Her Night With The Guys – Chapter 1 [gangbang, bondage]

This is my first time writing and posting an erotic story. Please, please, please leave your comments and let me know if you like this story or not.

“Her Night With The Guys” was inspired by and is dedicated to a sweet, wonderful, beautiful woman whom I found here on reddit.com/r/gonewild. This story was created over the course of 4 days by sending private messages back and forth between us. It is written as told to and with her (Natalie in the story). Here is a link to a very hot and very sexy picture of this amazing woman……….http://imgur.com/mL4tCIN

I tell all of the guys to come over to our place for the monthly card party. I tell them we will try to make it a little extra interesting this time and hopefully extra FUN!!! James, John and Brodie are NOT in a relationship while Dave and Evan have girlfriends. Sam and Joey are happily married. On the evening of the party, I have asked you to stay out of sight until I tell you to bring the food into the dining room. The guys begin to arrive and I greet each of them at the front door. Dave comes right from work so he still has his suit and tie on. John, Joey and Evan come in shorts and a t-shirt while Sam and Brodie are wearing casual pants and a button up shirt. After everyone has arrived, gotten their drinks and sat down around the large table in the dining room, I walk into the kitchen where you are. All the food is placed perfectly on serving trays. You are wearing this (in black) so I ask you to turn around so I can admire ALL of you …………. http://www.yandy.com/Strappy-Back-Mesh-Babydoll.php with these heels …………. http://www.yandy.com/Strap-Me-Down-Glossy-Sandal.php. I am almost drooling as I stare at your very hot, very sexy, very yummy body while you twirl around. You wait just a moment after I head back to the guys. As you bring in the first tray of food everyone stares at your body in that lovely black see through outfit. As you lean down between John and Sam to place the tray on the table, they both see the back of the outfit (and your ass). Sam spills his drink and I think John's mouth is stuck open. You take the napkin from Sam's leg and use it to dry off the crotch of his pants. You rub a few times over Sam cock, just enough to make him wonder but not enough to make him too curious. As you wipe up Sam's spill and go back into the kitchen, the rest of the guys see the back of your outfit (and your ass). There are a lot of surprised and smiling faces. I think Evan and Joey are actually drooling. You bring the rest of the food into the room and place it on the table. As you do this you rub against Dave's leg and against James and Evan's arms with your ass as you slide between them. After you have all the food brought in, I have you stand next to my chair and I put my arm around you. I announce to everyone "I hope all of you guys remember me saying how we wanted to make tonight's party a little more interesting. Well tonight we are going to have the prize for winning a hand of cards be a little extra FUN!!! When you win a hand, you get to ask my hot, sexy, obedient wife Natalie to do anything for you here at the party and she will have to do it." I could see everyone's eyes get big and the smoke from the wheels turning in their brains……….LOL ;) The first few hands of cards start out pretty tame. Dave has you give him a kiss on the cheek and then James asks for a kiss on the lips. Just a short little kiss and release. Brodie tells you to come over to him, turn around so your back is towards him and slides his hand inside the back of your dress. He slides his hand up and down your back stopping just before he gets to your ass cheeks. James wins again and this time asks for a french kiss. This gets some oohs and aahs from the other guys. James kisses you on the lips and then slides his tongue inside your mouth. The kiss gets pretty hot but doesn't last very long. Evan wins the next hand and has you sit on his lap during this hand of cards. He doesn't touch you but you put your arms around his neck. After that hands of cards, you get up off Evan's lap and head over to Joey who is the next winner. Joey tells you to turn around so your back is towards the table. He slides his hand up the outside of your right leg until he reaches your ass cheek. Suddenly we hear him slap your ass cheek. John leans over towards me to say "OH WOW!!! I thought Joey was married." "We have to have equal treatment here!", Joey announces as he turns you slightly more towards himself, slides his hand up the outside of your left leg and slaps your left ass cheek just as hard. As you walk away, I look to see the expression on your face. You give me a look asking for permission to be a dirty girl. I give you a smile back letting you know you can be as naughty and dirty as you want! John