A winter’s love [intercourse] [romantic] [sexual]

Warning this is an 18+ post and contains sexual descriptions

It was early December when i first met her, she was a true jewel without a single flaw. Her hair was an easy on the eyes red, her body had all the right curves in all the right places, her eyes a deep blue with an almost purple tent in the very middle and she had the voice of a thousand angels summoning me to heaven. At first she did not notice me, but then i saw her again a few weeks later, she rented out the house next door. For a while we exchanged glances and did not talk much until one cold winter morning. She looked at me and said "Hey um can you help me" I was not sure what to think as her and I never talked until then. I gave her a stare and said "Sure, what is the problem?" she looked tired and desperate "Well my job starts at 8am and i can't get my car out of the drive way, too much ice and snow in the way" this was a common problem in winter and I had gotten use to it and figured out fast ways to remove the snow. After about 10 minuets passed and her drive way was bare of all snow and ice "Thank you so much!" she said with a tone of enthusiasm as if she were trying to find an excuse to talk to me for a long time now. As she went to get into her car i stopped her and asked "Hey I know we don't talk much but you seem like a nice person, wanna go get coffee some time? maybe you can come over to my place when you get off work?" she smirked and replied with "Sounds like a date" she shuffled off to her car and drove away vanishing down the road. As i walked to my house I felt more complete than ever and yet i felt empty because i know my heart was flying after her with the fresh wings made from love. The next few hours almost never passed but time obeyed my life when I heard a solid thud on the door, it was her. That precious angel that fell from heaven to accompany me was standing not 2 feet away with only a wooden door keeping us apart, and as i opened the door a cool blast of wind flew in wildly and flared her red hair up, it had looked like the sun exploded on my front door and the heat was melting my soft heart. I was speechless for a few seconds "Uh..hi, come on in the couch is over there by the fireplace and OH yeah the coat rack is right next to the door" she glanced up at me and smiled "thanks for inviting me over for coffee, all the shops downtown are closed because the weather also my name is Starla, i don't believe we have been introduced before" i looked at her and replyed "My name is Jack, nice to meet you". She removed her coat and placed it on the coat rack as I made my way to the kitchen to start brewing coffee. A woman in my house I thought, when was the last time i was in the company of a woman? As the coffee was mixing with the warm water I decided to collect some cookies, which I found to complement the coffee well, on a plate and brought it to the couch. She glared over "nice fireplace" she said as i placed the cookies on the coffee table. I accepted the compliment and said "Sorry the place is a mess, I have not been home very long" i must have delivered the sentence with a gloomy look because she rested her hand on my shoulder and looked at me "Are you okay?" all i could do was cheer up and say "Yeah, i'm fine just got lost in my thoughts is all". She knew something was wrong and asked "what is really wrong?" i gave her a deep look and said "I..I was a grunt in the military okay? i had to do some things in the army i am not proud of, and i only recently got a honorable discharge and came home" she could only reply with a quick apology. I pulled my head up and said "It isn't your fault, i should not have gone off on you like that" she seemed to cheer up at this and leaned in close. She had a look in her eyes that I was never given before "You are a nice guy you know, most men don't apologize for going off like that" i blushed and replied with "I generally don't get that much anymore" i leaned in close to her "but coming from a young girl like your self i think that is the nicest thing I've ever heard" even though we just met for the first real time she came closer than any woman ever had, and placed a deep romantic kiss on my lips. It was like a million fireworks had gone off on my lips and a thousand men started wielding metal together, shooting sparks everywhere, it was a magical moment to say the least. Her arms found their way around my back and she pulled herself into my chest, as all of time almost came to a complete stop we heard a loud bubbling noise. Maybe me getting nervous because of this sweet embrace i thought, then i remember it was the coffee. My eyes slammed open and I pulled my lips away from her's with the only explanation as "Shit! the coffee!" I ran into the kitchen and turned off the machine and promptly came back