Just between you and me. And him.

Based on a true story, most of this is completely real and happened exactly as described. Some of the facts and the names have been changed.

I met them at a McDonalds, while I was doing my make up and waiting to go to a job interview. I noticed Ty first. He had a face like a gangster and a sexy, rock hard body. We had an instant connection. They were there with a bunch of their friends, who all left after a while. I ended up chilling for a few hours with him and his friend Dre. I could tell these two were really close friends.

After a while of all of us enjoying some great conversation and general goofing off, I noticed how cute Dre was. His face was more classic, and he had thick curly hair and a wickedly charming smile. It was then that I realized I was unintentionally flirting with both of them, but they weren't acting jealous of one another. They were both totally chill about me showing them both attention, something I'd never experienced before. And they were both so gorgeous, with their silky dark skin and their full lips, black eyes and sculpted cheek bones, exactly what I love to see in a black guy. I don't know why I'm so attracted to black guys. But then again, I've always loved contrast.

I had to go to my interview but we all agreed to meet up later on. Later that evening we met, got on the train and headed to Ty's place. When we got there he already had some friends waiting on the front porch to come in and chill. I was kind of shy about their friends, being the only female there, so I kind of hid in Ty's bedroom and watched TV. Dre came in and we cuddled and talked for a while, then he went back out and I could hear all the guys playing madden. The drone of the TV and their voices in the background were so relaxing. I closed my eyes and rested my head for just a second…

I awoke to the feel of a hand on my calf. I started and gasped, then chuckled at the sight of a mischievous Ty standing over me. He eased down onto the bed beside of me and we just looked at each other, smiling that sexy stare you give a person when you know it's about to go down. The door opened and Dre came in. "Did everyone leave?" My voice was slightly husky from just waking up. "Yeah they left a while ago" Dre smiled at me, his eyes flickering from my face to my breasts and back again. I could feel the heat of his gaze on my face and had to avert my eyes. The hand on my calf had made its way to my left knee. I was lying on my back with my knees propped up and pressed tightly together. Ty pulled my left knee further left. I let my knee fall under his hand but my right leg followed tightly behind. He gently pushed my right knee in the other direction but my again my left leg was close behind.

He looked up at me, eyebrows raised, his face set in a gentle yet determined look. I bit my lip. I didn't know why I felt shy about him seeing that part of me, but I was. Dre sat down close to my head and ran a finger seductively down my cheek, then my neck, then down over my collarbone and finally under the edge of the top of my sundress. I felt my body relax as his fingers explored my right breast, gently cupping and squeezing, then teasing my nipple. It felt relaxing and erotic at the same time.

I let my legs slowly part under the gentle pressure of Ty's insistent hands. I peeked a look at him. He gazed down at me, his face intense. A fierce heat stole into his eyes. He raised his gaze to meet mine. "She's cute. Really pretty." He slid his hand all the way up my leg and right into me, teasing me by slowly slipping is fingers inside and out of me over and over again.

Dre leaned down and kissed my neck, causing goosebumps to break out on my flesh. I closed my eyes and relaxed, letting my head fall back as wonderful sensations ran through my body. Cool air rushed over my breasts as Dre slipped my sundress down to my waist, revealing my triple D sized breasts. "Damn!" "Shit!" They both spoke at the same time. I opened my eyes to find them both gazing in awe at my chest and smiled a smug little grin. "I'll thank my mom later." I bit my lip in a half shy, half smug chuckle.

"Are these real?" Dre cupped his hands around each breast, jiggling them back and forth. Ty reached up to rub my right breast, massaging the nipple between his fingers."I was already a D in the sixth grade" I shrugged. "My mom had a ten inch difference between her waist and bust line when she was in high school." "Wow" Ty shook his head. He was pulling my dress down to my hips. I lifted my bottom and both men pulled my dress over my hips and down past my ankles. I couldn't help the trickle of apprehension that went through me as they both gazed at my body like hungry sailors looking into a bakery. Both reached for me at the same time.

I closed my eyes again at the feel of their hands hungrily running over my full breasts and down my stomach, over my thighs and between my legs. A pair of hands squeezed at my small waist, then slid up to grip my breasts. Another pair of hands groped at my thighs before sliding under my bottom and squeezing tightly before spreading my butt cheeks apart. Then they worked their way around to spread all of me open. Cool air rushed over and into places that usually stay safely tucked away. Ty slid his fingers inside of me and wiggled them in a 'come here' motion, causing a hot wet rush that soaked his fingers and everything else down there.

Dre had already removed his clothes and I felt something very warm and soft touch my cheek. I turned my head and opened my eyes to find his hardened dick literally touching my nose. I raised up on one arm and just looked at him for a moment. He was slightly over average sized, with a fantastic curve. I traced a finger over the head of his penis and down the shaft. Gorgeous. So dark and velvety, with a thick vein right on top. I could literally feel my mouth water as I ran my lips back up the path I had just traced with my finger. I rested my lips right there at the tip of him for a second, then ran the tip of my tongue down the other side of him, up his navel then slowly back down again. I placed my lips around him very gently, not sucking at all. I looked up into his face as I very pulled away from him and let my lips gently slide over the tip of his penis with a feathery light touch. He closed his eyes and moaned. I closed my eyes, opened my mouth, and let him slide in until he touched the back of my throat and I gagged slightly.

