Mindless fingering.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

You are ushered down to a grand hall, to have breakfast with the Master.

Esther and Sammy are there; they, like how you first met them, are naked.

Master is naked too; the only people who are clothed are Master's butlers and servants. They do not talk, but merely serve up the eggs, bacon and toast. You notice Master's erection. What you do not notice, is how Wendy has disappeared.

Esther and Sammy look fearful, but they are also equally aroused by Master's cock.

"Hi, Betty," Master says. He directly addresses you for the second time.

"Do you know why you're here?" he asks. You shake your head. Your wetness has made the leather chair slippery. You want Master's cock so bad. You're here for Master's cock.

"You're here to eventually have my children. But most importantly, you're here to pleasure me," Master says. "You know you want to… to be part of my harem."

I want to. you think. So bad.

"Do you know how to?" Master asks. You nod, desperate for him to grant you permission to pleasure him; and at the same time, pleasure yourself.

The screams of pleasure, of pain, still reverberate inside your head. Your arousal is constant. You want to cum.

"Sammy," Master beckons the red-haired girl under the table. Sammy's expression instantly turns into one of ecstasy as she ducks underneath; she promptly begins her sensual blowjob in earnest.

Master's face contorts in a series of pleasures as Sammy takes on his girth. You watch her head bob up and down and return to your eggs and bacon.

In the afternoon, you are let into another room. It's not the room you sleep in, but it is still a room with five beds. A TV is set up on one side; it is hooked up with a computer. Toys litter the room; only that these are not normal toys; they are sex toys. Dildos, vibrators, anal beads; bottles of lube. There is a Hitachi plugged in at each bed.

It's playtime, according to one of the butlers. You notice that he has been striving to hide his arousal for very long. You haven't; being naked, you can't; not that you mind anyway. So your wetness has dripped from your slit since morning; it leaves a wet trail down your legs, and it feels good while it dries.

Master had blown his load all over Sammy's face, and you can still see some of Master's drying semen on her lips. "It was a huge load," she giggled. "He came so hard. Of course, I swallowed it all."

Of course, Sammy and Esther are here for playtime. Esther looked forlorn; she hadn't been chosen in days.

You don't notice Wendy's absence. What you notice, is an absence in your groin; the ache for a hard cock inside of you; for a throbbing, hard cock to cum inside of you.

The first thing you find in the playroom is a large dildo. "I was all hungry for that too, once," Sammy said when she saw you grabbing that. You ignore her comments, and quickly push it into your wet pussy. It fills you up, proper, the way you haven't been filled up in days.

The TV turns on; and you lie down on the bed. Porn clips are displayed. A generic blonde chick has sex with a man with a big, black dick. Several other big, black men come over, and the generic blonde chick services each and every one of them.

You vaguely remember once feeling disgusted at such imagery. But now, you wish you were that generic blonde, with a dick inside of every single orifice. You move the large dildo in and out of your pussy, feeling its length; feeling its girth; feeling it rub against that good spot that just feels so good, indescribably good.

You cum, screaming into the pillow on the bed. Master doesn't want you to be too loud.

Sammy and Esther had ignored you, and gone on to do a full-on make out session amongst themselves. The scent of their sex – you're not sure even, if that was only their sex – fills the room. Esther's fingers dart quickly in an out of Sammy's pussy; while Sammy sucks Esther's wet slit. Esther beckons you over, and kisses you fully on the mouth.

It was a surprise – an arousing surprise that Esther did that, and you returned her kiss in earnest; your tongue invading her mouth, your arms wrapped around her. Esther moans in delight, responding to Sammy's quickened flicks around her clit; Sammy, too, moans as both of them near their climaxes.

"Cum for me," Esther whispers in your ear, giggling. She screams in delight as her eyes roll backward, and trembles from her orgasm; soon, Sammy joins in, and you can't help but feel your wetness drip onto the bed once again.

Esther's hand caresses your bare pussy. Her touch is electric; you're used to the increased erotic sensations since being administered her pill, but you still feel that her touch is pleasurable; infinitely so. Her fingers, so well manicured, crept into your wetness, still as tight as ever. You respond by kissing her ever so vigourously, rocking your hips into her fingers. You want to cum, again. You want her to make you cum.

Esther's thumb briefly grazes your clit; you shudder with joy as you feel her on your most sensitive spot. You feel her fingers go deeper inside of you; she works three fingers into you, and you feel her filling you with her intricate movements. Oh yes, you think. ohyesohyesohyesohyes…

Sammy reaches up and takes your hand. She crawls to your left and places your hand onto her pussy; it is bare, like yours; it feels hot, like yours; and it is wet, like yours.

You instinctively insert your finger into her; Sammy moans, as you reach her sweet spot. Your fingers firmly press against it, and you dart your fingers quickly in and out of Sammy's wet cunt, prompting her to begin another climax, again.

Sammy reaches out to Esther's pussy, and fingers her as well. It feels surreal, with Esther on the right and Sammy on the left; but it also feels arousing; you want to cum with both of them.

ohyesohyesohyesohyes… OHYESOHYESOHYES

The waves of pleasure crashes simultaneously over each of your bodies, and you cum, together.

It wouldn't be the last.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2fwdwt/mindless_fingering

1 comment

  1. I would love it if you gave me some feedback; am intending to explore this story for at least another 3 more chapters; not so long that I deter people from reading it, but long enough to develop the backstories of the Master and Betty. There will eventually be something more geared towards impreg as well.

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