The Interview.

It started with my morning routine. I got out of the shower and dried my body with my towel. I ran it over my shoulders and arms and moved my way to my breasts. I noticed they were particularly perky today and I realized that might help me with the interview. I shuffled to my room and closed the door behind me and I immediately let go of my towel, something about being in the nude just made my day a little better. I sipped on my coffee while the wetness from my hair dripped onto my body. I began to look in my closet to see what I could wear and then I saw it! My black pencil skirt! That was it! I would wear my black skin tight skirt with my flowy top that subtlety showed cleavage, I was sure he would love that. I put my outfit on and moved onto my makeup. I decided to go with a bold cat eye and a soft red lip to draw attention to my mouth. I decided to put my hair up as to appear more professional and I think it worked. I slipped my foot into my nude high heels and I looked in the mirror. I looked confident and sexy, something that Stephanie told me he would enjoy.

I arrived at his office and I began to get a little nervous. So many thoughts ran through my head. What did he look like? What would I say? Was I simply getting the job for my looks? What would be the result in the long run? I decided to put these thoughts aside and just act professional.

I was seated by the woman I would possibly replace, a woman of about 40 with more lipstick on her teeth than on her mouth. She was doing a cross word puzzle while talking on her Bluetooth.

“Mr. Hartman is ready to see you now” she said.

I walked to his door and knocked.

“Come in, please” he replied.

I opened the door and closed it behind me. I saw him and immediately my breath was taken away and my mouth even salivated a little. I looked at him starry eyed and he asked me to take a seat, I complied.

“How are you today, Mrs…Harrington?” he asked.

“I’m doing well, thank you. It’s actually Miss but that’s beside the point. How uh, how are you?” I said, I could feel myself slipping as I talked and I told myself to get my shit together in my head or he would notice.

“I’m doing just fine. I’m actually a little stressed because I have a lot of papers that need to be organized and as you can tell, my secretary isn’t necessarily a big help” he said.

“Yeah, I can see that. I’m assuming that’s why you’re interviewing me” I replied.

“Yes, actually. I need someone reliable to help me out on a daily basis; someone with common sense about my needs and wants. Do you think that could potentially be you?” he asked.

“Oh absolutely, sir."

I noticed he had not taken his eyes off of me once, they were glued onto me and to be honest, I didn’t exactly mind.

“I have worked as a secretary before so I am well aware of your needs and wants, sir” I said as a bit my lip softly. He raised an eyebrow and said, “Well I feel you must know that my needs are rather…unique.”

I had him. I absolutely had him and I knew it would only go uphill from here. He stood up and walked around me and shut his blinds, the current secretary paid absolutely no attention and she continued with her puzzle.

I felt his hands on my shoulders and it was in that moment that I smelled him. He radiated the most astounding odor, exactly what you would think a well groomed man would smell like. I turned my head toward him and looked up while I bit down on my cherry lips.

“What are you doing, sir?” I asked.

“Anything I want” he said.

It was with that comment that I could feel my heart racing; I could feel my panties slowly getting ruined by my desire. He walked back to his desk and sat down with a sort of relaxed motion and I thought it was over, I thought I had failed. I swallowed my saliva and looked up at him.

“Can I call you Anastasia?” he asked.

“Yes, you may. It’s my name” I said.

“Anastasia, I need you to do me a favor.”

“Anything you need.”

“Very well then,” he said, “I need you to slowly take your shirt off and place it on the desk.”

Holy shit. I hadn't failed. He wanted me and he wanted me right now.

I looked up at him and decided to play up the sir thing. “Anything for you, sir”

He smiled and his eyes were screaming that he wanted me to be his. I untucked my shirt from my skirt and slowly put it over my head and then onto the desk. I sat there in my bra while he looked at me up and down.

“Very well then, now remove the bra” he said.

“Mr. Hartman, are you sure we should be doing this? Your secretary is right outside” I asked nervously.

