“Scientific Method” [Str8, Les, voy] Comments, please!

Should I bother writing a chapter 2?

Chapter One

It was the opportunity of a lifetime: An expedition with Drs. James and Isabela Salt. Science superstars, they'd made discovery after discovery in the bush, studying animal group behavior all over the world. He, a biologist, she an anthropologist. I'd read plenty of their work on chimpanzees, my area of study in school. I was incredibly lucky they agreed to take me on.

I arrived there just as the sun was coming up, a little groggy from trying to sleep in a bouncing Jeep. The camp consisted of an overlarge tent, which I assumed was for the Salts, and a smaller bivouac that looked to belong Archange and Muteba, the two Congolese men who had driven me there. Dr. Salt smiled and gave me a big hug when I arrived. I was starstruck for a moment, seeing him in person. He was quite handsome and tall, in an angular sort of way. Not nearly as muscular as the Congolese, but with a wiry energy. He had beautiful hazel eyes, and smelled like sweat mixed with some kind of exotic spice.

“Tell me, have you ever studied the bonobo?" he asked, offering a cup of breakfast tea.

“A bit in school,” I answered. "Pan paniscus, same genus as the chimp? Known for their social behavior, if I remember…"

"Social behavior! Quite right. That's why I think you'll fit in so well here. Where chimps are the most violent of the apes, you'll find bonobos to be the most…" His eyes drifted away from me as his speech trailed off.

I followed his gaze to see a fully nude woman walking up the path! Her bronze skin was dripping wet, and she was drying her hair with a towel. She looked entirely comfortable, making no effort to cover up. Shocked, I shot a glance over to Archange and Muteba, whose smiles appeared to grow wider by the second.

When she looked up at me, I recognized her plainly as Dr. Isabela Salt. She hung her towel around her neck and walked right up to me. "You must be Em," she smiled, extending her hand. "Pardon my appearance. I was just cleaning up."

I looked away politely from her immodest display, but I saw enough to say Isabela was beautiful. She was ten or so years older than me, putting her at around thirty-five, and a little shorter, too. She had brilliant brown eyes and an open, friendly face. I also couldn't help but notice her soft curves, especially her rather generous breasts, and that she was completely devoid of hair down there. Seeing her naked made me aware of my own skinny body for a moment. I felt less covered by my clothes, like they suddenly didn’t fit right

"…So glad to have another woman on the trip," she was saying. "I was beginning to feel outnumbered!" Seeing what must have been a total lack of composure on my part, Isabela looked over to her husband, who was greedily admiring his wife. "I think I've startled our new recruit, James. Let me go throw something on."

"Oh! Sorry!" I stammered, suddenly feeling uncool, but James intervened as she walked toward the big tent.

"Pardon my wife. She's very, er, comfortable," he explained. "Em, the atmosphere on this expedition will be very different from what you're used to. That said, please do tell me if you're ever uncomfortable. We don't want that! Not at all.”

Isabela, clothed, joined James and me a few minutes later. We were lying on our stomachs on a little berm outside the camp that overlooked a valley dotted with mahogany trees. It was teeming with bonobo, and we were propped up on our elbows, studying them with binoculars. The group looked to be engaged in some kind of orgy—males and females, males together, females—it was like a disorganized porno movie.

“Well, what do you think of our bonobo so far?” Isabela asked as she lay down next to me.

“Their social-sexual behavior is astonishing,” I remarked, referring to the notes on my clipboard. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Not counting humans,” she replied, raising a pair of binoculars to her eyes, “the bonobo are unique in their approach to sex. We’re here to see if we can find a link between their peaceful nature and their social characteristics.”

“You see, Em,” said James, “The chimpanzee are a savage species, patriarchal in nature. The bonobo are matriarchal. There is also the question of the availability of food. Chimps have to fight for every morsel they eat; This bonobo habitat, though separated from the chimps by only a river, is quite lush, and food is not such a worry.”

“The group has just returned from a forage,” Isabela continued. “They are greeting each other and sharing their booty. Look, Em, on the west side!"

I trained my binoculars on the edge of the valley, where an arriving female approached a member of the group. The animals began rubbing one another's genitals.

"You see? The outsider is introducing herself to a member of the group." Isabela said, smiling at me. I smiled back.

