First smutty writing

again, unedited and unread through.

She was sitting at her desk, wearing a modest pair of black spandex shorts and a tank top: her usual lounge wear. She was tapping a pen repeatedly, one of her many habits that she couldn't get out of no matter what. Between that and chewing on pen caps, it was clear to see she went through many of them. Her gaze was focused on the computer screen, a jumble of words viewable. Her right hand was on the keyboard, index finger pressing the down arrow repeatedly as her eyes scanned the page.

As he approached closer, she had failed to notice him. Her attention was taken by the now visible site of Fanfiction. His quick reading skill picked up the names 'Sirius' and 'Hermione' and he deduced that she was reading smut, yet again. She seemed to have a fetish for the young teenager to be mating with someone much older than her.

The man reaches out to rest his hands on her shoulders and he leans down, brushing his lips across the back of her neck; her hair was conveniently in a high bun, another sign of her lazing around. "Anything interesting happening to them today?" He murmurs against her skin, and grins as she shivers at his breath.

She looks up at him, her eyes bright. "Well in this story, they're in a study, much like this one." The woman spins the chair around and pushes herself upwards so she's flush against the man in front of her. "And Hermione decides she's going to be extremely flirtatious. To the extent where he is shaking with desire," as she says this, her nails start to trail up his arm until she reaches his shoulder, and she digs into the spot there. "And then she walks away."

The woman goes up on the tips of her toes, and lightly brushes her lips against his own. Her eyes flutter open and she meets his, then winks. Tilting her head a little bit, she presses another kiss to his cheek, then pulls out of his grasp. She turns around and starts to bound away, but the man reaches forward and grabs her wrist.

"Not so fast, woman. I believe you started something you need to finish." With his last word he pulls on her, bringing her close to him. He wraps his arms around her waist, holding her there tightly: one hand on her hip, the other at the small of her back. During the movement she lets out a little gasp and a joyous giggle. He had taken the bait.

His hands start to voyage from their place, down the roundness of her ass, until he's cupping it, then he lifts her up. She takes this moment to wrap her legs around his waist, pressing her warm core against his prominently growing bulge. Letting out a low groan, he starts walking forward until her back is to the wall, and he uses it as a way to keep her up in his arms and pressed so close to him. While he's doing this, one of her hands is running her fingers against his short hair, and the other is wrapped up under his arm, her nails digging into his shoulder once more.

She tilts her head and leans down and sucks on his lower lip. He pushes into her harder and her mouth pops open, a loud gasp being expressed from the force of his push. She grins at him, "Getting rough are we?"

His hands start to run up her side, under her shirt, when his fingers feel the band of her bra. He grasps onto her tightly and pushes his thumb up underneath of it and ghosts it across her nipple. Her eyes close as he forces another finger up under her bra and starts to roll her nipple between his fingers. The pressure of his hand under her bra completely pushes it up off of her beasts and leaves them unrestrained and unbidden. He uses this to cup her beast completely and leans forward to suck on her neck.

As her body starts to respond to him, her thighs tighten against his abdomen and she attempts to push herself close to him, trying to use the friction to arouse her further. She reacts to his nips on the sensitive part on her neck, and lets out a low moan, her nails digging even deeper into his shoulder. He uses his opposite hand to introduce her forgotten breast to his ministrations.

The man pulls away from her neck, and lifts her back up. He carried her over to the sofa and drops her down onto it. Using one hand to resume playing with her breast and nipple, he starts to move the other closer to her core. Slowly he puts his hand into her shorts and squeezes her nub of pleasure between his thumb and finger. She lifts her hips off of the couch and closer to his hand as a wave of pleasure causes her to shiver. He starts to tweak it slightly and she thrusts forward again.

One of her hands comes up to his forearm and she grabs it, clenching tightly as she moans again. He takes this as a sign to continue further and slowly inserts one finger. She squirms under him moans quietly, "More.. Please.." Her breaths come in shorter gasps and it gets heavier as her lover's finger starts to move within her. Within a few thrusts of his finger, he adds another and she continues to squirm and moan quietly.

While thrusting into her with his fingers, he reattaches his mouth the the sensitive spot on her neck and it's just enough for her to lift her hips off of the couch again as her walls clamp down onto his fingers, convulsing as a white light flashes behind her eyelids. As she orgasms she takes in a deep breath and holds it as she quivers against him. A few seconds later she collapses onto the couch, her walls still contracting as he pulls his fingers from her.

A small smile of content is on her face as she sighs, a yawn soon following. "I love you," she tells him sleepily before curling up on her side. He wipes his hand on his shirt and lays down on the couch next to her, being the big spoon for her. Wrapping an arm around he waist, he matches her completely and smiles, "I love you too, darling."
