The Morning After [Mdom/fsub] [Daddy] [DD/lg]

“Are you sure you want to do this?” you ask, hands on either side of my head. I lay on my back in your bed, with your body pressed against mine. You rub your hips against mine and I can feel how hard you are between my legs.

“You know I won’t say no,” I say, grinning at you and the evil gleam in your eye. You sit back on your knees, and I prop myself up on my elbows. I can tell that your eyes are following my breasts as I sit up, and lean over to the side of the bed. You scooch over and I pull myself out from under you so that I can grab my phone from the bedside table. You laugh to yourself as I slide back into bed, phone in hand, and you lean back on top of me. You watch me carefully while I dial my friend and put the phone to my ear.

“Hey,” I start, and you leave a soft kiss on the nape of my neck. “No, no, nothing is wrong; I have news for you, haha.” You start to trail kisses towards my chest, looking up at me with smiling eyes.

“Uuh…. no, I said it’s not bad! No, last night, I… um. Hahahaha. It happened.” Without breaking eye contact, you take my left nipple into your mouth. I let out a soft moan, and try to cover it up with a cough so as not to give myself away. You hear shrieking through the phone, and your eyes narrow as your smile grows.

“Just put me on speaker, haha. I’ll tell you guys,” I add, and now your mouth moves to my right nipple. You give me a playful bite, then kiss the nipple, and start kissing my tummy. I let out another soft moan, “Yesss… haha it was really fun.”

“Well, we went out for a really nice –“ I’m stopped short as you move your hands down my sides and onto my thighs. “Sorry, no, I thought I heard something. No, no, he’s in the bathroom.” I hear you chuckle into my stomach and I grin at you. “Yeah, so we went out for a nice dinner…. you wouldn’t believe the place. Oh my god. It was so embarrassing, before we left – “ Your lips come to the bottom of my stomach, below my belly button, and your thumbs are running soft circles around the skin of my inner thighs. You let out another chuckle, knowing what I’m going to tell next.

“We had just finished our dinner, and so, we were waiting for our check and…” Your mouth reaches the top of my pussy, leaving one kiss where my mound meets my labia, just above my clit. “He actually grabbed the waiter by the hand! And then he tells the waiter – ‘Do you see how pretty this girl is? I’m going to take her home after this, and I’m going to do everything in my power to give her the best night of my life.’” You sit back again, eyeing my wet pussy, my hard nipples, and finally the shit eating grin on my face. You run your fingers from the bottom of my pussy towards my clit, feeling how tender the skin is after last night. “No! That’s not even the most embarrassing part! Stop awwing, you’d be uncomfortable if it was you!” Your rest your thumb on my clit and trail kisses along me the way you just did with your thumb.

“So, he pays the bill, and looks at me and says I should…. that the tip should be… seriously. This is so embarrassing –“ I try to talk in circles to cover up the fact that I’m terribly, terribly distracted by your face in between my legs. “He told me I should leave my panties for the waiter!” There’s silence on the other line, followed by laughter. “…maaaybe.” More laughter. “Whatever, I hope we don’t go back there, hahaha.”

You move your hands down my legs, resting them on the inside of my thigh just above the knee, keeping my legs spread. Your tongue slides between my lips and into my pussy, tasting how wet I am. “We – haha. We practically ran out of there. Hahahaha.” You hear another voice speaking, but you don’t pay it any mind. “NO, thank god. I would have ate shit in those shoes, you guys should remember how wearing them clubbing was… I was in the black pumps.” I see you roll your eyes and I scooch my hips down, trying to push myself further into your mouth. You move your hands back up my thighs and grab me around the hips and ass, holding me tight. You can see my chest rising and falling, my breathing going faster.

“No, I got a new dress, it was just black though. Of course hahaha.” You can tell that my laughter is covering up moans as your lips meet mine, your tongue moving up towards my clit again. “Yes, so, yeah, we…” I pause and grind my hips into your hands. “We got to his car – he opened the door for me, too! So we – we left, and, we got back to his place really quickly…. oh my god. I don’t know how we made it all the way back there. I swear to god –“ You put your lips around my clit, rubbing your tongue against it and sucking on it. I squirm between your hands. “I swear to god. He put his hand on my thigh, in the car,” I struggle to say, “and I didn’t think I would make it back.”

