New Erotic Story website looking for thoughts on site and help finding ways to get people to submit their stories.

Hey Everyone,

We're a new erotic story website. It's completely free to submit your stories or to stop by and browse.

I realize that we're not the first to do this but we plan to differentiate ourselves with the categories that we offer and are willing to put on the site.

We're putting this up in hopes on getting some feedback about how to improve the site and hopefully to find people willing to submit their own stores.

Check us out:

or shoot us an email at



  1. The site layout is beautiful but the idea of having a middle column that occupies only half the screen once you click into a story is horrible. It means that much more scrolling. Some sites offer a javascript autoscroll (see which might partially alleviate the issue. You need a search function and a way to tag stories (BDSM is a very broad category as an example: male dom, femdom, light, heavy, gay straight, bi… ) Those who know what they want need to be able to find it. A story can fit into more than one category and tags allow you to fix that problem. You should database the stories and a search function becomes easy. People also need to be able to search or sort by date. Your FAQ invites advertisers to email but has no address. You need to address copyright issues in the FAQ. Does an author have the ability to retain copyright?

  2. An autoscroll function sounds good, I have no idea why I never thought of that! As far as BDSM being broad, I completely agree and I was already exploring the idea of adding some way to break all of that down, however, as you can see, I’m need content/stories before I can go there but I’m with you. I figured I didn’t have to hold people’s hand in the FAQ’s, I do have a Contact page but that’s an easy enough fix. Of course the author retains copyright! I’ll go back and double-check all of the legal jargon. Thanks for the help!

  3. Not sure if this is something you’d want to get into but I have been looking for it and can’t find it anywhere really….. I’d love for a erotic story site to have a requests section. I’ve got some stories/ideas I’d love to see "in print" but I’m just not a writer and wouldn’t even know how to start. I’d love to see a spot where I could submit my ideas and have people have a go at them if they find them inspiring. I know there are some subreddits that offer this but they seem like they are poorly attended and a lot of requests aren’t addressed. Just a thought, good luck with the site. I’ll be watching it closely. :)

  4. Hey, A requests section? That’s interesting, here’s the thing though, the idea behind my site is that it’s supposed to be user submitted, in other words, you, the writer submits a story, regardless of the topic and we look it over and approve it. What type of category or story are you looking for? We have no problem adding a new category, so long as it doesn’t involve scat, pain, rape, bestiality or anything illegal, like underage or child porn. What were you thinking? Feel free to email us at

  5. haha, yeah, sometimes I’m too tired to think straight, didn’t reply properly but it’s up there!

  6. scat, pain, rape, bestiality or anything illegal, like underage or child porn? Yikes. I’m just looking for a spot I can request a story be written by someone creative who could take my (boring, married couple centered) ideas and turn them into creative, fun, erotic works of art (I cannot, for the life of me, write.) that I can then read/share with my spouse and hopefully increase my odds of incredible sex…… Hope that helps…… Thanks for replying.

  7. haha, sorry, was that too graphic or unexpected?! Okay, that does sound interesting, I’m not married myself, so, I don’t know what that’s like. As of right now, I don’t have a section like that and to be frank, it never even crossed my mind. I suppose you could always post around here and I’m sure someone would help you for some sort of payment of course. Good luck!

  8. How about adding a sci-fi/fantasy section. I know I like reading and writing that material but it can be hard to find. It may not be the biggest section but it’d make you different from other sites for sure.

  9. Reddit has a Erotic Writing Prompt subreddit but it doesn’t bear much fruit…..

  10. Hey, thanks for that thought! It’s funny that you mention a science fiction section, we’re already on getting that up. We have a handful of stories already to post up, however, we’re having trouble finding a good pic to go in that section. We might just have to find a stock image somewhere. Also, we’re gonna be adding a "western" section as well. in the meantime, we do have a "fan fiction" section that we’d love to see submission too!

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