Birthday story part 2 [MFF]

I pulled up to the house and didn't notice any additional cars on the street. The kitchen and living room light were on, allaying my fears of any attempted surprise party. After exiting the car, I still approached the entrance with a bit of caution. I opened the door and walked inside.

And saw nothing. The tv was on a music channel, and I could see that Ash had cleaned up; but no one was there. I was glad. Most of my birthdays had usually been uneventful, not for lack of trying on Ashley's part, I just don't have a ton of reliable friends. As I stepped into the living room, Ash quickly entered by way of the dining room. "Wait, stop, don't move", she said as she got to me. She was wearing a pair of capri jeans and a purple shirt that left one shoulder uncovered while giving a great view of her generous cleavage. "I have your birthday present but I don't want you to see it yet."

"Wow, not even wrapped?" I joked with her while I laughed.

A birthday story [MF]

I am fairly new to reddit, so apologies for any formatting errors. Enjoy.

My birthday started off the same as any other year. I got to sleep in which was nice, and breakfast was made for me when I woke up. When I came downstairs I was treated with enthusiastic birthday wishes from the kids and Ashley. I gave them all hugs and Ashley sent them into the living room to watch cartoons so I could eat my frenchtoast, as they had already eaten.

I was grabbing a water from the fridge when Ash came up behind me and smacked my ass; "happy birthday" she said as she turned me around and pulled me into her for a deep kiss. While kissing me, she moved me around to where the washer and dryer were and put her hand in my shorts. She she grabbed my already hard cock and started pumping it with her hand. I stuck my hand into her sweatpants and was not surprised to discover she was not wearing anything underneath. My hand quickly found its target. She was so wet, I had no problem sliding my finger inside her, but she pulled away.