Birthday story part 2 [MFF]

I pulled up to the house and didn't notice any additional cars on the street. The kitchen and living room light were on, allaying my fears of any attempted surprise party. After exiting the car, I still approached the entrance with a bit of caution. I opened the door and walked inside.

And saw nothing. The tv was on a music channel, and I could see that Ash had cleaned up; but no one was there. I was glad. Most of my birthdays had usually been uneventful, not for lack of trying on Ashley's part, I just don't have a ton of reliable friends. As I stepped into the living room, Ash quickly entered by way of the dining room. "Wait, stop, don't move", she said as she got to me. She was wearing a pair of capri jeans and a purple shirt that left one shoulder uncovered while giving a great view of her generous cleavage. "I have your birthday present but I don't want you to see it yet."

"Wow, not even wrapped?" I joked with her while I laughed.

"It is, kind of. You will understand when you see it." She made me close my eyes and even used her Coach scarf to wrap around my head to ensure I wasn't peeking. "I don't mean to ruin it, but I saw the beer pong table out of the corner of my eye. If there is a group of people waiting in the dining room, you can just have them come out. Haha."

"No", she said. "I knew you didn't want a party, so we aren't having one. The beer pong table is out because I thought we could play, and I know how u like to get me drunk. Your present is in the dining room, and I just wanted to make sure you didn't see it."

"Ok, but you will have to lead the way since I'm blind now." As I said this I was fondling about her in a very exaggerated way. I groped at her breasts asking, "What's these? Did I get pillows for my birthday? They're such big and fluffy pillows."

"None of that right now", she said removing my hands and leading me towards my present. When we got in the dining room, she stopped me and removed my blindfold. When I opened my eyes, I saw Ashley standing next to her friend Claire. I was stunned to say the least, and although I tried to play it cool, I was unable to hide the smile that formed. The two women laughed, looked at each other and simultaneously said "happy birthday". Still in stunned silence, all I could do was smile and nod. They each gave me a kiss on my cheeks, then Ashley gave me a kiss on the lips.

Once my initial shock was over Ash explained that she wanted me to have a truly memorable birthday, and came up with this idea. She said it had taken some time to set up, and after mentioning to some of her friends in conversation that it was something I wanted for my birthday, not asking mind you, just mentioning, Claire had sent her an email saying she would be wiling to help if Ashley wanted. They talked about it, figured out the plan and set it up. Claire was staying not just for the night, but for the weekend. It would be just the three of us for the next two days. The only rule was that I couldn't have sex with Claire, but anything else was fair game.

They wanted to play some games first and drink a little before we actually did anything and I was ok with that, so we started off with some beer pong. We played a best out of three, and they lost just 2-1 with the third game coming down to the last cup. They were very distracting through all the games. They were making out constantly, and always flashing me. It was very hard to concentrate.

After beer pong, we all did a couple shots and Claire suggested we play some strip poker. After just a few hands we were all down to our underwear. Ash was sitting there in a black push up bra that barely contained her milky white breasts and a red thong; Her red tinted hair hung down just past her shoulders. Claire was also in a red thong with a matching red bra. Her bra was not a push up, and although Ashley was a d-cup, Claire had to easily be a DD if not bigger. Her wavy brown hair paired well with her tanned skin. Ash suggested we each do a shot, before we continue the game and got up to poor some. She placed a shot of tequila into her cleavage and had Claire come take the shot while she smiled at me. She then handed a shot to Claire who also used the same placement and had Ash take her shot. I watched smiling as they did this, then they poured 2 more shots and both placed them in the same area.

"Birthday boy's turn", Ash said and beckoned me over. I gladly took my shot, cupping her breasts as I did. I grabbed the glass with my lips, pulled it out, tilted my head back and swallowed. I could feel fire all down my throat into my belly as I dropped the glass into my hand and put it on the counter. Ashley pulled me in and kissed me fiercely. After her kiss, she turned me to face Claire, "now her". I did my shot, and just as Ashley kissed me after, so did Claire. Her kiss was not as passionate as Ashley's, but it wasn't lacking either. While Claire kissed me, Ash came over putting her arm around our waists, and we did the same to hers. The three of us stood there making out together, each taking turns with one another. As we did this, I moved my hands down from their waists and began groping both asses.