wins the next hand and has you come over to him, turn around and then kisses each of your ass cheeks. Next Sam has you sit on his lap and then pull down your top revealing your breasts. He moves towards you and quickly licks each of your nipples (just one quick lick for each). You feel Sam's cock getting slightly hard in his pants. Finally I win a hand and have you come over to me. I have you sit on my lap facing me and tell you (loud enough so everyone can hear) to take my cock out of my pants and leave it there while your sit on my lap for the next round of cards. As the hand of cards is played, you wiggle back and forth on my cock getting me a little hard. As the hand ends and you start to get up, I reach my head in and get you a warm kiss on the lips. Brodie laughing says loud enough for everyone to hear "No Extras Buddy!!!". "Not even for the hubby?", I laughingly reply. Before you leave, I have you slide my cock back in my pants (best you can) but leave them unzipped. Dave wins a hand (first time since the first hand) and has you stand next to him with your back turned towards him. He takes a pocket knife out of his pocket and places it against the bottom strap of the dress. Since I am directly across the table from Dave, he looks at me to see if it is ok for him to cut this. I tell him "Go ahead! I said anything goes!" loud enough so everyone can hear. He cuts the strap and then squeezes each of your ass cheeks. Joey wins the next hand so he has you come over to him and turn so your back is towards him. He tells you to bend over so your head is just above Brodie's crotch. As Joey slides his hand along the inside of your legs, you rub Brodie's crotch and notice he is pretty hard. Joey slides his hand farther and farther up your legs, moves your thong to the side and rubs his fingers back and forth between your pussy lips. You are a little surprised as he does this and you grab Brodie's crotch firmly (very firmly). Joey slides your thong back on and as you slowly stand back up you slide open the zipper on Brodie's pants. You try to make sure no one notices Brodie’s zipper being open as Joey licks his fingers. After the next hand of cards, Evan tells you to come over and turn your back towards him. He asks Dave for the pocket knife and promptly cuts the five straps right above your ass. The only thing holding your outfit on now is the strap around your neck and the five straps around your back. After the next hand of cards, Sam tells you to come over by him. He tells you to remove your thong and sit on his lap. You can tell his cock is much harder than before. You ask Sam (with everyone else listening), "Is it ok if I unzip you and pull your hard cock out of your pants so I can slide on it?" Everyone (except me) is surprised how bold you have become. Sam shakes his head 'Yes' as he smiles a big, fat, wide smile. You slide back and forth on Sam's cock during the next hand as you think about playing with (and fucking) a married man. John wins the next hand so you get up to walk over to him. Sam can feel the moisture from your wet pussy on his cock as you get up. "Let's get rid of this outfit!" John says as he gets the pocket knife from Evan who used it last. John quickly cuts the five straps around your back and also the strap around your neck. The sexy outfit falls to the floor and you stand there in front of everyone completely naked. "Oh Fuck!!!! Oh Baby!!! You look so damn hot and sexy and beautiful and ready to be fucked." I think to myself. Evan wins next and tells you to come over to him. He pushes his chair away from the table and says to you, "Unbuckle and remove my shorts and underwear for me. Then stroke my cock but only stroke it once." He looks over at me but I am loving this so I give Evan a thumbs up. You stand in front of Evan with your lovely breasts almost in his face. You undo his belt, unbuckle his shorts, sit on your ass in front of him and slowly pull Evan's shorts and underwear down and off. Evan's hard cock pops up and you slowly stroke it once (but only once). Brodie wins the next (very quickly played) hand and tells you to "Get your hot, sexy, little ass over here!" "Anything goes right?" he asks me and I answer back "Hell Yeah!" As you walk over to Brodie, he is pulling his pants and underwear down to his ankles. He tells you to sit down on the floor in front of him and suck on his cock until it is ready to explode. "But no explosion! YET!" he says. You do as you are told and begin sucking Brodie's cock in and out of your mouth. As you suck on him, Brodie leans back in his chair. Looking at Brodie, I can tell that you are giving him your usual fantastic blow job. You look up into his eyes so you can tell when Brodie is getting close to cumming in your mouth. At the right moment, you let his cock slide out of your mouth and you stand up.