By then Ty had also completely disrobed. I looked at him to see he had the most enormous cock I had ever seen on a man. It was about eight inches long and almost as thick as a soda can. Perfect for me, who prefers thickness over depth any day. I had to stop what I was doing to stare at him for a second, much to Dre's displeasure. I felt him press my face back towards his pelvis and his hardness brushed against my lips. I turned my head and captured him in my mouth, tasting him on my tongue and pressing him as far as I could into my mouth, sucking hard as I could and swirling my tongue back and forth. I absolutely love to pleasure someone with my mouth. There's something so deliciously naughty and hot and bad about it.

Ty was lifting my hips, turning me so that I was on all fours. I felt him pressing against me. The tip of him pressed painfully against the tender spot right between my anus and vagina. I raised my bottom higher and he plunged into me. I gasped. He instantly began pounding me. I pushed Dre away and gritted my teeth in a grimace of pain. It was too much. He was stretching me way more than I had ever been before. I pulled away from him but he grabbed my hips and yanked me back and I couldn't help crying out. Meanwhile Dre was once again trying to direct my mouth back onto his penis. It was too overwhelming. I couldn't concentrate on both at the same time, and what had seemed so sexy a minute ago when Dre had pressed my mouth back to his cock was now starting to terrify me as I tried to pull away and his hand firmly pressed my face back towards himself.

I yanked away and sat up, pulling my head away from Dre's grasp and Ty's enormous cock out of me at the same time. "You ok?" Ty actually looked genuinely concerned. Dre just looked frustrated and impatient, causing a small spiral of fear to zip through me. "It's too much! I'm sorry, I've just never done this before. Can we just slow this down for a little bit until I'm a little more comfortable?" Dre made an impatient sound and reached for me again, but Ty grabbed his arm and spoke to him in a low voice. "Come on man, she's scared. Give her a second." Dre really looked at me and I saw the lust frenzy leave his face and his eyes clear. "Oh, my bad. You ok?"

"I'm fine. Just let me get on top." I had to adjust slowly to Ty, needing complete control in order to do so. "Lay down." I motioned for him to lay on his back. I swung my leg over him and positioned myself over his huge erect cock with my back to his torso. I slowly lowered myself onto him. A hot wet flush met his hardness as once again he stretched me, but this time it was bearable. More than bearable. It felt sooo amazing. There was still some pain but it was a kinky, hot feeling. I settled onto him and rested for a second. "Let me adjust for a sec." My voice was so husky with raw lust. "Take your time."

Ty ran his fingers over the my butt and up to my waist and back down again. Dre came around to stand in front of me again. "Give me a second babe." I reached for his face and pressed my mouth to his, moaning against his lips as Ty and I slowly began to pick up a hot rhythm. Dre broke the kiss and ran his mouth down my neck and breast, capturing my nipple between his teeth. I gasped as he nibbled, sucked and teased me with his tongue. At that moment Ty grabbed my hips and held me up as he pounded me. I opened my mouth in a silent scream and Dre was there, his fingers tangled in my hair, his hips thrusting against my mouth. I gagged, my throat contacting around the tip of his cock. Dre moaned, the sound mingling with my own whimpering and the groans coming from Ty.

I felt the muscles in Dre's ass tighten. His head fell back and glancing down I saw his toes curl. He went rigid, and warm cum filled my mouth and dripped down my lips and chin. I let my mouth fall open and the warm creamy cum ran down my neck and between my breasts. Dre stumbled back to rest against the wall. He chuckled at the sight of me spitting out the rest of his cum. I groaned and leaned forward on my elbows, twerking on Ty's cock like a bad ass bitch in the club.

Ty's thrusting became more and more intense until he gripped me by the waist and flipped me over on my back, my head thumping on the pillows as he drove into me hard. I couldn't control the cries coming from me as he pounded me. I felt him swell inside me and he pulled free of me just in time for his seed to shoot across my stomach and breasts. I sighed as I dragged my fingers through the creamy white stuff, swirling it around my nipples and down my stomach.

A warm damp towel touched my face and Dre was there, wiping the cum from my face, neck, breasts and stomach. He leaned down and brushed my mouth with a gentle kiss. Ty reached for the towel and used the clean side to gently wipe the fluids from between my legs, thighs, and ass.

We fucked late into the night. It was one of the most amazing sexual experiences I'd ever had. Surprisingly enough I only felt a little tender the next day. At one pint Dre fingered me to the brink of orgasm before Ty took over and plunged into me over and over again, causing me to collapse into a sobbing heap. Ty filled me up in a way I'd never had before. I made love to him with my mouth, slowly and passionately. He ran his fingers gently through my hair and over my face while I did so, his eyes blazing with passion.

We finally all fell asleep. All night I felt so cozy, tucked in the middle of the bed between their warm bodies, cuddling like a small litter of puppies. To this day when these guys see me, the call me Oreo.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2hu2p7/just_between_you_and_me_and_him