“We…. we made it through the door,” I begin, your lips releasing my clit and your tongue moving back down to my pussy. You slide your hands around my ass so that you can use your thumbs to keep my lips spread, and you push your tongue into me. You feel me shuddering as I try to keep breathing normally. “It was like, the second we got through … through the door, holy shit.” You don’t pay attention to the noise on the other line while I pause. You’re focused on driving your tongue into me and spreading the wetness from my cunt around my lips. You can feel my pussy clench tighter when you take one hand and rub my clit.

“Umm… well, the first time we were in the kitchen…. hahahaha.” You hear laughter and smile to yourself. “There was a second time… and a third…. hahaha I guess that’s why I didn’t call last night.” I put my legs over your shoulders and pull my thighs tighter around your head. You can feel my pussy throbbing in your mouth, and can tell by my breathing that I’m getting close. “Oh my god, it was – it was –“ I turn my head from the phone, cover the microphone, and let out the softest moan I can. My hips are bucking into your face trying to get more. “Absolutely incredible. But I – … shit. Fuck. Oh my god. I think I hear him coming back to bed so I’ll talk to you later!” I hang up the phone and moan, making no attempts to stay quiet this time.

“Daddy, oh – please, daddy, I’m so close. Oh my god.” You pull your face away and look at me with a devilish grin.

“You didn’t really finish telling them everything, now did you?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.

“There was no way that I could! Oh my god, please, seriously, Daddy…” I drop my phone and move one hand down towards my clit when you grab my wrist.

“Oh no no no,” you say, wagging a finger at me. “You’re not ready yet. Maybe once I’ve spanked you for not holding up your end of the deal, Princess.” I let out a frustrated moan and take my legs off of your shoulders, planting my feet on the bed on either side of you. I cross my arms under my breasts, furrow my brows, and pout my lips at you.


“What was that?” You grab my hips and turn me over, pulling me into you as you sit back on the bed. You lay me across your lap and bring a hard, loud smack onto my ass. “Little girl, don’t think that you can tell me no. It’s going to only make Daddy’s punishment worse.” You spank me again, one hand on my ass and the other resting on the small of my back.

“No, Daddy, please don’t,” I squirm in your lap, one hand reaching between my legs and the other reaching for your dick. “I didn’t – that’s not fair Daddy! You never said that I had to finish the story!” You slap my ass again, and once on the other cheek, before using both hands to grab my own and one to hold them behind my back.

“Princess, you have some lessons to learn. You do not get to back talk me, and even if that was all you’ve done, you should know by now that I make the rules. And if I say you need a spanking,” you strike my ass again, rubbing your hand over my ass first and feeling how warm the skin is. “Then you need a spanking.” You spank me again, still holding my hands back. Again, this time on the other cheek. Again. I continue writhing in your lap, each smack eliciting a louder moan. You can feel my wetness against your crotch, running down my thighs.

“I’m sorry Daddy, but please, I really need to cum. Please. That’s why I hung up… I was so close for you, Daddy.” I spread my knees and grind my hips into you, trying to spread my wetness onto you.

“After as many times as you came last night? You’re very greedy, little girl.” You let my arms go and sit me up in front of you. You lean into me and kiss me passionately, wrapping your arms around me. You sit up onto your knees and pull my hips towards yours, grazing your dick across the front of my cunt. Your hands cup my ass, rubbing them tenderly to minimize the stinging.

“I know, Daddy,” I say between kisses. I take your head in my hands, running my fingers through your hair. “But I need it now…” I grind my hips into yours, and lean into you, pushing you back onto the bed. I lean forward to keep kissing you, my tits pressing into your chest. Adjusting my hips, I guide myself over the head of your dick. I rub it along my slit, getting the head of it wet.

“Mmm, Princess. Ride me, ride my cock. It’s so hard for you,” you say, your hands reaching to my tits. I lower myself onto you, moaning as I feel you sliding into me. My lips are swollen and tender, feeling sore being stretched around your dick again, but that doesn’t stop me. With each inch, my breath hitches, and a soft moan turns into a squeal as you approach bottoming out. I pull my hips up before you reach my cervix, carefully rocking them front to back as I slide back down. Closing my eyes, I bite my lip and place my hands on your stomach for support as I try to go all the way down.

“Daddy… ow, ooh, it’s so sore… it hurts, Daddy,” I say, looking at you with an expression of pain and you can see my eyes starting to water. You wrap one arm around my bottom and one around my back, pulling me close to your chest. You rub my back with one hand, up to my neck and to my head, cradling it and running your fingers through my hair.