Then Joey tells you "Get your sweet ass over Natalie!" "What about the cards?" James asks. I announce to everyone "I think the card playing part of the evening is over. And the playing with, on and in Natalie part has now officially begun!!!" Some guys clap but most are busy stroking their own cocks. You walk over to Joey who happens to be sitting next to me. He turns you so your ass is towards him and bends you over so your head is right in my naked lap. "Suck your hubby's cock like a good little wife while I do a little more investigating back here". You begin sucking on my cock as Joey slides his fingers between your pussy lips again. After Joey's fingers are slippery from your pussy juices he suddenly slides one of his fingers inside your pussy. With my cock in your mouth, you moan as much as you are able to and begin sucking my cock faster and faster. Joey holds your pussy lips open as he slides a second finger inside of your warm, wet pussy. And then a third finger, filling your pussy with his fingers. You are sucking me so fast and so hard now getting me very, very, very hard. Joey slides his very slick fingers out of your pussy and up to your tight little asshole. Applying some of your pussy juices to your asshole, Joey slowly and gently slides a finger inside your asshole. Sliding his finger further and further inside your asshole until it is as far inside as it will go. You get so, so, so excited and hot that you bite down on my cock (softly) getting me so damn close to cumming. I grab your arms and pull you over to me. Joey's finger is forced to slide out of your asshole which hurts you just a little. I position you with your legs on either side of my chair. Looking at me you slide down slowly on my big, hard (I mean really HARD!) cock. Oh Fuck Baby!!! It feels great as my cock slides inside your sweet, wonderful, warm and very wet pussy! You begin to ride my cock slowly at first and then faster and harder and harder and faster. I squeeze both of your breasts and lick your nipples. Squeezing your breasts harder and harder as I am getting closer and closer to cumming. "OH FUCK BABY!!!" I yell just as my cum explodes inside your pussy. I can feel you climaxing with me. Our cum drips out of your very filled pussy and onto the floor. As you stand up and stand next to me (exhausted and with cum still dripping from your pussy), I ask loudly "Who's Next!?!?!?" Sam quickly throws his shorts and underwear to the floor, rips his shirt off and walks over to where you are standing next to me. He pushes you so you are bent at the waist with your arms on the table holding you up. Your ass is pointing away from the table and pointing directly where Sam is now standing. Sam moves up close behind you and slowly slides his hard cock inside of your wet, dripping pussy. As he slides further and further inside of you, he tells everyone "I haven't fucked anyone besides Betty (his wife) since we were married 15 years ago but I really, really have to fuck you now Natalie!!!" Sam begins sliding his cock in and out of your pussy faster and faster. And harder and harder pushing you forward so your arms are now flat on the table holding you from sliding further onto the table. Sam slams into you again and again and again. He looks at me and I can tell he is getting close to cumming. He seems to be looking for my ok so I nod my head "YES" a few times so he knows it is ok to cum inside your pussy. After getting my approval, Sam explodes again and again inside your pussy filling you so full of his cum that it is running down your leg. Sam sits down in the closest chair, completely exhausted from fucking you. I look at you to see how you are doing right now. You spread your pussy open, look back and ask, "Who wants to fill me up next?” Dave quickly walks over to where you are standing with your pussy spread open. He stumbles as he attempts to step out of his suit pants and underwear. As Dave stands next to you with his arm around your waist, he says "I love my girlfriend Cindy but right now at this moment I want…..No I need to fuck you Natalie!" Dave helps you get onto the table and position yourself so you are sitting on your ass at the edge of the table and your arms are behind you holding you up. He moves his naked body close to yours and guides his hard cock inside your soaked pussy. He stands still for just a moment as he enjoys the feeling of your pussy around his cock. Then Dave quickly slides his cock all the way inside your pussy and then almost all the way out. Dave slams back into you hard again and again and again….. You moan out loudly as this hurts you slightly but also gets you more and more and more excited. I can see in your eyes that you are getting close to cumming again. You moan so loud as you cum around Dave's cock. He immediately explodes inside your pussy, joining with your cum and slowly dripping out of your pussy onto the table and the floor. Dave pulls out of you and falls exhausted on the floor.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2lh6j5/her_night_with_the_guys_chapter_1_gangbang_bondage

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