Elbows Pointed Outwards [MF] [Fdom] [Msub] [mast]

For myself, I dance whenever I get the chance. It is my arty and my passion, on the weekends from 6pm – 12am it is my gift to the boys. My name is Amnésia, but the men with the rings on their fingers know me only by how much money they “blew” on me after meeting me once. When I wasn’t dancing, how much they blew on me matched how long I blew them. Pleasuring others never satisfied me, fuck them. The men who give me slaps on my ass or treat my nipples as eyes only remind me of other men I’m glad have left my life. I don’t only blame men, I tried women too, but they are too sensual and caring when they make love. I live on the stage not as an entertainer, but as a woman waiting to be entertained. The stress my job gives is worth it when I finally get to dance for myself and my fingers get to dance inside me. I thought I’d have to keep dancing alone until one guy walked out of the workplace and into my life. Him walking out on my performance was a huge offense to me, didn’t care what woman this little shit had to run along to. I left my “office” and flagged him down. “Yo, white boy!” I screamed.

He turned around. He had that nice curly blond hair only a true whitey could have. His body showed that he went to the gym often. His chest was big and his hot pink collared shirt exposed a bit of chest hair, it was neat and inviting. Arms were defined and looked as if they could lift any woman. For some reason his hips really caught my attention, they looked powerful like they could keep thrusting and never stop. His calves looked used to picking up thick women… ‘Maybe I was not his type’ I thought. He smiled at me and his teeth and lips caught my attention; the look he gave me was different than the others. Quickly his eyes looked up and down my body, but made two pit stops at my top and bottom. I had a slender, curvy figure, but the red V-neck and black skirt I had on were tight on my body. This night I had worn a long sleeve and thin black thighhighs as a bit of a tease for my audience, keep a bit of mystery to me. My red panties could be seen by anyone if I got into a position that was provocative enough. All men suddenly became geometry majors when it came to angling their eyes to ogle at some lady parts.

I asked him to come back inside. “No, thanks, I’m fine” he said. “Oh, Fine? Is that what your name is? Well, I agree” I said jokingly staring at his chest. “My name is Cheren” he replied. “I must go”. “Don’t you want to stay and have some fun with me, Cheren?” As I said that I got close enough to his face that he could smell my perfume and almost taste my cherry lipstick. I also fit a strip of paper with some digits into his pocket. I grabbed his package from inside his brown khaki shorts. I noticed the bulge in his pants since I stopped him and even if he was going to ignore it, I wasn’t. “I don’t care for your kind” he said as he moved my hand away. “Fuck off!” it was my first instinct to say that, but it hurt to say more than his words stung. And it was the last thing I got to say to him before he drove away. That night I was in my home alone and wasn’t dancing because I had been pissed as shit. “Who does he think he is?” I went into my room mirror and saw my slender figure with brown eyes, thick hips, short hair, and ebony skin. “Why does my body disgust him?” Everything I did that wasn’t for me was to pleasure men, but he wasn’t pleased like the rest. The thought of the gaze his eyes gave only annoyed me more. He wasn’t a pervert that wanted to have a quick fuck and bend me over a table with my legs spread like wings.

