Selling It To The Suits (F, mast, group voyeurism)

Hey guys! If you like my work, I will be publishing work on Amazon in the near future. If you'd be interested in being on a mailing list I'm working up, so you'd know when I uploaded a story, just PM with your email address and I'll add you to it.

Hope you enjoy!

The last of the suits took a seat, completing an unbroken chain of old white faces that could not have looked interested if their lives had depended on it. I suppose it was fortunate then that they didn't – just mine. Mine and Amber's. Her livelihood and mine, all curled up in the hands of twenty baby boomers who would retire to million dollar homes whether they gave our product the shitcan or not.

Speaking of, I shot Amber a quick glance and saw her fidgeting with the fabric on her skirt. I smiled, but received nothing in return. It wasn't anything malicious, that much I could tell from her glazed over eyes. She may have been looking in my direction, but the only thing that girl could see was the presentation ahead of her, facts and figures racing through her mind at a million miles an hour.

I straightened out my suit, and reminded myself that I should really be doing similarly. But it was hard to focus on anything at all, when my long time lab partner had shown up looking like that. Business professional, just as she'd been coached. Good girl. A skirt so white it looked like it had spent the morning in a vat of bleach hung down to her knees, rippling just enough in the air conditioned room to flash the occasional hint of her slender legs. Those long legs that seemed to go on for days, riding up into an upper body impossibly toned for a woman who dedicated most of her life to as sedentary a professional as bio-mechanical engineering.

I felt a tingle down south as my eyes traveled up her body, taking note of the way her blouse restrained her ample breasts without playing down their existence. How I'd love to just step over there and pop a few of those buttons off, let her breasts fall out. She'd gasp of course, but those would be moans soon enough when I pushed her agaisnt the table and ran my hand up her thigh, took a boob into my mouth, pushed my hardness up against her…

I adjusted my pants.

Amber's eyes zoned back into reality, and she shot a look around the room, then over to me at the side of it. I flashed her another smile, and for a second she was just Amb my married lab and business partner again. I shook off my thoughts from before, flashed her a cheesy "Go get em kiddo" gesture, and settled in to watching what I hoped would be a captive audience of investors.

She cleared her throat, "Hello, and thank you for taking the time to come out today." I could see the cold beads of sweat on her hands as she moved them, "My long time business partner and I hope that what you see here today will go a long way towards convincing you that nano-bio-mechanics is the wave of the future, and an emergent business that you want to at ground zero of."

I smiled at the room, but nobody had even turned their heads to acknowledge me. Three of them might have been asleep. Amber pressed a few buttons, and the projector behind her whirred to life. Feeding into the display of the laptop in front of her, it shot out a duplicate image of her desktop. She moved the mouse over to one of several .pps files, and I smiled.

Just like I'd told her. Never fuck around with a powerpoint presentation that wasn't already all set up to go – it just looked unprofessional. What you lose in last minute edits you more than make up for in a cool, confident demeanor. Besides, if you need to change your presentation round at the last minute, you obviously aren't ready to give the fucking thing.

The scraping of a chair made me shoot a look over to our audience, and I saw one of the old men getting up, his cell phone vibrating. He didn't even wait to be out of the room before he answered it, and I could hear him barking down the phone as he headed down the hallway.

Amber looked at me, the mouse hovering over the file. I gave her a nod. She double clicked it. The entire audience sat up and took notice, and my jaw fell into free fall.

Amber let out a deep breath, smiled and announced, "Introducing the ZVX-100, the latest in groundbreaking medical micro technology that will usher in a new paradigm in internal medicine." Behind her sat a large picture of my lab partner's ass with a carrot in it.

The carrot looked clean, freshly washed, and slick with lube. It must have been an inch and a half into her asshole, which I'm not ashamed to say was probably the most feminine I had ever seen. Even with the considerable bulk of the carrot, I could still see the droop of her pussy at the bottom of the frame. She must have used a good camera too – it picked up the drops of her wetness sitting there so patiently. I could almost taste the sweet tang of her pussy.

Some of the investors shot glances at each other, and they all straightened up in their chairs. Katrina's smile widened, and when she glanced at me her pupils were going crazy. "They're buying it!" they seemed to say, "They're really buying it!"

"I stand here before you today at the birth of a new generation. With our product, DynoSyx, we can finally start to fight back. Mental illnesses, predispositions to things like cancer, we are offering you the chance to get in on something that you have never, ever seen before!"

She hit a key, and the image changed. Now it was her shaved pussy front and center, her fingers rubbing into it, obviously well lubricated. Naturally lubricated too, I don't doubt. At the back of the image, you could still see the end of the carrot, sitting firmly in her tight little asshole.

The top of the frame read, in pink cursive, "I know what you like ;)"

The bottom read, "For your eyes only babe."

I nearly facepalmed right then and there. Of course. This was a presentation for her husband, active duty in the Marines. Something for him to enjoy while he spent his days in wherever they had shipped him off to. If ever I'd thought this was a coy move on her part, I got it now. This was a fuck up, nice and simple.

And I began to raise and open my mouth, to warn her, to spare her this embarrassment.

"This is fascinating stuff!" One of the investors yelled, and there was a general murmur of agreement, "We'd love to see more." They nodded and grinned and nudged each other. One of them looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. Another of them got out his check book.

I sat back down.
