Getting Off Before Hubby Gets Home [F, str8, mast, porn: oral, anal]

Kari checked the clock, relieved to discover that she had two hours before her husband would be home. She’d worked herself up driving home from work, letting her thoughts slip into daydreams and fantasies about the fucking she’d like to get from him. Each red light gave her a chance to advance the scene a little further. She’d gotten as far as the minutes just prior to a long, full-body orgasm, but arrived home before she could reach completion.

Given the time she had, she knew she’d have to get herself off if she expected to relax and enjoy her evening. Though their sex life was not lacking, she knew she needed to get off hard, through her own efforts, if she wanted relief from her drive home.

She quickly prepared everything she would need—laptop, her thick, 6” vibrator, and a little jar of coconut oil. Finding a video took a little longer than she would have liked, attempting to work the mouse with her left hand while she rubbed slow circles around her pussy, working in a dab of coconut oil. The scene started—a sloppy blow job with hair pulling, cock slaps, and choking. Kari had both hands working herself now, one tracing slow circles around her clit while probing softly with two fingers from the other. The girl on the laptop screen was getting rammed from behind now, arms clasped together at the wrist and held tightly at her hips by her costar. As the performer increased his thrusts, Kari increased the intensity of her fingers around her clit. Her natural moisture mingled with the coconut oil, easing the way she rubbed her fingers over the smooth skin of her inner lips.

She reached for her vibrator, still steadily working her clit. As she rubbed the head of the toy in big circles around her pussy, the guy in the video was roughly pawing at the girl’s ass, crudely spitting on it and rubbing the spit into her asshole. For each finger he inserted, Kari slid another fraction of an inch of the vibrator into her warm wetness. Finally, she slid the toy all the way inside, its six inches buried deep into her.

She bucked her hips against the bed, feeling the rounded head of the vibrator brush her A spot. She pushed into that sensation for a few more jerks of her hips, then started fucking herself; the toy sliding almost all the way out, then pounding all the way back in at the last second. Her eye squeeze slightly as she concentrates on the feelings emanating from her cunt. She thrust furiously, feeling all of the build up from her ride home swelling again.

Kari’s eyes flutter open for a second and she sees the girl from the video slamming her ass onto a hard cock. Her partner has one hand gripped securely in her hair, his free hand slapping her ass sharply every other pump. It’s all too much for Kari and she quickly rolls onto her knees, thrusting the vibrator deep into her pussy while rubbing her clit with frenzied fingers.

As Kari’s orgasm finally crashes into her, she barely stifles a moan into her pillowcase. It’s this exact moment that her husband starts to round the corner into their bedroom. He pauses, realizing that his wife is getting herself off. Rather than embarrass her and potentially deescalate her orgasm, he turns around and plans to start preparing dinner. As he heads for the kitchen, he can’t ignore his cock stiffening.



  1. This is the first time I’ve ever finished a piece like this. Feedback is appreciated!

  2. I liked it. The look into the female mind was very arousing. It was short but to the point. I look forward to reading more it you decide to write anything more.

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