A journey in the night [x-post /r/DirtyWritingPrompts ] [MF] [cheating] [train]

[WP] We're traveling on a train through the European countryside. It's 1946. We're seated near each other in the dining car. I am alone. You are with your wife….

I was assigned to a position with one of the reconstruction banks in the British occupied Zone of West Germany. I would be there for at least 2 years, but it was a good opportunity for future advancement. The Government paid to pack up my own and my wife’s belongings to be moved as well as a 1st class train ticket. I had been looking forward to the trip because it would be a luxurious treat. Things had been strained between my wife and I for some time. I had been travelling non-stop since the start of the war and had barely seen my wife for five years. We had grown apart and even simple acts of intimacy were now impossible. I still had a great deal of affection for her and I hoped that the move would bring us closer.

The journey to France was uneventful, spent in silence as my wife read silently behind me. After the ferry crossing we boarded another train, noting the opulence of the 1st class section, seeming strange amongst the deprivations of the war torn country around us. Our sleeper cabin must have been built before the war. It was richly decorated with embroidered fabrics and ornate light fixtures. There were two small beds, on top of the other, fitted with comfortable blankets. The crew of servants made sure we wanted for nothing. Delicious snacks, drinks and reading materials we provided to satisfy our every need.

Our progress across the continent was slow with constant interruptions caused by coal shortages and unrepaired track damage from the war. By dusk we had only just left Paris and one of the attendants stopped by to let us know that dinner would be served soon in the dining car. We changed quickly, my wife putting on a conservative black dress, and me a dinner jacket. I stole brief glances of her body, but she hid it from me and scowled when she noticed my gaze.

The tables in the dining car seated four, my wife and I were shown to a table with a woman already seated at it. I first noticed her striking red dress and beautiful shiny hair. She stared out of the window with a glass of wine in her hand, smiling warmly as she noticed us approaching. After introductions, she greeted us in the usual French fashion, kissing us both on both cheeks. My wife seemed embarrassed, almost shying away from her lips. I did not and enjoyed the warmth of her face coming close to mine, the smell of her perfume sending my head spinning. Her lips parted slightly as we connected, and maybe lingered slightly too long. Her name was Èliane, and she was a cabaret singer heading from Paris to Frankfurt. I could tell from my wife’s face that she did not care for the woman. She sat in silence, positively exuding distain from every pore.

Dinner was wonderful, once I had decided to ignore my wife, Èliane and I talked endlessly about the war, our families and the purpose of our travel. We flirted with our eyes and at times she leaned in and touched my hands to emphasize a point.

My wife had a few too many glasses of wine. She made a point of announcing that she was going back to bed. After making my excuses to my new friend, I walked her back and helped her into bed. She immediately passed out and began snoring. Talking to Èliane had made my blood run hot and I want to kiss my wide and take her right then but I knew she would angrily rebuff my advances.

I sat on the bed and became aware of my cock, slightly swollen and pulsing gently. I abruptly stood and walked out of the cabin. I returned to the dining car, which was now empty apart from some waiters clearing the last remaining dishes. Disappointed, I asked one of the workers if they knew where I could find Èliane. He smiled and beckoned for me to follow.

He led me down the train to a cabin, bowed slightly and bid me good night. I nervously knocked with three quiet taps. After some rustling Èliane opened the door. She was silhouetted against the warm glow coming from inside the room. She did not seem surprised to see me and quickly pulled me inside. She made small talk about a night cap of the brandy she carried with her, leaning over her luggage to find it. I could not resist her any longer and came up behind her. Sensing my presence the stood up. I could feel the warmth and curves of her body though the delicate contact between us. I put my hands on her hips and enjoyed the heavy silky texture of her dress. She sighed and I brushed the hair away from the side of her face. And leaned in, breathing her scent in deeply. I lightly brushed my lips on the outline of her ear, tracing its line with my tongue. I whispered in her ear softly and deeply “I want you” She leaned away from me to give me access to her neck which I showered with lingering kisses as my hand slid up to her breasts. I caressed their shape searching for her nipple which I rolled gently between my fingers. She leaned back, pressing her weight against me, no doubt feeling my hard cock which nestled itself just above her buttocks.

I unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor as she turned to kiss me. We savored the sensations as it felt like time itself had no meaning. I looked down and drank in the sight of the beautiful French lingerie she was wearing. I noticed the silkiness of her slip shimmering in the warm glow of the lights and the contrast of the delicate lace trimming against her skin. Staring into her eyes I took off my jacket and lifted the slip over her head. The black basque underneath was so perfectly filled by her body that my cock began to tingle and a rush of passion overtook me. I kissed her hard and ran my hands all over her body relishing the contrasting textures of her lace underwear, her smooth pale skin, and silky grey stockings. She reached between us and began caressing my cock with a delicate but skillful touch, drawing pre cum from my balls in such quantities that she must have felt its dampness. I picked her up and laid her on the bed, taking one last look before joining her. Our passion increased and she removed my remaining clothes as I fumbled to release her breasts. I sucked on her nipples until she released a guttural moan. I trailed my kisses down her body breathing the scent of her arousal deeply. I teased her by kissing her thighs gently and she bucked her hips to try to have me kiss her pussy. After holding back as long as I could stand, I succumbed to my hunger and began to lick her pussy. She squirmed and breathed deeply as I ran the flat of my tongue over her clit. The intensity of her movements increased as I slipped first one, then two fingers inside her hot, velvety pussy. She was soaked and her juices quickly coated my hand. I laid my head down between her thighs and languidly stroked her pussy with my tongue while pumping my fingers in and out of her slick hole. She moved and started to get up onto her knees, following her pussy with my mouth, I twisted and ended up on my back. She began to ride my face, grinding and sliding her sopping pussy over my lips, tongue and nose. I had never been more aroused by the smell, taste, sounds and sensation of the moment. I reached up and gripped her buttocks tightly and pulled her even tighter to my face. Her whimpers grew to a fever pitch and I could sense an orgasm approaching. In her ecstasy she reached down, grabbed the base of my cock and just held it as the wild bucking of her frenzy gave way to smaller shudders of pleasure.

I relaxed and allowed her to enjoy her orgasm, occasionally teasing her by flicking her clit with my tongue, which would bring renewed whimpers and tremors from her body. My balls felt like they were boiling from her touch and I could tell that pre-cum was flowing freely down my shaft onto her hand. When her orgasm subsided she crouched down and began licking my cock as if it were a lollipop. I held back as long as I could but I had to be inside her. I laid her down and entered her as slowly as I could manage. My passion was at a fever pitch and soon I was thrusting my full stroke into her at an increasing pace. Her pussy was on fire, as was my cock. She began giving small cries of pleasure as I reached full depth. I was now on sensory overload, her noises, the smell of her was still on my face, and the sensation from my cock were incredible. The feeling of our bodies close together, the lace of her lingerie caressed my chest as it rubbed between us. Her silky stockings were now wrapped around my back drawing me in. I could hold back no longer and began fucking her like an animal, when I felt her begin to quiver and buck in orgasm, my whole body seemed to pulse and I came harder than I ever had before.

We laid like that for some time, my cock shrinking and falling from her body. I am sure we could have done it again immediately but we both seemed to know it was over. We talked for a short while and I explained the situation with my wife. She told me to fuck her like I had just done, to take her totally. This would make her feel like an attractive sexual being and hopefully bring back the intimacy between us. I dressed and kissed her goodnight before returning to my cabin and my wife. I think of Èliane often. I will always be grateful to her because her advice probably saved our marriage.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2hv83s/a_journey_in_the_night_xpost_rdirtywritingprompts