About three nights later I was in the dark, alone. I hadn’t danced in days and was loving the alone time. I don’t know what it was, but I was real horny. “Fuck you”, suddenly my thoughts were all about him and in heat that’s all I wanted to do to him. Just in my white silk night gown and white panties with a frilled design. I kept humping my bed and it made a creaking noise that turned me on each time I heard it. I went from wet to soaking and my clit was itching me. I wanted to grind on his lap and just make out with him. I grinded my pillow imagining it was him. The thought of being on top of someone like him and making him do what I wanted drove me wild. As I was rubbing my pussy on the pillow one of my fingers lightly passed over my belly and inched towards my clit. My navel and clit were so sensitive to touch so whenever my fingers reached there I would let out a moan. My moans were soft and matched the rhythm of whatever I was grinding on. Each time the bed creaked or my fingers pinched my clit or my pussy rubbed on the pillow I would let out a moan. In the middle of everything my phone rang; I never got calls so I answered. “I’ll see you this Saturday” they said then hung up. I was sure it was him! MY heart started racing and my fingers moved so fast that my pussy started making sexy noises. I never felt so hot, before I knew it I had two fingers rubbing against my walls and I was pressing my clit against the bedpost pretending it was his dick I felt that night. The shape of it, the feel of it, the size of it. All of that was carved into my memory, but I wanted to have it for myself. My moans turned to screams and my panties were drenched with my juices. That was the first night I ever made myself squirt and even though I was playing with myself, my thoughts connected me to Cheren and I felt as if I was dancing with him. Saturday night came and around 12:30 I saw him outside. I was right! He wore the same clothes, but I still didn’t know what was underneath, but I was excited to find out. I greeted him like I didn’t know him, but stepped into his car with no resistance. I said nothing for the whole 25 minute drive. The ride was terrifyingly exciting, not knowing where I was going or what he wanted to do to me. Part of me felt weak, but part of me was laughing that he didn’t know how I felt about him. “Does he feel the same about me?” I thought. We stopped in front of his building and stepped inside together. It was dark and the next room we entered had a faint scent of a man. The scent that would always make my nipples poke through my shirt and cloud my thoughts if strong enough. The second he closed the door behind me he grabbed my neck from behind. It was more thrilling than alarming, but I still felt safe. He started passionately kissing my neck and grabbing my ass. It felt good, but I squirmed a bit and as I did that my ass would rub against the thickness he was hiding. How badly I wanted to feel it buried in me~ I knew it was turning him on, I felt him getting bigger. “I thought you didn’t care for my kind?” He replied by turning me around and pinning me on the door. It was so fast and loud that my heart beat doubled. My hands were pressed on the door with my legs spread and my ass pointed outwards. This time I was wearing black leggings and a white mid-riff that showed my cleavage and my stomach. At times like this I wondered if a belly piercing would make me more seductive and appealing, but my skin was too soft for that kind of pain. I felt his hands gliding up and down my thighs, moving closer to my slit every time he moved up and making it quiver each time. He started humping me from behind and kissing my neck. My hands reached behind me and I let out a gesture that I wanted to curl my fingers around his erection. ‘Fuck’ I thought. The thought swam through my mind because I felt too great and I hoped he didn’t notice my hand. My boobs kept pressing against the glass of his door and each time he hit a sweet spot on my neck my head would tilt back and I’d moan and stick my ass out even more. The pleasure this one man was giving me felt lovely. I could feel my head and somewhere else getting much hotter. He gave my ass a hard slap with his big hands and I let out my loudest moan yet. He was moving like he knew all what I wanted, but he didn’t know a damn thing. I wasn’t satisfied with myself at all; I was done with living with my elbows to my side.

“I’m tired of this shit” I said in rebellion. I turned around and grabbed him by the balls teasingly and led him to the couch. I smirked the instant I clutched his balls and his face expressed his enjoyment. His eyes shut lightly and his mouth opened a bit as if to let out a silent gasp. He had a good view of my hips in motion as I dragged him behind me. I got on my knees and brought my face as close to his cock as possible. His manly odor had become much stronger. I knew I’d get some real entertainment now. I slowly took off his shorts while looking him in the eyes. He suddenly became so shy and looked away. “What’s the matter?” I asked. I wasn’t sure if I said it teasingly or out of insecurity. “Your face is too cute when you look up at me” he said blushing. That was all I needed to hear, I laughed a bit and his face only became redder. His big chest was bearing down on me intimidatingly. But I kept going, I made it seem like I was going to give him the best head of his life, but tonight was about me and my pussy needs for once. I gave his penis a long, slow lick up the shaft to the tip through his black briefs feeling it twitch with every inch I covered and throbbing uncontrollably when I kissed the tip. The head of his penis was poking out through his briefs. It reminded me of when I saw my cousin’s own. I had come in the room asking for something and he quickly pulled up his pants as I walked in, but it was too late. The awkward air had already settled, I walked straight back out without saying a word or as much as an exchange of the eyes. Now I was on top of Cheren, dominating him and making him my bitch. I kissed him roughly feeling his beard scratch my face. When I was done I left a thread of saliva from my bottom lips on his and I pulled back to break the thread and kept my face close enough to his; I could feel the heat of his face on my own and it sent tiny chills down my spine. I always thought that the saliva trail was bizarre, but a lot of disgusting things became so erotic when I was in heat. It must have been sexy for him too because he still couldn’t keep eye contact with me and just left his mouth open looking like an idiot. I passed my hand sensually along his face and grabbed his dick and stroked it with my other hand as if it were my own. All the while I was still grinding on him to the pace of our kisses. Lap dances were fun for me and this one felt surprisingly intimate. Passing my tongue along his lips and pulling at his own was a lot hotter when I was on top of him.