At dinnertime, I was treated to fried fish from the river, served with cassava and a sauce made with peanuts. Muteba was an excellent chef, and I couldn't help but prefer the meal to what I'd been eating back home. I got to know the members of the expedition a bit as we sat around the campfire. Archange described a Congolese childhood game called Ding-Dingo, while Muteba demonstrated by hopping around a little stone maze he'd made. There was laughter all around. Archange was obsessed with my light brown hair, which Isabela said was "so fine and gorgeous."

Muteba had a large bottle of beer, which he would pass around every so often. The Salts briefed me on the whereabouts of the bonobo group. They had broken back up into threes and fours to forage, apparently, and were expected to return to the clearing sometime the next day. I was to catalogue their gestures, much as I had done that day.

"Arch has been doing the cataloguing until now," said James, while Isabela rested her head on his shoulder. "But he has a bigger project in mind."

Archange nodded his head resolutely. "I want to build a treehouse, so we can see how they act in the canopy. Right now, we can see only how they behave in the clearing. But when they disappear into the trees?" He made a flat gesture with his hands.

"Can I ask," I said, turning back to James, "why there is no fence around the camp? Aren't you worried about the group getting too curious?"

"Oh, no," James answered. "Bonobo are curious, to be sure, but they know we mean them no harm, and they have very little interest in us. When their group is in the valley, we sometimes see the odd individual walking right through camp to spend some time at the river. They're wild animals, certainly, but when unprovoked they're quite docile, I think you'll find."

While James was talking, my eye caught Isabela's hand moving slowly up his thigh. It was dark, and the campfire was casting strange shadows. I thought the beer was giving me a bit of a buzz.

Muteba had set up my modest tent next to the Salts' quarters, and when James and Isabela got up, the boys headed to their bivouac across camp, and I to my tent. I noticed Isabela unbuttoning her shirt as she entered hers. James smiled warmly at me as I was about to enter mine. "Good night, Em," he said.

When I entered my tent, I was delighted to find the cot set up, the bed made, and a small cluster of Moabi blossoms on the pillow. Muteba—what a sweetheart! I changed into my PJ bottoms and a tank top and lay down, allowing the mellow beer buzz and crackling of the dying fire to lull me.

But it was not meant to be. I was hearing little rustles and squeaks from the tent next door. "Light sleepers, the Salts," I thought. Then I heard a soft, female moan, followed by a "shh!"

"Well, I know what they're up to," I thought. Anybody who's lived in an apartment would know what they were up to. I thought about the moment I'd first met Isabela. It wasn't that she was naked, of course. I'd seen lots of naked people. It was the way she carried herself. Confidence? Not exactly. More like elegance. Grace.

James' admonition to keep quiet wasn't lasting long on Isabela. She started to moan regularly, and a bit louder. I thought for a moment about my old college boyfriend, and how exciting it was to see him looking up at me from between my legs, his face buried between them.

I usually don't succumb so easily, but that was all it took. I started feathering my breast with my left hand while the right took a more southerly route. "Hang on," I thought. As quietly as possible, I stood up from the cot, stripping my PJs off. I paused before lowering myself back down, making sure I wasn't making a sound. Their tent was only three feet away from mine, and I know what a women sounds like when she's being gone down on. I'm no cock block!

Luckily, the moaning continued with no perceptible interruption. Good for you, Isabela, now for me. I may be a little pale, my boobs not quite as grand, but I can certainly be naked in my own tent! I fished a little bottle of lube out my backpack. Purchased back home, because where are you going to find a CVS in the middle of the Congo?

Back in position, my right hand reached its destination, and I started in my usual way: placing the heel of my hand on my hipbone, and sweeping lightly over my pubic hair, gradually descending to skin-level. I slipped a finger between my labia and let out a little gasp. Won't be needing the lube this time.

I thought of that old boyfriend again. I'd never given a blow job before him. A good feminist, it'd seemed degrading to me. But when I slid his cock in my mouth for the first time, I was surprised to find it didn't feel degrading to me at all. It felt sexy.

It became sort of a go-to mental image for me on those rare occasions I'd resort to pleasuring myself, and this time was no exception. Picturing his eyes between my legs, my mouth on his cock…unnngh.

Isabela's moaning continued, growing faster and more piercing. Or, I should say, less concerned about whether she'd be heard. I couldn't help but picture James' head between her legs, her feet on his shoulders. Maybe she was grabbing his head with both hands by now, pulling him to her. My fingers were working faster down there. My left hand, on its own, was periodically squeezing my boob before returning to caress my nipple. I felt like I was floating.