“Ssshhh, it’s okay, little girl. Daddy will take care of you, it’s okay Princess.” You roll over and lay me beneath you. Leaning forward, you put your lips to mine and kiss me sweetly. As you run your hand around from my ass, over my hip to rest it on the top of my thigh, I swear that I can taste myself on your tongue. You pull yourself out so that just the head of your dick is in my pussy, and bring your hand up to my clit.

Rubbing it gently, you slowly push yourself in. You softly suck on my neck, behind my ear, whispering to me. “Your Daddy’s little Princess, aren’t you? I made you all mine, baby. I’m always going to be your Daddy, sweetheart.” As you push further you hear me let out another squeal, and you rub my clit harder. “Ssshhh, it’s okay. Daddy is taking care of you. Think about how good my hand feels on your clit Princess, think about how much you like hearing my voice in your ear.” I buck my hips into your hand, and in doing so push your dick the rest of the way into my cunt. “Goddamn, you’re still so tight for me. You’re so close, aren’t you? Do you want to cum?”

“YES!” I scream, feeling my pussy start to throb and get tighter around your whole dick. “Yes, oh, Daddy, yes, thank you!” I arch my back into you and you start to thrust in and out, working yourself into my little cunt as I ride out my orgasm. “Oh, Daddy, you need to cum. Fill me with your cum, please, Daddy,” I moan into your ear. One of my hands reaches around the arm you have wrapped around my head, resting on your shoulder, and the other rests on your hip. I wrap my legs around your waist and pull you into me with each push of your hips.

“I know Princess, I’m going to fill your hot little cunt,” you whisper, increasing the pace of your thrusting. You wrap your hand in my hair and gently pull it, angling my chin up. You kiss under my chin, between my collarbones, still gasping dirty words to me. Your other hand moves from my clit up to my breasts, reaching my nipples and pinching them, teasing them. You rock back and forth, in and out of me. Your breathing gets heavier and you let out a growl with every other thrust until you push yourself as far into me as you can go. You go back to rubbing my clit, roughly grinding against it with your thumb, and you let out a satisfying throaty moan. As I feel your cum filling me, hot and thick, you bring me to another orgasm. My cunt practically milks your cock for every last drop, and the flesh of my groin is so tender. I love the feeling of you buried all the way in me, your balls resting against my lips, your cum deep inside me, held in place by the head of your cock. We both catch our breath and you rest your head on my shoulder.

I roll you onto your back, gently sliding your cock out of me in doing so. I rest my head in the nook of your arm, one hand on your stomach and the other still around your shoulder. “Oh, thank you Daddy. I can feel it dripping down my thighs… it almost tickles,” I giggle into you. You run your hand down to the small of my back, and the other pulls my hips closer to you.

“God damn,” you say, sighing contentedly. You plant a kiss on the top of my head. “You’re welcome, little girl. You should go clean up… and call your friends back.” I feel your chest moving as you chuckle at your suggestion and I laugh.

“Daddy, I just want to lay right here with you,” I say, looking up at you with big blue eyes and a satisfied smile. I move myself up enough to kiss you. The taste on your lips is definitely from me, and I smile even more. For whatever reason, that turns me on, and I run my hand down your stomach towards your cock.

“You want to lay here with me, or you want to play with my dick?” you ask, laughing. You grab my hand and set it back above your belly button, resting your hand on my own. I slide my fingers in between yours, admiring how fully your big hands envelop my own. “It’s too sensitive just now. Wait, sweetheart. Remember, patience is a virtue.” You kiss the top of my head again and caress my hip, running your fingers across my skin just lightly enough to send a shiver down my spine.

“I know, Daddy,” I say. “It just feels so good… and I just want to make my Daddy happy.” I know that you’re smiling at my response. “I don’t want to get out of your bed… can we just stay here all day?” I look up at you, biting my lip while I see you thinking about my question.

“Well… I don’t know about literally staying in bed all day,” you begin, and you see my face drop, even though I try not to make my reaction obvious. “Now, now, just because we’re not in bed doesn’t mean that I can’t fuck you senseless,” you add, giving me a playful smack on the ass and a kiss on the cheek. “Come on, look at you. You’re dripping cum. Don’t you think you’d enjoy a bath? Let hot water soothe your, I know you’re hurting.” Your kiss on my cheek moves to my lips and you slide your tongue back into my mouth. “Let me run you a bath… we’ll get all cleaned up and then I’ll take you to the kitchen and we can make some breakfast, okay little girl?” I nod eagerly. We leave your bed together, and you lead me by one hand into the bathroom.
