Domino part 2 (M/F)

(Had to cut it in half, but heres the rest as promised)

Twenty minutes later she emerged and he was not disappointed in his initial measure of her. Her body was not the hard sleek body of an 18 year old girl whose metabolism may still be expected to take care of a pint of ice cream or a triple cheese burger before it creeps down to the hips and legs. The girl she’d been was still there if you cared to look but it was softened by stress and the ease that comes from a husband with money. As she stood before him though she might as well have been a gawky girl again with shy eyes and hands that tried to cover everything while trying to draw attention to nothing. Domino smiled. “Onto the table.” He gestured to the high wooden table in one corner. Shyly she slunk, bent and shivering, to the table and pulled herself up onto the smooth cool surface. Her legs dangled over the edge and she looked half a child again perched there. As he approached her though she self-consciously pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. There were fresh tears in her eyes and she looked up at him with fear. “This was a mistake.” She blurted, “I shouldn’t have come…I shouldn’t have…” “You came looking for something didn’t you? Seeking release wasn’t it? Would you leave before you’ve had it?” His hands slid serpentine across her stomach. She shivered, “Be gentle.” His fingers slid over her navel. “It’s been so long I don’t even”
His fingers tangled momentarily in her pubic hair. “remember what it’s like to” His middle finger found her wetness and she breathed the last work out in exultation. “Cum!” She shuddered as his deft fingers probed her. Then he was behind her and his legs hung next to hers as they dangled off the table. She had to be able to feel him in the small of her back he mused. His erection was in danger of trying to slither out of his waist band. He moved his mouth down to her neck and began nuzzling and kissing as his hands searched and quested for the fabled prize. He knew it was there but it was always a matter of coaxing it out. He’d know when he found it of course because she would… “Dear god!” and suddenly his hands were slick with her wetness. Her legs were no longer pulled up and her head lolled against his chest as he continued to nibble at her. His other hand worked its way lower and her breath hung in her throat as his finger entered her. “Benefits of long arms,” he whispered in her ear, “means my hands can roam as far and wide as they need to.” Her hair smelled of vanilla he thought and the scent seemed to compliment this very vanilla woman. She was gasping now as his hands did their devils work and she shuddered into another orgasm. He removed the finger that had been inside her, the one working her clitoris would do all he needed it to for now, and let it wonder up to her breasts. There was some sag there he had noted but it wasn’t as pronounced as some woman her age. The breasts weren’t large but they were perky and just big enough for his hands. He caressed the bottom of her left breast and then viper quick his hand pawed at it viciously. She cried out as he found her nipple and began to twist at it. She was puffing like a bellows now but he’d stoked her fire and now he meant to ride the steam until it burnt itself out. His dexterous fingers continued to polish her clitoris and as she let her head lull back she tried to kiss him. His hand was off her breast and in her hair an instant later and his mouth was on her ear. She gasped and struggled but he held her head and continued to let his fingers to their work on her. “I cant let you have that my pet. The devils kiss isn’t for you but I believe you’ll be more than satisfied with this.” And he clamped a mouth over one breast as he curled his long delicate middle finger into the bump of her clitoris. She was panting now like a dog in heat and he was surprised his member wasn’t causing her discomfort. He’d swollen painfully against the cage of his pants and he could feel his inner demons stirring to be fed. He lifted his eyes from her neck for a moment and glanced at her face. As a she climaxed again he saw her eyes glaze and her tongue lull out of her open mouth. She was an animal now and animals and easier to bend this way. He stopped his hands work and her breathing became ragged and anguished, “Why did you stop. Please, I need more. I need…” He disentangled himself from behind her and came to stand in front. Her legs were starting to edge back up and she looked confused and frightened. He had to be quick or she’d close up again and he’d likely never see her a second time. “Your master has needs too slave. If I cant use one hole then you’ll have to offer me another.” He slid his pants down and the hit the floor with a soft rustle. She took in a breath and looked worshipfully at him. Well…not at him. Her eyes never left the belt line and all eight inches of his thick manhood stood fully erect and ready for her. She was on her knees quick as a bolt and he almost laughed as she tried to figure out how to stay on the table and get his cock in her mouth. But he couldn’t laugh, that would break the illusion his hands had so deftly worked, and so he moved in closer to her panting waiting mouth and she took him to the hilt in one smooth motion. Then of course gagged and nearly coughed herself off the table. He grabbed her by the hair because it was the only thing that would serve to hold her up, “You’ve got a hungry little mouth don’t you? Let’s try it again but a little slower this time.” For such a prudish looking woman she took to fellatio like a duck to water. Her tender mouth moved hungrily up his length and her tongue began paying special attention to his head. He let his hands work greedily through her hair and her chestnut hair was soft and yielding under his hands. She was working her way down his length and as she moved her comfort seem to make her bold. As her pace quickened he felt his balls ache but put that away too for now. He slid his hands over her back and rubbed her shoulders. He slid a knuckle down her spine and all the while she just kept bobbing that pretty head of hers on his member. Finally as he reach her bottom he grabbed both cheeks and brought her closer. She gagged again for a moment but then resumed as if she’d never been interrupted. “Benefits of long arms.” He said to himself again and let his hands slide across her backside and down past her anus and again to her wetness. Her teeth came out for a second but then she shuddered as his fingers plunged into her mound. She was panting again and the air around his cock as it hung submerged in her mouth was pretty amazing. It forced a growl from his own throat and he put his hand on the back of her neck and began thrusting into her mouth as he thrust his fingers her. She was up on her knees now and her hands were push his backside as she tried to fit as much of him in her mouth as possible. “She’ll hand me to the legs in a minute.” He thought and forced his ejaculation down again. It would come soon whether he wanted it to or not but for now he worked her through a fourth and then a fifth orgasm. She came up for air panting. Her eyes were wild now and she was panting like she might pass out. “More, please master more.” She begged, “I want to please you more. I want all of you in my mouth. I want to drain your balls dry and feel your hot juices down my throat. Please Master, please let me have you.” Damn, this little prude had turned into a real sex kitten right before his eyes. “Roll onto your back slave. I’ll give you what you want.” She gleefully complied and he slid her head until it was hanging over the edge. Then he dangled his cock over her mouth. She moved her head but he lifted it just out of reach. “Just the head slave. Its time you learned some patience.” “Yes Master Domino.” She crooned and slowly lifted her mouth to the head of his penis and swirled her tongue around its tip. Taking care not to get to the shaft she suckled at the head until he thought he might explode right them. “Take it all slave. Take it to the hilt and don’t stop until I’ve filled your belly.” She obliged. His deft hands went back to work on her mound and in no time she was panting and shuddering as he worked her through another series of explosive orgasms. She bore down on his manhood as another rocked her and he felt himself let go. He emptied his balls down her throat and she gagged a little on his seed. He held her head and then realized she had come again. To her credit she didn’t spill a drop on the hardwood.

“That was…that was amazing.” She’d said afterwards Her mascara had run during the act and she’d come out looking a mess. She dressed quickly and cleaned herself up while he sat in the greeting room and reviewed her paper work. When she’d come out though he couldn’t see any more of the timid little mouse that had followed him into his office. She was nineteen again and she was taking crap from no one. I want to thank you Master Domino. When I get home I’m going to screw my husband’s brains out and then we’re going to have a little talk about some things.” She bowed deeply to him and kissed the base of his throne. “When can I see you again?” he voice was almost pleading. He smiled his wolfs smile, “I’ll have my people call you so we can pencil you in.” She smiled and turned to go. “You have not been dismissed yet slave!” She stopped and turned back to him, “May I leave please Master Domino?” His smile redoubled, “You may slave.”
