Second time writing smut, lover gave me inspiration

It's unedited and hasn't been read through since written.

He was sitting at his desk, the video playing on the screen not holding his attention. He looks up at the clock again, for what must have been the third time in the last five minutes alone. 'She's late' was his only thought. Upon the slamming of the door downstairs he stands up from his chair and starts to make his way down the steps. He hears her humming and grins wryly at her song choice.

"How was tonight's 'date'?" He asks her as she comes into view, putting extra emphasis on the word date.

The woman looks up at him and rolls her eyes, "Fucking bitch. Remind me why I do all of this for her again?" He smiles at her again and once he reaches the bottom of the steps her wraps his arms around her waist.

He presses a kiss to her nose and whispers "Because she wants to find a man that passes your standards before she wastes her time." The woman fixes a glare on him and leans back, crossing her arms.

"Don't you hear people constantly say I'm cheating on you because I go out so often?" He shrugs in response as she already knew his reply. They'd have this exact conversation every single time she'd come back home. She starts humming under her breath again and he pulls her closer.

"What an ironic song choice." He states quietly, watching her closer. Her humming becomes a quiet murmuring of the song lyrics.

<i>baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, I shake it off, I shake it off</i>

As she starts to sing she turns around, pressing her ass close to him and starts to dance to the beat of the music. He continues to hold her hips and pulls her flush against him and leans down to press a kiss to her collarbone. She lifts her head up and continues singing, skipping past a few parts.

<i>I'll never miss a beat, I'm lightning on my feet</i>

She pulls away from him for the next part and does a 180 degree turn so she's facing him again and winks as she keeps singing and dancing.

<i>I'm dancin' on my own, I'll make the moves up as I go But I keep cruisin', can't stop won't stop groovin'</i>

She closes her eyes and starts to get into it more, failing to realize her man was staring at her, lust in his eyes. Before she can finish the last word he steps forward, taking her into his arms and pressing his lips to hers, effectively shutting her up. He growls at her, "You know you can't sing that song and dance like that and not have me want you."

She looks up at him, a bright smile on her face. "How do you know that's not what I want?" She asks with a giggle and pulls herself out of his arms once more and sidesteps around him to run upstairs, making her way towards their bedroom.

"Fucking minx," he says before bounding after her. He slows before he gets to their room. Their door was open and the light was flickering. The shadow along the wall showed her pulling her shirt up and he heard a soft thud of it being thrown against the wall.

"Lover! I know you're out there! Come and plaaaay!" She calls out to him, her voice filled with laughter. He takes the final two steps until he's standing in their doorway. Her back is to him and she'll pulling her hair out if it's bun and shakes it out. She's half naked and within a second he's hugging her to him.

"You've been naughty, darlin'." He murmurs into her hair. She just giggles in response and let's out a squeal as he pushes her to the bed. Her elbows are holding her body up, and her ass is pushed up into the air. His erection is straining in his pants and he pulls his shirt up over his head and proceeds to unbutton his bottoms and let's them drop, boxers and all. He takes a step closer to her and pulls her jeans down, far enough for him to gain access to her core.

He spreads her cheeks and inserts a finger, pleased to find her already wet for him. Deciding she needs no foreplay today, he pulls his finger out and she arcs her back, desperate for contact. He places his hands on her hips and lines his cock up with her entrance. In a swift movement he thrusts his hips forward, going into her balls deep.

She lets out a low hiss of pleasure and moans quietly, "Fuck." He gives her a second to adjust before pulling his hips back and shoving into her once again. He continues this and each time she moans a little louder. He leans forward and reaches around with his right hand to find her love button. Taking it between his thumb and finger he starts to squeeze and roll it.

Her whimpers start to become long and drawn out, and he tells her to cum for him. This sets her over the edge and she pushes back into him, her walls starting to clench down on him. This sets him off and she's milking him for every bit he has. In a state of euphoria he bites into her shoulder and she screams for a second but stops as her orgasm continues. Before he manages to pull out she's collapsed forward onto the bed, her breathing heavy.

He finishes taking her pants off and rearranges her onto the bed properly, then picks up his discarded shirt to clean himself off. Her fingers find their way down between her legs and she scoops up a small amount of his seed escaping from her vagina. She looks up at him through heavy lids and licks the cum off her fingers. He rolls his eyes at her, but climbs into bed beside her all the same and snuggles close. "Sleep tight, darlin'."

Tired and played out, she manages to mumble in return, "love you," then falls asleep. Her breathing evens out and gets deeper and he just smiles. This was the woman for him.


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