My ears were so tuned into the tent next door, I could've heard a pin drop in there. So there was no mistaking it when Isabela's aria reached its crescendo. First, an "Ah Aaaahhh AAAAHHH!" then, suddenly, silence. Then, a quaking sound, like the legs of their cot were dancing around the floor of the tent. "¡Ay, Dios!" she whispered. They began kissing.

My little radio show wasn't over, though. Before long, I started to hear some slurping noises emanating from the tent. I couldn't help but look toward the zipped-shut window that faced the Salts' tent and whisper, "You go, Isabela. She gives like she gets." I realized then that I'd stopped touching myself altogether, gripped as I was by the intimacy next door. For the first time I wondered whether the Congo twins were hearing all this.

It was time to get out of the cot again. This time, I tiptoed to the nylon window on the wall of my tent. Just curious, maybe I'd be able to see a little something. I unzipped the window as quickly as I dared, which is to say, very slowly. The sight that greeted me was well worth the stealthy approach!

While I crouched naked in my tent, James was getting the BJ of his life. I could see it in silhouette: Their cot was on the wall closest to me, and the had a lantern going on the wall farthest away. The effect was to project their shadows on the canvas wall nearest me. James was on his knees atop the cot, and Isabela was on all fours before him. She was stroking him and catching her breath, but before long she had it back in her mouth, grabbing his butt in her hands and encouraging him to thrust.

It was fucking hot. I sat on my knees and enjoyed the show. My fingers were back to their assigned places with renewed vigor. Feelings were washing over my whole body; emptiness, urgency, need… Isabela's bottom was up in the air, and James would lean down to feel it while his wife did her work. Her breasts rocked in mesmerizing counterweight to her movements. When he straightened back up, she took him out of her mouth, lifted his cock with her hand, and licked its underside from bottom to top with the tip of her tongue.

He grabbed her face in both of his hands and willed her up onto her knees, facing him. He kissed her deeply. My fingers were sticky and slippery at the same time! I had to suppress another gasp as they worked their unrelenting circles. Suddenly, Isabela was back on her knees, facing the other way, and James was goin' for the gold from behind.

Of course, I began picturing myself in Isabela's place, getting fucked by Dr. Salt, occasional guest on BBC nature shows, his relentless cock inside me. Their pace was increasing something furious, and I was matching them. My hips rocked back and forth on my fingers, my knees and toes making impressions on the dirt floor. My butt was hanging in open space, and I liked the feeling. I reached back with my left and squeezed it deeply, the fingers almost touching those on my right hand, still hard at work around front.

My breath hitching, my pulse quickening, my eyes fixed on the camera obscura scene taking place next door, I was really starting to lose it! Isabela was moaning loudly and plaintively, occasionally muttering "¡Sí, Sí!" when Dr. S. would grab her by her bucking hips and hold them to himself. He reached down and grabbed her hanging breast, squeezing as it spilled from his fingers by the motion of her body, and started moaning on his own.

Suddenly, Isabela stiffened in her place on all fours. Her elbows locked, her movements became jerky, like she was being shocked by unseen electrodes. James kept right at it as she started to emit an ethereal squeal. I'd never heard anything like it. It seemed like she was trying to choke it back, into her body, but it kept leaking out. She reached back and touched herself between her her legs. James was almost shouting now, fucking her like he was drilling for oil, when he finally crashed into her fully, holding her thighs to him in desperation.

Eureka, I thought, on the edge of madness myself, so consumed by the sight and sound of their passion. I was rubbing my hand so hard on my clit, it was like I was trying to wipe off a club stamp. I was panting audibly, but I couldn't stop to care! My thighs began to shake, and for a second I thought I was going to fall backward, but instead I looked down at my bouncing titties. I pictured his cock in me and caught a glance at my sticky fingers doing their work. Totally losing it, my stomach tightened and I began to pulse uncontrollably. "OHHHhhhh!" I exclaimed, thoroughly flushed, and with hitching breaths.

Oh, shit! It dawned on me, the enormity of what just happened. Did I fucking scream? I stuck my sweaty face up to the window once more. The Salts' silhouettes were standing on their knees, still on the cot, completely silent, with both of their heads turned unmistakably in my direction. They couldn't see me through the canvas, of course, but what a fucking idiot I was for screaming out like that.