“Oh, she isn’t my secretary anymore, you are. Now do as I say”

“I got the job?!” I asked, “Thank you so much, sir. I won’t disappoint you!” I exclaimed.

“Oh I know you won’t disappoint me. Now continue with the bra like I asked” he said.

I unclipped my bra from the back while I looked up at him. He began to bite his lip and I smiled. I removed the bra and placed it on his desk. The air conditioning made my nipples hard and perky and this seemed to please him because I could see his cock slowly growing in his pants.

I nibbled on the tip of my finger while slowly undressing him with my eyes and asked, “What next?”

“Good. Now I want you to remove your panties and place them in your mouth” he said.

I was a little shocked to hear this because he was being so demanding and I was both scared and excited. I hiked up my skirt a little and grabbed onto my thong while slowly sliding it down my legs. I looked at them and they were soaking.

“Now put them in your mouth so that my ex-secretary won’t hear your moans” he demanded.

I complied and placed my creamy panties in my mouth and then I looked to him for further direction. “Take that skirt off right now”

I removed my skirt and placed it on the desk as well. As I was doing so, Mr. Hartman began to untie his red tie. I figured he was just getting nude as well, but I was wrong. He asked me to place my hands behind the chair and I complied out of excitement of what would happen next. He successfully tied me up and walked over to his desk where he pulled out two other ties from inside.

I spit the panties out and asked “What are you doing now, sir?”

“Did I fucking ask you to talk?” he replied.

“No sir, you didn’t”

“Good, so shut your mouth” he said as he stuffed my panties even deeper into my mouth than they were before.

I understood my place and I certainly understood his authority. He began to use the other ties to bind my legs to the chair; one leg to the right and one leg to the left. I was completely spread open and vulnerable and I began to get a little scared of what would happen next.

He took off his blazer and folded the sleeves of his dress shirt up his arm. It revealed the hair on his arm and this was truly a weakness of mine and he saw that. My pussy began to get wet again and he smiled to show that he saw what was happening. He slowly unbuttoned his pants and lowered them just enough to reveal the damage. His boxer briefs could barely contain his cock and I nodded my head to let him know that I wanted them off.

He removed the panties from my mouth and sniffed them before throwing them onto the ground. He pulled down his boxer briefs and that’s when I completely lost it. His throbbing cock popped out and it truly shocked me. Not only was this man gorgeous and charming, but he was packing some serious heat.

“Okay now, Miss Anastasia, you are going to suck my dick like a good secretary, is that clear?”

“Y…yes sir, it is”


He grabbed onto the back of my head and leaned it forward.

“Open” he demanded.

I opened my mouth and he stuck his cock in as deep as he could. He began to fuck my face, I never realized how much I enjoyed it. He was so dominate and I had absolutely no say in it and I was okay with that. The blow job began to get messy as I began to deep throat him. He pulled out his cock to see my face and strings of spit were shown on both my mouth and his cock.

“Look up at me when I’m inside of you, is that clear”

“Uh-huh” I said.

He shoved his cock back into my mouth and moved my head toward him after I would pull away, it created for the perfect system of submission and dominance.

He pulled out his cock again and then said, “Open your mouth and suck on my balls, if you make even one little noise I will punish you, is that clear?”

I breathed deeply and said, “Yes, Mr. Hartman, that is clear”

I stuck my tongue out and began to lick his balls while he places his fat cock on my face and smeared my makeup around.

“You’re a good little slut, aren’t you?”

“I’m YOUR good little slut, sir” I said.

He moved away from my mouth and starred at me as if he were thinking about what to do with me next. He then moved toward me and held onto my face. He looked at me directly in the eye and said, “You understand that you’re beautiful, right?”

I was shocked because he seemed so rough, but it turns out he in fact did have a soft side and I no longer felt scared, instead safe.

“I do, Mr. Hartman” I said.

He leaned over to my ear and whispered, “Call me Jude”.

It was then that I felt his fingers on my clitoris and I let out the softest moan.

“Good girl” he said.

