
So a few weeks ago I met a man on Tinder and we really hit it off. Before I knew it we were creating an erotic story together of our fantasy encounter if we ever meet up. What follows is one of the sexiest stories I have ever taken part in. For the sake of the story, let's call this man Aaron, and I'll be Janelle.

Note: I'm starting in the middle of the conversation. We got to talking about writing.

Aaron: So if you had to write a play about us, what would it be called and what's the plot?

Janelle: What a question! Well of course it would be called A Thousand Swipes of Tinder, where the stars align and two people swipe right and end up being very well suited for one another even though the guy is 7 years older. :)

Aaron: You def chose the right major. If this story is made into a film it should be a drama, and obv R-rated so we can show our passion onscreen.

Janelle: Well that would certainly be a lot of fun to film

Aaron: I’d ruin the takes on purpose though so we’d have to reshoot multiple times >:)

Janelle: Well then ;) and what happens when the director gets annoyed?

Aaron: I’d say “cut!” and pick you up and carry you off set back to my trailer and finish the job

Janelle: swoons Janelle: that director’s just gonna have to wait then

Aaron: Only as long as it takes you to be satisfied with the “take”

Janelle: I guess how long it takes depends on your work

Aaron: Well I’d make sure you were very prepared and warmed up for the scene. It would get pretty intense so adequate preparations would be essential.

Janelle: Haha certainly ;) Sounds like this shoot would take all day. Though it’s starting to sound less like a passionate movie and more like an erotic documentary lol

Aaron: Well if art imitates life, that would certainly be the case. Remember, the movie is a replay of what we did beforehand…

Janelle: So we’d have to have a sort of..rehearsal before filming?

Aaron: That would probably be a good idea, we should be prepared for the spotlight Aaron: Your pics are back by the way, you’re fucking hot

Janelle: shit you’re making me blush Janelle: Well I’d make sure wardrobe dressed me in exactly the way you desire, which would be.. ?

Aaron: And you’re making me think bad things… As for wardrobe, I feel like you’d look sexy in anything, but I’d want something that’s just revealing enough to tease my imagination. Underneath of course would be something 100% sexy, and preferably a dress, so I could tease you a bit by running my hand up your leg while we discuss scripts at the table

Janelle: is it getting hot in here or what? Janelle: I love your style. I would probably lean into you to look at the script we were sharing, and I would try my hardest not to react while I run a high heeled shoe up your calf

Aaron: I’d pretend we’re looking closely at a line, and slowly inch my hands up your thigh, gently tracing circles with my fingertips and seeing how far I could go before you start to lose your composure.

Janelle: My breath would start to quicken and I’d blush, I’d start to feel tingles on my leg, I’d arch my back and grip your leg, not wanting to be seen but not wanting it to stop

Aaron: I’d be more in control, excited but still calm, and I’d start running my fingers over the last barrier that separates my fingers from you, feeling your heat and wetness, occasionally slipping under the edges to lightly brush past, torturing you in the most pleasurable way possible

Janelle: I’d give a small intake of breath only you would notice, silently begging your fingers for more…I’d gently slide my hand up your leg, brushing over your bulge to grasp your belt buckle

Aaron: I’d respond by finally sliding all the way under the fabric, and running my fingers over the most sensitive spot on your body. I’d tease and rub, taking occasional breaks to slip my fingers inside and apply pressure while also rubbing you from the outside. You’d start to feel yourself getting soaked and are suddenly starting to miss out on words in the conversation

Janelle: I’d lose concentration of the script and grip your buckle tightly, and I’d start to feel numb–it would be all I could do to keep myself in the present. Beneath the wetness I’d be overcome with a tingling sensation. I’d try to put my hand up to cover my face, our eyes would meet and you’d see the flush in my cheeks and a silent moan on my lips. You would somehow manage to continue the conversation and would have complete control.

Aaron: I’d smile a knowing smile at you, slowly increasing the intensity and focus, bringing you ever closer to the edge. You close your eyes in a last ditch effort to regain control but it’s too late. The tingling would increase and you’d feel the tension building up in your body reaching the tipping point, suddenly you feel your muscles begin to tense and your body is rocked by waves of intense pleasure. It’s all you can do to reduce your legs to a mild shaking, your thighs clamping down on my hand and your whole body shuddering. You suddenly notice the sweat on your brow and the heat radiating throughout your body. You try to catch your breath as I slowly withdraw my fingers and you twitch out of extreme sensitivity. I slowly run my fingers back down to your knee and ask you how you’re doing in the meeting and whether you’re bored yet.

