and didn’t say a word, but smiled, undid her pony tail, and tossed her hair as she leaned back in her seat. The lights slowly dimmed until they were out, and the play began.

I sat there, next to this incredible girl, in a confusing torrent of bliss, lust, frustration, and nervousness. What was I supposed to do, just sit through this 2 hour play with a painful hard-on, next to the *cause* of this painful hard-on? *Fuck*, I thought.

After the play had started, Jen and I had stopped talking. I was pretending to pay attention to the play, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I wanted her. How much fun she was, how gorgeous she was, how incredibly sexy she was. She, on the other hand, seemed totally entranced by the play, and was watching intently. After about 20 minutes, my erection had grown painful. I could feel pre-cum on my cock, which made it even more uncomfortable. I was so frustrated, I was considering going to the bathroom to jerk off just so I could think and function like a rational adult human being. I wanted to be level-headed enough to chat with Jen some more during the intermission and try to get her number. I took big sip of bourbon and shifted around in my seat trying to find a way to get comfortable. Then, out of nowhere, I felt a hand on my leg.

It was Jen’s. I looked down and her hand was resting on my upper thigh, only a few inches from my raging manhood. It startled me a little bit, and of course turned me on even more, knowing her hand was so close to my package. Did she know? Was she doing it on purpose? *This is torture,* I thought. I stared straight ahead, still pretending to focus on the play, and acted like everything was normal.

Jen yawned, shifted in her seat, lifted her arms above her head and stretched. As her arms came back down she rested her hand back on my thigh, only this time it was closer to my cock. *Surely she has no idea,* I thought. I felt like I was going to explode. I could feel more precum coating the head of my cock, and I just couldn’t get any harder. I was in even more pain now, and thought I might just lose my mind.

My most primal instincts were fighting to take control, and as much as I tried to hold them back, they won. I shifted in my seat, moving my erection even closer to her soft hand. She was nearly touching it now. There was no way she didn’t notice. *Realizing* there was no way she didn’t notice, I suddenly became very, very nervous that I had crossed the line, and I became stiff as a deer in headlights.

But then, to my utter shock, she moved her hand. Right on top of my hard on. This startled me so much I actually flinched a little bit. She didn’t say anything. She didn’t look at me. She kept watching the play intensely. And she started rubbing her hand on my cock, outside of my pants. It felt incredible. Her hands were so feminine and soft, and I could feel them easily through my thin suit pants.

I was simultaneously in a state of ecstasy and anxiety. I’d never been in this situation before. What was I supposed to do? Luckily she made all of the decisions for me.

She stopped rubbing my cock for a second, and slowly unzipped me, all while keeping her attention directed at the play. I think at this point some King was arguing with a knight about something. The play was definitely the last thing my mind was on. After unzipping me, she managed to pull my cock out of the fly of my pants, exposed and erect, covered in precum. Thank God we were in the back row.

She was stroking me slowly and softly, playing with the tip of my cock with her fingers, getting precum all over them, and sliding her hand slowly down my shaft. When she reached back into my fly and started to play with my balls, I thought I was going to lose it. I accidentally let out a short grunt and immediately bit my lip trying to stay quiet. She responded this time. She didn’t say anything, she kept looking at the stage, but she let out a breathy, soft little moan herself and writhed a bit in her seat.

She stopped massaging my cock, and grabbed my hand. With her other hand, she pulled her dress up to her waist, and she guided my hand directly between her warm, soft thighs. Her panties were soaked, and as I started massaging her, she let out another soft moan, and I caught a whiff of her scent, and it drove me wild. I could smell the sexual tension and lust in her. She was so soft.

At this point I was lost in her, and lost in what was happening. I managed to get my fingers under her panties and felt her for the first time. Her pussy was so soft and so wet, and I found my way to her clit easily, which I started massaging softly. She writhed and sighed, tilting her head back and closing her eyes. She was still clumsily trying to please me, with her hand wrapped tightly around my cock, but she let go to grab onto her seat and steady herself.