After a turn with Claire, Ash suggested we go upstairs. The two of them grabbed my hands and led me upstairs. Once in the bedroom, Ashley closed the door then turned to me and Claire. She walked up to both of us and again kissed me deeply. While she kissed me, Claire caressed me from behind, moving her hands from my shoulders down my back, and finally down to my boxers. She pulled them down, and as she stood up reached a hand around to grasp me. She moaned slightly into my ear and my already stiff cock grew harder. Ashley finished her kiss and gently pushed me onto the bed.

"You just watch for now"' she said and turned her attention to Claire. She positioned herself behind Claire who was now facing me and began kissing her neck while undoing her bra. Once unfastened, Ashley slid the bra off and placed her hands on Claire's oversized tits. She grabbed and massaged them, using her fingers to pinch Claire's stiff pink nipples. Claire's eyes were closed, enjoying the feeling and she brought her hands up over Ashley's, assisting her. After a few moments, Ashley trailed her right hand down Claire's midsection and found its way into her panties. I worked my cock with my hand as I watched Ashley's fingers play beneath the soft cotton. Claire's moans became more audible and Ashley brought her hand out. I could see the wetness on Ashley's fingers as she brought them up to Claire's mouth, where she began sucking on them.

Claire turned around and started to kiss Ashley. I watched their tongues dance together as Clair undid Ashley's bra and released her wonderful tits. Once the bra was off both ladies groped at each other, alternately sucking and licking in-between kissing. They both removed their thongs, and I could see they were very wet. Claire was completely shaven, as was Ashley with the exception of a small trimmed heart just above her cleft.

Ashley laid down on the bed next to where I sat. She pulled for me to come up and kneel next to her head while Claire placed herself between Ashley's legs. Ashley worked her mouth over my shaft, as I watched Claire lick her. The feeling of Ashley's mouth coupled with the view of Claire's tongue working it's magic brought me close to cumming in no time. Not wanting to finish too quickly, I pulled my cock out of Ashley's mouth and placed my balls there instead. She expertly began licking them, but her concentration started to falter as Claire was bringing her closer to climax. I moved myself down and began kissing and licking Ashley's luscious breasts. Her breathing was getting faster and she began vocalizing her pleasure. I saw Claire sliding her fingers inside while her tongue worked on the clit. Ashley grabbed hold of me, gripping me tightly as her whole body tensed up and released a huge orgasm.

Claire came up smiling and they both laughed a little when they saw the big grin on my face. "Let's take care of you next", Claire said pushing me down on the bed and climbing next to me. Ashley took the same position on my right side, placing both girls heads in my lap, with their hips up near my head. They both worked on me, alternating between one on my balls and the other working my shaft. While they tag teamed me, I placed a hand behind each of them, and slid my fingers in their wet holes. I could tell Ashley was still sensitive, but I was being careful not to overdo it. Ashley started to moan again, and as she did I quickened my pace. It didn't take long before she came again, and as she did, I reached the point of no return. Ashley had just been holding my cock during her second orgasm, unable to focus on anything else, and Claire was alternating between sucking on my left and right testicles when I gave them the warning. Ashley pointed me toward Claire and told her to finish me. Without hesitation she grabbed my dick and threw her lips over it. She couldn't go as deep as Ashley could, but she bobbed up and down with a fast pace. I tried to hold it for as long as I could, but it was only a few moments before I exploded in her mouth. She slowed her pace down, but continued to work on me until I had gone soft.

We all just laid there for a minute, when Ashley slid over next to Claire and started to kiss her again. I moved in to join them, but Ashley gently pushed my head more south. I took the hint and kissed my way past her huge breasts, down her stomach, and found her wet pussy. I shifted myself from next to her to in between her legs and began. I licked up and down, circling her clit as I got to the top. Mostly just teasing a little, before I really gave her my best. After a little more licking and sucking, I started to concentrate on her clit. I moved my tongue quickly around and flicking up and down. It was not long before Claire started to reach the edge. She grabbed the back of my head and directed me where she wanted me to concentrate. I gladly obliged and her body started to shake. She was not as vocal as Ash had been during the build up, but as she climaxed she loudly and repeatedly screamed "yes!"

"That was great", Claire said.

"Haha, thanks", I said. "What do you guys wanna do now."

"Let's all go get a shower and lie down, I don't know about you two, but that made me very tired." Said Ashley. Claire and I agreed. We all got up, grabbed towels from the closet and went into the shower.

To be continued?


1 comment

  1. I like it, you’re very good at writing ! Can’t wait for the rest of the story.

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