Janelle: My breath is still shaky and I smile and laugh. I smooth down the skirt of my dress and try to lightly pat my forehead.
I take a pencil and start writing on the corner of the script, pretending to take notes while saying “a little too tedious if you ask me. I need a lunch break.” I rip off the corner of the page and slip it under your hand, which is still on my knee. You take the paper as I stand up, straighten my dress, and walk toward the door. I feel a single drip of my wetness sliding down my inner thigh as I leave the room. You watch me leave, then fumble with the paper to read what it says:

“Third floor. 10 minutes. Second door on the left.”

Aaron: I stare at the paper, the implications running through my mind. The next few minutes are a blur as I try to concentrate on the conversation while obsessively checking my watch. Finally the ten minutes are up and I call for a break as well. I try to walk as nonchalantly as possible even though I want to run. I finally reach the steps and am suddenly at the door. I pause for a moment, then gently swing it open…

Janelle: The only light in the room comes from the two windows. There are two chairs in the room, a couch, and a desk pushed up against the wall. I’m standing in the center of the room facing you at the door. I’ve let my hair down out of its ponytail and my hands are behind my back, untying the bow of my dress. You watch me and I you, with only the thought that I want to pleasure you as you have pleasured me…

Aaron: I walk to you, gazing over your entire body as you carefully untie your dress and let it slip to the floor. I gaze at your barely covered skin, a pale flush still faintly visible and reach down to caress your face. I slip one hand behind your neck and reach down with the other to grab ass and pull you into me. I feel my arousal increase and I kiss you passionately, our hands wandering across our bodies as we kiss with an almost violent intensity. Suddenly I stop and look into your eyes and smile mischievously. “My turn,” I say, and gently guide you to your knees.

Janelle: I smile up at you and use my dress to cushion my knees. I finally undo the buckle of your pants and tug them down to the floor along with your boxers (If you wear boxers ?) I look up at you once more as I move both my hands up the front of your legs. I grab hold of and lick your shaft from base to tip, swirling my tongue at the top. I kiss my way back down to the base, moving my hand up and down your length, before licking my way to the tip again. Once more I swirl my tongue at the top and look up at you to gauge your reaction. Then I take you fully into my mouth. I grab your thighs and move my lips up as close to the hilt as I can get. You’re deep in my throat for a few more seconds before I release you, and then I continue to bob up and down. Your hands are in my hair and you pull it gently away from my face.

Aaron: I look down at you, making eye contact as I thrust into your throat and moan. My fingers dig into your hair and I tip my head back. I grimace as I fight to make this pleasure last as long as possible. You can see my muscles quiver and tense up as your tongue and mouth pleasure me. I lift your chin to face me and thrust deep down your throat. I feel the tension building in my body and manage to barely groan out how good it feels. Finally I pause and hold to look down at you, looking for a cue to how you want this to end.

Janelle: Our eyes meet; you await my sudden answer, when suddenly there’s the sound of voices three floors below. Others are coming back from their break. In that moment I decide we must end this quickly. I plunge once more down your length, up and down, furiously. You moan and thrust continuously as well, so that with each thrust you go even further down my throat than before. Your muscles are tightening and your pace is quickening–your eyes half close as your hands clutch my hair–someone is climbing the stairs–you thrust as hard as you can and I hold you deep in my throat and swallow hard. This pushes you over the edge. Hot salty liquid fills the back of my throat. I continue to swallow, over and over, licking you with my tongue, breathing through my nose as the tension in your body begins to ease though your breathing is still labored. I pull my mouth off your length and lick the tip one last time, smiling.

In our passion we forgot that the footsteps are coming closer. I stand up, not knowing what to do. I grab my dress off the floor and leap behind the open door as you quickly pull on your pants. The director walks up to the open doorway, seeing only you in the dark, and asks, “what are you doing here?”

Aaron: I smile and try to act normal. “I was just having problems with a couple moments in the script and decided to review them. It’s okay now, I think I know exactly where we’re trying to go with the part.” He looks at me curiously, but simply nods and says they’re waiting for me downstairs. “After you,” I say, and start following him out of the room. I pause right before I shut the door to look in your direction. I smile, both of us, knowing this won’t be the last time we rehearse.

Aaron: If this movie never makes it to production it will be a travesty. Janelle: Hahahaha Janelle: Sexiest story I’ve ever been a part of Janelle: We could publish this crap

Aaron: If you didn’t employ any ghostwriting I’m seriously impressed. Aaron: Your mind is tantalizingly erotic

Janelle: I am offended. I am authentic! Janelle: Hahaha. Well thanks ;) It’s not everyday you find a guy who plays along

Aaron: Anyone could be a poet with you as inspiration

Janelle: Such flattery. I really don’t know how to respond to that

Aaron: Cast me in your movie.

From there, our conversation continues….

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2imkt9/tinderotica


  1. I can’t believe no one else has commented on this. First! Lol! I just performed this script and thought it was quite the experience ;) my audience enjoyed as much as I did. As I read it allowed they could barely contain their boner. Thank you

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