Turned on, free chapter of erotic story.

I hope I've got this post in the right place ;) xxx

Lottie walked into her bedroom and dropped her towel. Her still slightly damp skin felt a wave of cold air. Her nipples hardened and she gave them a little pinch, she felt a twinge in her pussy. She sat on her bed and raised her phone above her. She wondered if Carl was spying on her. He always seemed to know what she was doing. She was excited of the idea of him watching her right at that moment. She turned the camera on and positioned it onto herself. She positioned her breasts in the centre of the screen. Seeing herself on the screen gave her the same excited feeling she got when she pinched her nipples. She held the camera in her right hand and pressed play. She took a deep breath and slowly moved her left hand up towards her neck, stroking her fingers against her skin as she moved. The gentle movement across her breast made her nipple stiffen again, and she had the same twinge in her pussy. She stroked her left breast and circled her fingers softly around her nipples. She moved her fingers around in a circular motion. She enjoyed the subtle stimulation her finger tips were giving her. She stroked her hand across her chest to her right breast and slowly circled her other nipple. Her nipples were hard and sensitive as she was playing with them. She took another deep breath and lay back into her bed. She moved her left hand in sync with the camera and slowly made her way down her body. She slid her fingers down her stomach and towards her pussy. She opened her legs wider and adjusted her hips as she positioned the camera so it was angled perfectly on her pink juicy pussy. She watched herself on screen, looking at her body, she had never seen her pussy from that angle before. She could feel how wet she was and could see little glistens of light shining from her wet pussy lips. She gently parted her lips and looked at the soft pink skin shining in the light. She used one finger to trace a line from her juicy hole to her clit, bringing a covering of slippery wet cum up to her clitoris. She was so wet, she loved the feel of her fingers slipping and sliding over her firm sensitive clit was intense. She slid two fingers back down and gently pushed them inside her. Her juicy wet pussy made a squelching noise as she plunged her fingers deep inside. She moved her fingers around inside herself and felt her g spot, she gave a little moan of pleasure. She slowly drew her fingers out and slid her cum covered fingers back up to her clit. She slid her wet fingers over her firm little button. She moaned loader and dropped the phone. The phone bounced off her thigh and it fell next to her. She couldn't tell if her pussy was on screen any more, she thought, if Carl enjoyed watching her then he must also enjoy listening to her. She kept circling her clit with her left hand and stroked her thigh with her right. She brought her right hand up to her mouth and slid two fingers inside. She sucked and slid her tongue around in her mouth until her fingers were completely covered and slippery with saliva. She plunged her fingers into her juicy wet hole, she wished it was Carl's cock inside her at that minute. Her fingers slid in easily and deep. She felt her muscles contract around her fingers as they moved deeper into her wet pink flesh. Her fingers were in so deep they were pushing her pussy lips open wide. Her pussy was soaking wet, she pushed her fingers in deep and began to rhythmically pound against her g spot. Every movement of her hands sent a warm rush of pleasure all around her body. She pushed and plunged deeper and deeper, keeping the same steady rhythm. She could feel the most intensity around her groin but could feel it all the way up her thighs to the tips of her toes. Her clit was pulsating with pleasure as she flicked and played with it while she plunged her other hand deep inside her pussy. She rubbed her clit harder and could feel she was starting to cum. She increased the speed and deepened the plunges she made inside her pussy. Her g spot was on fire, she screamed loudly as the feeling was getting more and more intense. She couldn't hold back the moans and screams, she was getting very loud now. She could feel her hands pushing her pussy open wide, she really really wished it was Carl's cock inside her now. Her toes were tingling and her muscles twitched with delight. Her warm wet pussy was contracting hard around her hand, she could feel herself cumming. She screamed louder as wave after wave of orgasm came. Her clit pulsating, her pussy contacting, her thighs twitching. She moaned again and started to slow her hand movements. She could still feel her orgasm but it was slowing now to a relaxing gentle pulse of pleasure. She panted and was breathing deeply after all the intensity. She looked at her phone and wondered if Carl was still watching. She hoped he had been, it was a fucking epic orgasm. She smiled and relaxed back into her pillow and fell asleep.

If you want to purchase this ebook, Turned on, The code in Amazon is ASIN: B00N1ZLPC8



Thank you and I hope my story made you horny xxx

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2ev644/turned_on_free_chapter_of_erotic_story