After a moment, James got up and switched off the lantern.

My eyes opened at sunrise. Stretching, feeling more rested than ever, it was a moment before I remembered the awkwardness of the night before. I didn't have time to dwell on it though, as there was a gentle tap on my tent.

"Em? Are you awake?" whispered the voice of Isabela.

"Come in," I mumbled, pulling the covers over me. I feared the worst. Some talk about inappropriate behavior, maybe. But nope. As she stepped in, I could see she was naked again, holding her towel and a little tote bag.

"I thought I would show you the bath while the boys are still sleeping," she said softly.

Relieved, I threw off the covers and sat up, catching Isabela in a quick look at my body. Fair's fair, I thought. We tiptoed past the bivouac containing a snoring Muteba and Archange. (Or at least I tiptoed.) The morning breeze gave my skin goosebumps.

Over a little hill lined with bushes, we arrived at the river's edge. It was achingly beautiful, the orange sunrise brightening the sky from the east, forest trees filled with white birds to the south, and the wide, gentle river flowing from the west. Across the river and half a mile upstream, a herd of elephants waded, spraying water from their trunks.

Isabela was already in the water, staring up at me and smiling. The slowly swirling eddy was formed by an outcropping rock. This was the bath. I waded in up to my knees, if only to do something other than standing naked on the bank. The cool water woke me up better than a cup of coffee.

"I'd kill to have your ass," Isabela said from behind me. She was wading up to her shoulders, and her boobs were kind of floating independently in front of her. "I had an ass like that, ten years ago." She pushed off the bank and began floating on her back.

I had to admit I was drawn to Isabela's libertine spirit. I wondered what I would be like if I were more like her. I'd never really been attracted to a woman, but that's how I felt. Attracted. She started washing herself with a sponge, and floated the soap over to me so I could do the same. I found myself stealing glances at her again, and must have slipped into a little reverie, when she asked:

"Could you wash my back?"

The way she phrased that question made me think. I was still feeling sublime after last night’s excellent orgasm; maybe I was under its spell. I ran the sponge over her back, feeling her slippery skin with my fingertips. A pair of white pelicans flew over us. I felt electricity in her soft skin, vitality. My head started to feel like it was swirling in sync with the pool's current. By the time she finally spun around and wrapped her arms around my body, it felt like fate. We were kissing, her chest pressed against mine. I was powerless to do anything more than allow my hands to wander down to her ass as she wrapped her legs around me, floating.

She put my face in her hands. “Em,” she said, “from one woman to another: You are beautiful.” Again, we were kissing, tongues shyly making contact with one another. One of her hands found its way to my chest, which gave me the courage to explore hers, gently pinching and twisting her nipples. Suddenly, she stood up in the pool, dragging me up with her, and put my tit in her mouth. I whimpered a little, feeling someone’s touch after a long while on my own. Her hand wandered down to the only logical place, and next thing you know, we were two females greeting one another, my chin resting on her shoulder, eyes pointed toward the African sky, moaning in ecstasy.

I was touching her like I liked to be touched. Her fingers felt familiar and foreign at the same time, like she was touching me in some forgotten dialect. My knees were weakening and I wanted to crash down in the water with her. Maybe she sensed it, because she eased me down until I was floating on my back, with the help of her hands supporting my butt. She disappeared back into the pool, her head emerging between my legs.

And it was like the first time again, looking down there and meeting her gaze while I felt her tongue exploring my most private places; seeing those boyfriend eyes in a different body, but with the same look in them. I was floating, literally this time, the soap still swirling around us in the bath, when my consciousness crashed into a piercing cry—my hips quaking in Isabela’s face, my thighs squeezing her, the orgasm of my life! Wailing, I looked across the river as birds took flight from the trees. I laughed out loud when I saw the astonishment on Isabela’s face. Releasing her from my legs, I floated down and gave her a hug.

It was then that I noticed Archange, Muteba, and James standing on the bank, towels in hand, naked and very aroused.

End Chapter One

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2dcl4e/scientific_method_str8_les_voy_comments_please


  1. At first I thought the thing about the bonobos felt cheap, too easy. But actually I really love this piece: it’s a getaway AND a porn, and it’s got plot. More please!!

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