The Naked Truth, Part 2 [Mf] [inc, preg]

This is a work of fiction, for adults. Nothing written is meant as an endorsement of any sort of real-world behavior, nor should it be taken as such.

This is completely raw and un-betaed so please share any technical errors you find, style suggestions or constructive criticism.

This story contains sexual activity between a brother and his underage sister, if that's not your cup of tea you should probably turn around right now.

Here's Part 1 if you haven't read it yet.

I collapsed back into the couch, my mind awhirl, full of anxious thoughts describing all the ways this could ruin my life. How this could ruin my relationship with my sister, how my parents would kill me over this, how I could end up in prison (to say nothing of the sort of treatment people who got sent in for this sort of thing received). At that moment, I was sure my life was over and without my lust clouding my senses any more it was all I could do to quietly freak the fuck out.

I'm not sure how long I spent like that exactly, but it couldn't have been more than a few minutes before Erin ended up snapping me out of it. I heard a giggle and looked over to see her licking my sperm off her hand. Apparently, she liked the taste because she bent down to start licking it off my chest and stomach, slowly working her way down towards my (by now mostly soft) member. The feeling of her slender tongue on my skin, the pleased little noises she was making as lapped up my cum and the direction she was moving in quickly cured me of any softness while also serving to clear away my panic like the sun washing away a morning fog.

By the time she started running her tongue over my member I was once again rock hard and she wasted no time taking advantage of it, doing her best to taste ever inch of my erection before popping it into her hot little mouth and doing her best to make me moan, playing with my foreskin with her tongue, swirling it round the head of my cock and pumping the shaft with a dainty hand. I would have happily let her keep going till she drew a second load of cum out of me, but it quickly became obvious that that wasn't her plan when she pulled off me, another giggle escaping her lips when I whimpered at the loss of sensation.

“Nuh uh big brother, no cumming yet…” she smirked up at me, before climbing over into my lap, straddling me, and leaning in to kiss me hard, her inexperienced but eager tongue slipping into my mouth, the faint taste of my own cum on her only serving to make the kiss that much naughtier. I felt her hand wrap round my cock again, guiding it as she started rocking her hips, grinding against me. I could feel her wetness coating the head of my cock, mixing with the saliva from her blowjob as she got me nice and slick. Soon, the friction had us both moaning into the kiss, my own hips rocking in time with her motions.

Finally, she pulled back from the kiss, her hips ceasing their roll. “Hold still Danny…” her face was flushed with arousal, her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth in concentration as she lined the head of my cock up with her entrance. I knew that this was going too far now, that I should put a stop to things before she crossed this final line, but I couldn't help but do as she asked and remain still as she pushed down, slowly impaling herself on my member. I could feel my foreskin roll back against her lips as shed worked the head of my cock into her, stretching her tight little hole wide.

Moving my hands to her hips, I added a firm but slow pressure to her own efforts, both of us moaning in pleasure (though her moan had a not of discomfort to it as well) as she sunk down onto my cock millimeter by millimeter. Her pubescent pussy was the tightest thing I've ever felt in my life and it took a conscious effort on my part not to shove down as hard as possible on her hips and take her all the way right there.

She must have broken her hymen already (on purpose or just as a result of her active lifestyle I couldn’t tell you) because I encountered no barrier within her as she slowly but surely took more and more of my cock into her, not stopping till I was in her to the hilt, my thick cock filling her tiny hole completely. Leaning in, she kissed me again, letting herself get used to the sensation of my member inside her for a bit.

After what felt like an eternity of having my cock held motionless in her hot, wet, impossibly tight embrace, she finally began to move, moaning into my mouth as she slowly raised herself up on me till I was barely in her at all before pushing back down, faster than she'd done so the first time but still agonizingly slowly, beginning to ride me. Seeing as my hands were still on her hips, I decided to give her a bit of help and slid one round, stretching across her slender body to start rubbing her clit with my thumb as she slowly moved up and down on me.

Erin moaned into my mouth as the unexpected wave of pleasure hit her, shuddering against my body before picking up her pace, properly bouncing up and down on my dick now. Feeling that she could handle it at this point, I started to move my on hips, thrusting up every time she pushed down, falling into a rhythm with her as she rode me, both of us slowly ratcheting up the pace.

Before too long the sounds of sweaty flesh slapping together and the couch creaking and bouncing beneath us filled the living room, drowning out the long-since forgotten television. Despite having came just a few minutes prior I could already feel my cock starting to tense up inside my little sister, precum starting to ooze out to mix with her copious juices. Of course, if the way her tiny little hole was starting to clench on me was anything to go by, I wasn't the only one getting closer. I broke our kiss, panting and gasping for breath.

“Mmm, Erin!” I groaned out, slamming my cock up into her with each syllable.

“Danny!” Her voice was breathy with lust, face and upper chest flushed with arousal, the humidity and heat making her body drip with sweat as she exerted herself atop me.

I could feel myself starting to throb inside, my balls tightening as my second orgasm of the day grew closer and closer. A small part of my brain was insisting that I should pull out before it was too late, but that voice was drowned out by the intense pleasure I felt, by how caught up in the moment I was. All too soon, Erin started to cum with a loud groan, slamming her hips down as hard as possible, her pussy swallowing up the entirety of my cock, clenching tightly around me as she writhed with pleasure in my lap.

It was more than enough to push me over the edge, to wash away whatever scraps of self-control I might have had left. Moaning loudly I started to cum, spraying rope after rope of potent semen deep into her clenching pussy as she collapsed against me, twitching and moaning as she felt each jet splashing into her, both of us too far gone to even consider the possible consequences as I filled her womb with my seed.
