My girlfriend and her big, beautiful breasts (TRUE STORY).

She's 19 years old and i'm 20. Her boobs are already very large, but recently while we were playing around her breasts began to expand. they were getting bigger than what is considered normal and then she told me that they felt like they were really full of something, which turned out to be milk since she started to lactate a lot. Her breasts kept swelling to more ridiculous sizes as i kept rubbing and squeezing them and then they stopped. At this point as i was firmly holding onto them from the front. Her breasts were beginning to jiggle and it tickled her a lot as i felt her jiggles. As they kept jiggling, i also felt and heard the gallons of breast milk inside her boobs sloshing around inside them which seriously turned me on. She was softly moaning at the immense feeling she was experiencing.

She told me to help relieve them by sucking out as much milk as i could, and by rubbing them which in turn tickled her more as her enormous, swollen breasts jiggled then began to pulsate. At this point, she told me that her milk was about to come out more, as they finally shot more and more milk out from her nipples. After having my fill of her delicious milk and rubbing them a lot, i then inserted my aching member in between her breasts and began humping them as i felt pleasure beyond anything i ever felt. The feeling of her breasts massaging my member was too much, as my member began to blast out gallons of sperm in between her breasts as i cried out in ecstasy. Her breasts (due to me constantly massaging them) had an orgasm by violently squirting her milk in the air.

Through out the rest of that night, i continued to drink her breast milk from those enormous, soft, swollen, milk-filled breasts as she moaned softly during the process while slowly drifting to sleep, resting on those pillows of comfort.

This is one of the reasons as to why i love my GF, she's got boobs that are equivalent to that of an anime dedicated to this kind of thing. I love her and her breasts, and i wouldn't have it any other way.



  1. Nope. They felt like large, soft water balloons. Her breast milk was delicious though! I had a lot of fun with them that night. They expanded to sizes nobody would think was even possible. Milk expansion can happen and when it does, just go for it! And remember, boobs that expand to extreme sizes like my GF’s give the most comfortable, pleasurable titfucks! Her breasts still act like this today, and we always have fun when it does.

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