This drove me crazy and in turn, I got more wet. He flicked and played with my clit for a little while I squirmed in my chair like I couldn’t contain myself.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes sir, I am” I said.

He slowly stuck two fingers inside of me and moved them in and out to get them wet so he wouldn’t hurt me. I felt him kissing my neck while he continued to go in and out of my soaking pussy.

He began to go faster and faster and I began to moan a little louder every time. He stopped and picked the panties off of the floor and said,”I thought I told you to be quiet?”

“Yes sir, you did”

“Very well then, I’m just going to have to shove your dirty whore panties back into your mouth because apparently you did not understand”

He shoved them in deep and I couldn’t make a sound and that’s when he got really rough with his fingers. I felt his two fingers repeatedly hitting my G spot and I could feel my legs shaking. He went harder and harder each time until the chair was soaking with my cum. He pulled his fingers out and removed the panties from my mouth and said, “Open your mouth”

I complied and he shoved his fingers in my mouth and said, “I want you to taste yourself, you slut”

I licked his fingers and then began to suck on them and this made him rock hard.

“I’m going to untie you now on the condition that you get up and grab the back of your ankles” he said. “Okay sir, anything you say”

He removed me from the chair and I did as he said. It was then that I could feel him slapping his cock around my pussy only to tease me.

“I want you inside of me” I said.

“I will fuck you when I want to fuck you, don’t you dare tell me what you want.” He replied.

“I’m so sorry sir, you’re ri…” I couldn’t finish my sentence because it was then that he shoved his throbbing cock inside of my tight pussy.

He went slowly in at first and then he began to go faster and faster in and out of me.

“Do you like being fucked like a naughty secretary?” he asked.

“Yes, I do” I moan.

He slapped my ass hard and said, “Good”

I moaned louder and louder as he thrusted harder and harder. He suddenly pulled his dick out and I squirted all over myself. He knelt down and stuck three fingers in my pussy and pushed down onto my g spot as hard as he could and I came even more. I could feel my pussy juice running down my leg and he knelt down all the way and licked it from my calf all the way up to my pussy. He stuck his tongue inside and I came even more on his face.

“Oh fuck, baby. You are completely drenched” he said.

“I’m sorry” I replied

“Don’t you dare apologize” he said and then he started to lick again. He licked from my clit all the way up to my little asshole and then played there for a bit.

He stood back up and grabbed onto my hair with one hand and then stuck a finger in my ass and I let out the biggest moan yet.

“I’m going to fuck your asshole now, is that okay?” he asked.

“I’ve never been fucked in that hole before,” I said, “I’m nervous”

“I will take good care of you, okay?” he said.

I felt safe again. He grabbed onto my big ass and very slowly put his cock inside. He began with just the head and saw how I reacted and to my surprise, I loved it.

“That feels so good, sir” I said.

He went deeper inside and now he was in past the head and moving onto the shaft.

“Can I go all the way in?” he asked.

I replied, “Yes sir, you can”

With one thrust, he shoved his entire cock into my tight ass and I couldn’t help but moan loudly. He moved his cock in and out of me while rubbing my clit and I was in a state of completely bliss. He fucked my ass for a little longer and then said, “I’m getting ready to cum, are you ready?”

I bit down on my lip and said, “I am”

He moved his hips as fast as he could and I felt his cock going deeper and deeper inside of me and just like that, he came in my ass.

He pulled out and knelt down to see the cum drizzle out of my ass and onto my thigh.

“Good girl” he said.

I composed myself and stood up and then cleaned the cum off of my leg.

I gave him a kiss and said ,”So I’ll be seeing you on Monday then?”

“I’ll see you on Monday” he replied.

Edit: CC would be awesome! This is my first time posting!



  1. Sounds like my kind of interview! Hope you had fun writing it, cause I enjoyed reading it.

  2. Oh wow, this is really, really hot. Please write more! That sex scene was amazing.

  3. It means a lot, thank you! What would this sub like to see? I’m pretty open!

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