with two cups of coffee. As i came back I noticed she was eating one of the cookies i had placed. She seemed to have enjoyed it and then tried another bite and washed it down with coffee. She looked warmly up to me and said "These cookies are great with coffee!" i went to return with a sentence of little importance but noticed some crumbs sitting on her bottom lip. I leaned in close and said "They are better with passion" we both fell for another time pausing kiss that removed the crumbs from her lip to my mouth and each little one carried her loving essence. I pulled my lips away from hers, unknowing what to expect, but she simply laughed and said "You are smooth as fuck but i think you missed a piece" she launched into my lap and initiated another romantic kiss. I wrapped my arms around her as she did also. At the peak of the romantic embrace i felt a sinking felling and we where on the carpet near the fireplace before i knew it; we had lost balance on the edge of the couch and slid off it seems. There we laid, her on top of me looking deep into my eyes and only said "Shouldn't you be on top?" followed by a laugh. Out of the blue i flipped her to where she was below me, she looked up and with a loving look said "Much better" then she came in for another kiss. As we kissed i felt her arms slide down my stomach unbuttoning my shirt, "not good" i thought "my scars might scare her off" i pulled my head from hers and said "wait..i have some scars..don't be scared" she looked deep into my eyes with an understanding look and continued to unbutton my shirt. When the shirt slid off i was expecting a gasp, or even for her to up and leave but instead she said "Come here my brave warrior" she pulled me in to continue the kiss i had rudely interrupted. I had found my hands wondering as well, also sliding down her warm chest removing each button with care. Within 2 minuets we were both topless and i was groping her firm, warm breast. Like a common person she advanced to my belt and unhooked it then slipped it out of my belt loops leaving my pants hanging like an old crow on a electric wire. Before i knew it she had me in my underwear while she was still wearing pants "i'll fix THAT" i thought as my hands unbuttoned then unzipped her pants. As i did this she removed my underwear leaving me bear naked with nothing other than her warm embrace and the fire keeping me warm. Soon she followed by example as i removed her panties. She pulled her lips away from my own and said with a quiet and loving tone "I'm ready" as i looked down i saw her holding the lips of her vagina open. It was as pink as a desert summer set and as warm as the tropics, but had a certain wetness to it that told me this was an underwater paradise. I did as she had asked and slipped my penis deep into her loving and warm womb. It was like a million beads of super soft jell had engulfed my body, and in retaliation i thrust my hips forward causing me to go ever deeper inside her. She let out a moan which made me even more attracted to this piece of heaven. She wrapped her legs around my back and started to nibble on my ear lobe lightly. This had caught me off guard and it made me thrust hard into her. She arched her back and gave out a load moan in response to this. My mouth had been unoccupied at the time and her nipples looked lonely, so i went in and like a baby started to suck her sensitive breast. She must have not been expecting this as she seemed to have been taken off guard, but she started to run her hand through my hair while the other was interlocked with my hand. As this embrace seemed the most bitter-sweet of any we took our time and enjoyed every single thrust. The fire that hard sparked and flickered with every individual thrust almost seemed to turn a bright pink as i shot my warm seed deep inside of her. Exhausted and tired, i rolled over and laid next to her, in the naked being warmed by this fire that had made the whole ordeal so much more romantic. She came in close and snuggled into my bullet scarred chest and said "Jack..i love you" i ran my hands through her long hair as she once did and said "i love you too, my little angel". As i wrapped my arms around her i felt her pass out in my arms, i soon followed example and passed out in her loving arms. A few hours later the sun rose over the snow covered ground, and as light shone through the iced over window only one shape was not frozen over. A imagine known widely through the world, a shape shared by the deepest of lovers and one that teens and children wish they could share so intimately as many adults knew how. There in that cold and barren window, was a single heart standing out in the sea of ice.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2jn6oi/a_winters_love_intercourse_romantic_sexual

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