I took off his shirt and the split second he had both arms raised to get the shirt off I felt so powerful because he was, for a split-second, in this humiliating position. His muscles complimented his body nicely and his arm, chest, and abs all seemed to expose themselves just for me and flex at the right time. His six pack had a strand of hair running along it that connected his chest hair to his pubic region. All of it was so nicely trimmed and made an arrow pointing to his manhood. “How inviting” I said. I got him standing again and pressed him against a wall with his back to me and arms still raised in the air. Not sure if it was voluntary or not, but his ass jutted out a bit which made this beast seem so much more feminine. I thought such a sight would be a turn off, but it was quite the opposite and fed my desire to dominate him. It was so suiting. Everything that I hadn’t gotten a chance to see on him was now on display. His legs were much thicker than mine and his back looked sturdy, as defined and powerful as his arms. I wanted to just ride on his back and feel his bulging muscles on my lower body every time he or I moved as if they were trying to throw me off him. Was tempted to do a cavity search, but since he was in stop-and-frisk position I did just that. Had my fun cupping my hands over his chest and then lightly running my fingers on the side of his abs to feel the V-line that he must have worked hard to get. I even grabbed his thighs to get a good feel of his legs for myself. The amount of heat I felt coming from in between his legs made me feel more aggressive. ‘I have to take down this powerhouse’ I would think whenever his parts of his body became my focus. He was in nothing but his briefs now. I tied his hands behind his back using a band I was wearing. Spun him around again, raised my leg onto the wall behind him and kept grinding my pussy against his briefs. I wanted him to feel the softness of my lips through our clothing knowing that he can’t have it because his hands were bound. I didn’t gag him, but he would sometimes grunt as if he was trying to get loose and have his way with my body. I kept it up and took off my shirt; the list in this man’s eyes after seeing me shirtless in just leggings was unforgettable. I started playing with my tits. I would fondle them and caress them gently, holding them up to his face to see what he would do. I even started licking my nipples playfully just to excite him. Funny, he kept looking at my eyes to avoid looking straight at my tits. I turned around to tempt him with my black booty magic, but he forced himself on me. Now we were both flat on the floor and he kept ramming his hips against my ass as if it was the last piece of ass he’d ever get. His desperation was amusing. He was heavy as hell; feeling all of that weight on me at once was comforting, but I pushed him off me long enough to flip myself onto my back so when I let go of him he’d drop right in between my legs. He kept ramming my pussy like he did my ass and his face was stuck right in between my cleavage. He was fighting back and it felt like he wanted to bury himself in me. He started licking and sucking on my nipples and when I let a moan escape he would bite down on them hard. I loved it, the foreplay was exciting. It wasn’t predictable or straight forward. I wasn’t ready to give him the pleasure of pleasuring me. I spanked him on the ass once then he let out an embarrassing moan under his breath and I giggled; his face turned red like a cherry. “You white people can’t hide your emotions for shit.” I told him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rolled us both over. Now I was on top him again, I truly felt like I toppled a giant. Slapped him on the face to see how he’d react and got my answer when he started rubbing his knee against my vag hard. It was humiliating and hot to see all of my juices left on his knee. I took off my leggings so my ebony ass was in nothing but my red panties with a black heart on the front. I moved to a 69 position so he could smell all of my sweat and juices wonderfully blended together with the scent of my perfume. He was clearly enjoying the sight and smell because his dick kept twitching and growing. I took it out his boxers and started kissing and licking the tip to rile him up. This beast moved my panties to one side of my lips with his goddamn teeth just to harass my clit and pussy with his hot tongue. It felt like an erotic kiss, the way his tongue twirled and danced around inside me. I wanted to suffocate him with my ass but he wouldn’t stop licking. He might have been in to face-sitting. I un-69ed and rubbed my wet lips on his exposed dick just to feel the head of it on my clit. He skillfully squirmed out of his briefs using his legs.

My eyes became focused on his chest and I didn’t even notice him rubbing the head of his dick against the opening to my pussy. He behaved well and endured so I gave him a little gift. I put his dick inside me and started riding him. The more excited I got the more my lips would coil around his dick tightly like my body didn’t want it to end…and neither did I. I felt my pussy pulsating from his hot cock inside me. It wasn’t a world record holder, but the size was good enough to keep me hot and downstairs wet the whole time. He must have caught ear of my moaning and breathing because he untied his arms and picked me up in the air. My legs were wrapped around him still as if I was riding his back, but his dick was still pumping in and out of me. His thighs hadn’t looked so muscular ‘til he lifted me up. “I could have broken out of that shit earlier if I wanted to.” He said. He dropped me on a table next to a mirror so I was able to see his sweaty body thrusting into me at two different angles. The view from the mirror was mortifying, but it felt intense whenever I looked directly into his eyes. Now I was holding onto him by my arms which were thrown around his neck. His hands were on my hips, but big enough to grab my ass too. I had no control over my legs as all his hip movements made them tremble. I couldn’t tell if I was moaning or screaming anymore but he kept thrusting harder and deeper into me and each time it felt like the table would break. I felt his dick start to expand and the head twitch. “Amnésia, I’m about to…” I was lost in thought, my heart beat tripled when I heard my name. My pussy clamped tightly around his dick and slammed into me as hard and fast as possible then let it all loose inside me. Feeling his hot semen flood out my pussy was hotter than I imagined. When he pulled out I squirted all over his table panting crazily and clawing deep into his back in ecstasy. I wasn’t in control of my breathing and felt like the only thing I was conscious of was Cheren’s load inside of me. His man juice slowly drained out of me. A couple minutes later we cleaned up, he agreed to drop me home, and I saw him again the very next Saturday.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2he1nw/elbows_pointed_outwards_mf_fdom_msub_mast


  1. Fixed it. Please give me honest feedback. Not a long story, one of my first erotic ones if it’s right to call it that. Wish to improve.

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