Short narrative about fucking in a warehouse

He was in the back part of the stockroom with the compressor system, the bowells of the building. The place with all the generators and motors and engines where it was deafeningly loud. But there she was, hot for him and almost completely naked. In a moment he had her pinned against the wall, one hand on each side of her, staring her down. She had her glasses on and only underwear, her beautiful muscled legs and delicious round ass offered to him and she only wanted him. He could smell her desire, and felt his body explode in heat. He subconsciously stroked his cock through his pants and he was hard as rock. He swallowed and pressed close enough to feel her body trembling. "Open up for me, dear," he whispered in her ear. She whimpered as he stroked the wet fabric between her legs. Her thighs were unsteady and she collapsed to the floor as if to escape him but he held his hand where it was, stroking her until his fingers were soaked with her desire. He melted onto the floor with her or inside her, something. He had lost consciousness of his surroundings. He was in a feral state of need. Had he been in front of a thousand people, he would have kept going. He could hear no sound and feel nothing but the tantalyzing sensation of his experienced lips taking hers, sinking his teeth into her plump lower lip. The feeling of his thumbs rubbing over the tight peaks of her nipples.This room was hot as a dream, his fingers sticky from touching the damp fabric between her legs. She moaned for him and he slipped his finger through a leghole and into the hot wetness of her body. She came on his fingers before he could stop her and he grew so big and hard it was almost painful, and then she was naked and he was inside her, moving hard and fast. He could taste the doughy, salty taste of her before having even done it. When he finally tasted her he could not get enough. He repositioned her thighs to change the angle but every move he made drew him dangerously close to coming. He swore and slowed his movements. Her powerful legs wrapped around his waist, deepening his angle. He made a strangled sound in his throat and sank his teeth into her neck, swearing. His senses were heightened. The smell of her passion overtook him and he dug his nails into her skin, moving fast and hard. It hurt to hold off like this when he was so hard and swollen. He had never felt this way before, both the pleasure and the pain. He gritted his teeth. "Hey, are you alright?" he heard her ask as she bit his earlobe. Her voice sounded far away, masked by the roaring in his ears. "I am going to come." She pulled away from him and repositioned herself on all fours, guiding him inside her from behind. "The hell are you doing…..wha—I….," Words failed him as his eyes took in the visual of her on all fours. His thighs were becoming unsteady.

His words were lost as he grew more and more and more excited. All of his pleasure points were being massaged, squeezed tight in her wet heat.

The sensation was full and powerful, burning hot. His hands clenched into fists, knuckles white. He hissed through clenched teeth. He needed to come yet he needed to keep going.

He withdrew except for the very tip, drawing it out for as many seconds as he could, and then thrusting deep inside her again with a ragged moan.

He withdrew his hand and slapped her ass, hard.

She spread her thighs and clenched around him, hard. Every inch of him was suddenly squeezed tighter than imaginable. He swore and fucked her harder.

"I'm going to come, oh hell," he gasped.

He spilled his load in seconds, more than imaginable. The strength of the orgasm was enough to curl his toes and send shivers to every body part. He made every sound he felt. He was loud and in the moment he did not care.


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