Keeping busy during a storm: Finale. (mf) (mast)

Some time later, I wake up to a strange feeling. I follow one of Jessie’s arms and it looks like she managed to move her hand down my shorts and she was stroking me. “Jessie.” I nudge her a bit to try and wake her up. She groans an answer as she continues to rub me. “Does it feel good love?” she asks me as her other hand moves down to join in. A moan escapes my lips as I try to remove her hands from me. After some prying, she eventually lets go. I roll Jessie onto her side and soon she falls back to sleep. I throw my arm over her and I start to doze off. Suddenly, I feel Jessie grab my hand and she places it on her belly. I don’t know what came over me. I suppose I wanted to return the favor. I move my hand under her shirt and I start to massage her breasts. I hear her moan and I decide to continue. I begin to tease her nipples. Then I pull my hand back to lick my fingers and pinch them to perk them up a little more. I hear Jessie start to moan. I smile and my hand moves down till I feel the waistband of her pants. I was a bit surprised to find she didn’t wear any panties when she slept. A little further and I could feel her. She liked to keep herself shaved. I rest my hand on her pelvis, marveling at her smooth skin. I finally make my way to her spot. Her legs were crossed over themselves, but I managed to slip a finger into her.

God, she was so wet. It was as if she were waiting for me. My index finger slides some of her juice over her clit. My finger brushes against it and she instantly shudders. I start to massage her thigh. A few moans and she moves her leg to give me a better reach at her spot. Unopposed, my hand makes its way down to her wet slit. I run my finger against her clit and I can feel her shudder against me. I move a little further down and I can feel how wet she is. Anticipation grows as I slid my finger between her wet lips. I bring my hand up and begin rubbing her clit again. Her juices keeping her nice and wet and I begin to kiss her neck. Jessie’s moans grow louder as I rub her a little faster. The more I kiss her neck, the wetter she gets. I let my finger soak in her juices and I taste her. She’s so sweet, in more ways than one. I bring my hand down and resume massaging her clit. She’s moaning even louder, luckily the thunder has passed and I can barely hear it over her moaning. She slowly moves her hips against my hand. Then I hear her whisper. “Please, keep going.” No need in trying to be discreet anymore. I move my fingers around her clit one more time before making my way into her, feeling for the area I know she wanted me to go. Jessie shakes around my finger as I push into her pussy. I didn’t have to look at her to know she was smiling.

Jessie shudders around my finger as I enjoy my time in her. Whenever I slid my finger out of her, the heel of my palm rubs against her clit. Each motion bringing her closer and closer to that climax I know she’s been waiting for. Jessie rolls over onto her back, giving me perfect access to her. I switch fingers, this time using my middle digit. As I continue to finger Jessie, She holds my hand in place and begins to rub her pussy against me. The more I finger her, the faster she grinds her hips. “Are you close sweetie?” I ask Jessie as her breathing becomes faster with each pass my hand makes. She whimpers an affirmative and I pick up the intensity. All of a sudden, she becomes still. Her body tensing up for what I can only imagine will be a very intense orgasm. I pull out of her one last time and focus on her clit, rubbing with two fingers. I start whispering into her ear. “Cum for me baby. Please?” I can hear Jessie’s breaths getting shorter and shorter until I see her arch her back. I look at her face, her eyes screwed shut and her mouth wide open. Finally, she lets out an almost animalistic groan and her limbs hold on to my arm tight as she trembles from the orgasm. I kiss her on her forehead “That’s a good girl.” I whisper as she tries to catch her breath. As Jessie begins to relax, she looks at me and smiles. “Thank you for keeping me occupied.” She says as she kisses me on the cheek. “I’m just happy to help.” I answer back as she finally loosens her grip on my arm. Jessie rolls over with her back facing me. I hold her and we both fall asleep to sound of rain hitting the window.
