Morning Glow [MF]

The morning sun warms your face. You feel its warmth and light pry you gently from your foggy dreams. You open your eyes just enough to make out your surroundings–and not so much that you are blinded by the piercing light.

Your thin sheet is wrapped tightly around you. You can feel the soft fabric against your naked skin. One arm is angled across your chest and it takes you a moment to realize your other hand is between your legs. There's a warmth there that tells you it must have been a good dream.

Your eyes slowly adjust to the light. The sun is rising over the water in the distance and the translucent curtains draped in front of the bungalow opening do little to dampen its rays. As your eyes adjust, you make out the silhouette of a figure standing a few yards off, facing the water. His male outline is accentuated by his casual white shirt and crumpled linen pants. He's casually standing with his hands in his pocket, observing something in the distance. Then, with one smooth motion, he turned and began walking back towards the veiled room.

As he approached, you could barely make out his features in the shadow of the sunlight. Then, while stepping from the sand onto the wooden threshold, you recognized the smiling face of your favorite Canadian.

"Hi Darling, " Jake said as he moved past the draped fabric and into the room, "How did you sleep?"

"Mmmm, fantasticly," you replied as your thoughts drifted back to the fleshy images in your mind.

Jake approached the side of the bed and knelt beside you. You close your eyes again as he runs his hands through your explosive morning hair.

"That's great," he whispers, and you feel his lips make contact with yours. Flashes of last nights events swirl through your mind–maybe it wasn't a dream after all. All at once, you feel the fire ignite again between your legs. Like someone has fanned the smoldering coals of a beach bonfire that was raging only a few hours ago.

You reach up and run your fingers through Jake's hair–pulling him closer to you at the same time. It's only when you feel warmth on your chest that you realize the sheet has slipped down, and you are lying exposed. Jake moves his hands up and down over your chest, running his fingers up across your shoulders and then back down to your breasts. You feel your nipple grow erect as he circles it with his finger tips.

You open your eyes in response to Jake pulling his lips away from yours. But close them again when you feel them make contact with your erect nipple.

"Oh god, I could lay here forever.." you whisper to yourself as you feel Jake's tongue swirl around your nipple. You arch your back in response, pushing your breast firmly against his face–hoping the added pressure will intensify the feeling. You feel Jake wrap his teeth around your flesh in response. Taking the tip of your nipple between his teeth and flicking it with his tongue. You feel electricity shoot through your body. You feel Jake's hand on your shoulder, applying just enough pressure to push you so your back is flat on the bed. You feel the sheet slide down further over your skin. You open your eyes to Jake swinging his leg over and straddling you on the bed. He sits above you. His is shirt unbuttoned. You run your hands up inside his shirt, over his stomach and chest. He looks down at you and smiles.

"You look adorable," he says, smiling. He moves his hands back down to the sheets, and pulls them off completely–exposing your whole body to the warm morning air. You take hold of his open shirt and pull it down over his shoulders. Your hands then somehow find their way to his belt buckle.

"I don't want to be the only one here naked…" you say as you tug at his waist band . You can't help but pause when you feel the bulge contained by the taut linen fabric. Jake watches as you move your gaze downwards. You untie the waist string and slowly pull down–exposing his swollen flesh. You wrap your fingers around it and gasp at how hot it is–both physiologically and sexually. You grip it tighter and slide your hand up and down the firm shaft as your gaze again move up to meet Jakes.

"Mmmm…" you hear him say softly, while biting his lip. You're dying to do more–to suck on it–but it's just out of reach. So you enjoy the moment–watching Jake's face while pleasuring him with your hand. Jake's hips begin to move in time with your hand. His face begins to flush. You feel your heart beat faster. Then with one quick motion, he extricates himself from your grasp. After standing and semi-graciously discarding his clothing on the floor, Jake moves back in close again. This time, instead of moving his face close to yours, he presses his lips against your stomach.

You look down and watch with anticipation as he leaves a trail of kisses around your belly button. Moving in a gradually increasing circle. Soon his lips find your hip bone and he pauses there before moving back down further. You feel blood move down between your legs as steadily as his mouth. You lift your knees and spread your legs in response. You watch as his face disappears between your legs and bite your lip as you feel Jake's mouth make contact. You tilt your head back and close your eyes. Enjoying every motion of his mouth.

Jake moves the tip of his tongue around the outside of your pussy. The feeling intensifies the smaller the circles become. You feel the electricity explode through your body as the tip of his tongue makes contact with your lips. His tongue is quickly followed by his mouth, which he presses against your generously. At the same time, you feel him run his fingers up the inside of your thighs–finally coming to rest adjacent to his mouth. They apply a small amount of pressure and you feel your pussy open in response. Jake then moves his tongue inside you–pushing it deep inside. You feel its warmth inside of you–your flesh expanding around it. You enjoy the feeling, but it's just somehow not enough–not big enough.

You lie there immobilized. In a state of trance–but you are jarred back to the present when you feel Jake's hands on your hips. He applies some pressure and you follow he cue. You turn over on to your stomach. Jake then pulls gently and you again comply, lifting your hips into the air, while at the same time, burying your face into the pillow. You feel Jake's hands running over your back. His soft touch ignites shivers. His hands run over the flesh of your raised bum, then down over the backs of your thighs.

You feel a slight amount of pressure between your legs, and arch your back in response–pressing yourself against the source of that pressure. The pressure increases and you feel yourself expand around the firmness.

You give a muffled "MMmmmm…" into your pillow as Jake slowly enters you. You savor each ridge, each throbbing inch. It feels like an eternity before the motion stops and Jake is completely inside you. You feel your pussy tight around his swollen flesh. Then, as suddenly as he entered you, you feel him start to exit. Again you savor the moment; enjoying the friction, the movement. Again the motion seems to continue forever until he has completely extricated himself. You feel him enter you again, this time more forcefully. You respond by pushing yourself against him at the same time. The motion turns into a rhythm. In and out. Expanding and contracting. The motion becomes smooth and natural as you feel yourself growing wet.

You feel Jake reach around between your legs and press his fingers against your clitoris. He applies some pressure as he moves in and out, sending waves of electricity throughout your body. You push yourself against him even harder. You can't seem to get him deep enough inside of you. Jake begins to thrust harder. He moves his hands over your hips and onto the bed beside you, and thrusts deeply inside of you. You flatten yourself down on the bed in response. He's above you now, driving his cock into you like a pile driver. You move your hand down between your legs and fondle your clit at the same time.

You feel the head of his cock slide against your g-spot with every thrust. You begin to moan and Jake's pace increases in response. Oh God, he's so deep inside you. Filling you up with every thrust. You start to moan louder. The pace increases. You slap your ass against Jake at the same rhythm. "Oh, fuck me!" you yell into your pillow. You see Jake's hand clench a fist-full of sheets beside you and feel him explode inside you. He's thrusting at a furious pace. You feel your senses starting to intensify. The world around you fades away. You feel your pussy contract in orgasmic bliss.