I slowly crept down out of my seat and, as quickly and quietly as I could, stuck my head between her legs. I had to taste her. I forcefully pulled her legs apart and began kissing her thighs. Only for a moment though, and I got right to it. I licked and tugged on her labia, and she tasted heavenly and sweet. I moved to her clit and started sucking lightly on it, and slid one of my fingers into her pussy. She grabbed onto my hair with both hands and pressed my face even harder into her. Her breathing got heavier and faster, and I started flicking her clit with my tongue, put in a second finger, and started pushing her g-spot. Her breath got faster and faster until she held it. She squeezed my head between her legs, tensed up, pulled my hair so hard it hurt, and began to quiver. As she came I could feel her pussy contract around my fingers and my hand and lower face were soaked at that point. She let out a LOUD moan and immediately covered her mouth. I made out with her thighs and her pussy a little more, and then moved slowly back to my seat.

She was no longer pretending to watch the play. When I sat back down she looked me straight in the eye with the most playful, lustful smile I’ve ever seen, to this day. The kind of smile that says, “I want your cum and I want it NOW, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

She leaned over and immediately took my cock in her mouth. There was no teasing. There was no playfulness. She took all of me in right away. She shoved my cock down her throat and held it there, playing with my balls. I couldn’t take it for long, and I think she knew that. She grabbed my hand and guided it towards her breasts. I pulled the top of her dress down, exposing them. They were perfect and unbelievable. Before I could squeeze them, she undid my belt and yanked my pants all the way down. I was a little nervous now, because if someone did walk by it’d be harder to cover up quickly.

But before I could even think about that anymore, she was back between my legs, sucking my cock, and pressing her tits up against my balls and inner thighs. I couldn’t take it anymore. I whispered to her, “I’m gonna… come…”

Before I could even finish that short sentence, she took my cock all the way down her throat, grabbed onto my balls, stuck her tongue out and sucked me so quickly and so forcefully I came right away. I came into her mouth and as she pulled off I was still cumming, and I came all over her tits and neck. I could barely breathe I came so hard, and I was shaking.

She gave me the most incredible smile, grabbed some restaurants napkins she had in her purse, and did her best to clean us both up.

After the play I got her number. I asked her why she sat next to me in the first place, and she told me (verbatim) “You look hot in a suit and don’t seem like an asshole!” We ended up in a relationship several months later. I’m still with her today :)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my story. I have lots more if anyone’s interested.



  1. Ugh, great imagery ;) I (and I’m sure others) will definitely be interested in more.

  2. Lesson learned: always wear a suit (when you go stag to the theatre, or otherwise).

  3. There must be at least one more amazing story of what you’ve done with her since!? She sounds so amazingly bold and sexy. I’m sure it gets better, part do tell!

  4. Normally I would belittle you for posting such an obviously fake story, but this one was actually enjoyable for a change

  5. So aside from the fact that I’ve got a raging hard on now, very well written. With many stories of this length or longer, I find myself skipping right to the good. Yours had me engaged all the way through. Well done.

    And you lucky bastard for finding a girl like that.

  6. I don’t know what compelled me to read this one, I usually stick to the F-F stories, but this blew my mind.

    I wasn’t even turned on when I started reading this, and just…damn.
    Have an upvote.

  7. You write really well, which is tough to find on the internet. I look forward to more!

  8. Awesome build up. Great story, glad you continued the relationship. Please write more…

  9. Certainly hope to hear more about you and Jen whenever you get the chance!

  10. This was just, fucking amazing. As someone who enjoys going to the theater… it was even more thrilling to read. Very well done.

  11. Wow textbook example of a beta accidentally following redpill behavior and getting awesome sex!

  12. Holy Moly m8 thats amazing! You sound very like me, except i never could have done that! A+++

  13. Hands down my favourite story here, thank you for sharing and congratulations on you two getting together, that’s one hell of a happy ending for this story :D.

    Sometimes courage pays off very well :).

  14. Damn this was incredibly fucking hot! And very well-written… I hope we’ll be seeing more from you soon!

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