[MF] Gym Daydreams Pt. 1

Ok so quick background info, I work out 4-5 days a week and there's like no females in there at all. But on rare occasion there might be one. And there's one that used to come in that came back in yesterday. So this is just kinda my daydream in words, written mostly from my thoughts mixed with descriptions of the situation. Looking back on it, it might start a little slow. But it'll get you there lol

Am I gonna sit in the car and listen to music and wait until I get hungry again? Nope. C'mon now, go inside. Got legs today…damn. Oh well, gotta do it. I see it's pretty empty as usual. Aaaand not a single female. Great. It's amazing how much they help out when you're on that final heavy set. Maybe one day there'll be some. I wonder where that one chick went though? Ever since her and her boyfriend broke up she only came in like one time. She sure was nice to look at…

midway through the workout

Woah, looky here. I haven't seen her in awhile. That's that chick that I have the hots for for some reason. She's not overly attractive, just…really cute. Short, in shape, and with a just-right thickness. Maybe that's what it is. Her ass is out of this world. Watching her on the elliptical is mesmerizing. Time to stop watching her now, she's almost inside. I'm glad it's pretty empty in here. I've never been one to obviously check girls out at the gym and especially not the type to hit on them, but a look every once in awhile won't hurt. Didn't she deploy or something? Hmm…yep, she's going to the front desk to let them know she's back. Hallelujah! I'd have a great welcome home present for her. Ok new subject. Can't get hard in gym shorts, that's no good. Back to it.

she changes and does her usual warm-up on the elliptical. I sneak a few looks in. Her ass is just out of this world. Mmm, I wonder how that feels… She finishes up and starts her usual workout. She's working out near me.

Is she following me or something? She's been doing several things by me. It's like everywhere that I go, she kinda stays nearby. I wonder if she thinks I look good? Nah, probably not. Forget about that. She's probably got somebody else. But wait a minute, when she walks by me she never looks at me but she always has this smirk on her face. Or am I just imagining? Wouldn't that be something if she was thinking the same thoughts I was. What if we started talking and became friends and she wanted me? Oh man, I wonder how if feels to hit that from behind. I bet it ripples a little when you hit it. Gym short warning again. Time to change to a new subject. It's been too damn long for me, I know that.

I finish my workout, all the while she's always on a machine near me, never too far out of site. I grab my gym bag and sit for a minute to wrap my ear buds up and put them away. I grab my bag and head to the bathroom to change before I head out. I walk in, set my bag down, and as I turn around to lock the door she slips in and shuts the door with that usual smirk on her face, only this time it's bigger and quite a bit more obvious.

Ohhh crap. Did that just happen? Are my daydreams about to come true? There's no way. All the time I've daydreamed about being in a girl-next-door situation, the student-teacher attraction and staying after school…all those daydreams and not a single one came true. There's no way this is happening. What, did I drop something on my way here? That's probably it. I dropped something and she's returning it. No…she came in and shut the door. People don't do that when they say "hey you dropped something!" Uhh, now what?

*She never says a word, but keeps grinning wickedly and walks towards me. There isn't anywhere to go, and I can't move if I wanted to, so I just stand there like an idiot. My heart is pounding and my hands just got really cold and shaky. She finally gets to me. She's standing right in front of me and she's looking at me. First in my eyes, then down my body like she likes what she sees, then back up and to my eyes again. As I sit there and wonder what's coming next, I feel her hand on my crotch. It sends a jolt through me, but I don't do anything to pull away from it. Why would I? This is what I've been daydreaming about. Let's see where this goes…

She lifts my shirt up a little bit and bites her lip. Taking the cue, I take my shirt off. She runs her fingers from my shoulders downward. Past my chest. They ripple over my abs. She loops her fingers into my shorts. It sends a much stronger jolt through me. I'm sensitive there. My abs always quiver whenever I'm touched there. This move also does another thing: it sends a massive rush of blood to my dick. Well, I can see he's feeling good down there. She tugs at my shorts a little as she releases me and then takes her own shirt off. She has a sports bra underneath. Dang, I should have figured. I'll just have to wait a few seconds longer to finally see what she looks like naked. As soon as her shirt hits the ground, she's already stripping out of the sports bra. As it comes off and she drops it, the only thing I can think is "shit shit shit shit!" She presses against me and kisses my neck. How did she know that's my spot? She's good. She kisses my neck a few more times as I finally get the nerve to put my hands on her hips and slowly wrap them around to her ass. I give it a slight squeeze. Holy fudge. That's insane. I've never played with an ass like this. She takes a break from kissing on my neck and looks at me again, giving a look as she does. One eyebrow raises and she bites her lip. Well, you don't have to tell me twice! We work our way over to the small bench just a few feet away and she props one knee up on it facing away from me. I put my hands on her ass and give it a little smack as she lets out a quick gasp of excitement. I love to hear moans and gasps. It's positive feedback. The "attaboy" of physical activity. I wrap my hands around to her front and grab her boobs. I kiss on her neck for awhile to return the favor as I play with her nipples, pressing my crotch against her ass as I do. I tug at her nipples and twist them gently. Her boobs are more on the small side, but fantastic nonetheless. Every aspect of a woman's body is beautiful. Ok, now time to see what her jaw-dropping ass looks like up close and personal. Almost as if she was reading my thoughts, she grabs one of my hands and puts it on her waistband and gives it a tug, all the while leaning forward and bending more over the bench. I move my other hand into position as well, and wrap my fingers under her waistband. I can feel her panties underneath now. Lace? Damn, I hope I don't finish before I even get her undressed. She throws her head back and arches her back more in anticipation. Here it is, the moment of truth…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2k0yzl/mf_gym_daydreams_pt_1