A Quick Change [mf, inc, transformation]

Since I'm retiring my old mailing list to devote more of my non-writing time to The Naughty List (a startup promo service for erotica authors and a "bargain/freebie" resource for readers), and this ol' story was hanging around as a bonus for people that signed up for my newsletter, I've decided to release it here! It's an exclusive story that I never put up for sale anywhere and, hell, I figured some of you guys might enjoy it!

So…yeah. Enjoy. All characters are exactly 18 years of age, btw.

A Quick Change

“I don’t know why I go out here with you, Jess,” Billy said with an annoyed huff. “We never find anything, anyway.”

I plunged the fiberglass trowel into the ground and churned the hard soil around. The damned metal detector had gone crazy right on this very spot, so I knew something had to be there. My idiot brother might like to complain about it, but one of these days I was going to find something amazing. Besides, I knew why he always agreed to go along, even if he acted like he hated it; Billy liked seeing me in the cut-off shorts I always wore on our little “expeditions”.

It was pretty easy to figure out his motivations after I caught him peeping on me one day. Maybe it was my fault for leaving the door cracked, or for making so much noise while I used my vibrator. Anyway, he caught me and I caught him. I will never forget the frightened look on his face or the thick, swollen cock he had clutched in his hand.

My brother, the horn dog. Horny for his own sister. At first I was kind of grossed out by it, but after thinking way too much about it, I found myself wanting to spend more and more time around him. Things that I hadn’t noticed before, like his athletic physique or the way he smiled flirtingly at me when we were talking became more evident. Perhaps it wasn’t so weird to share such a taboo attraction. For the time being, though, I was satisfied with keeping it all in my dirty mind.

“So what will it be this time? A rusty nail? Maybe even a dime? Wait- don’t tell me,” Billy said, feigning enthusiasm, “A whole quarter?! We’re rich!”

I paused from my scooping and looked back up at him. “It’s just a matter of time before I dig something valuable up, you know. Remember how grandpa used to tell us about the Army base that used to be in these woods?”

“Yeah? So what? That place has been gone since the sixties. You know they must have taken just about everything with them. Whatever they didn’t take, people just like you probably got to over the last fifty years, anyway.”

I brushed aside another scoop of dirt. Damn, just another empty brass casing. The place was littered with those. “Obviously not everything, little brother,” I said and held up the rusty piece of metal. “Grandpa was sure that the Army brought parts of the UFO that crashed in New Mexico here to research. Who knows what else might be here!”

“Like the United States Army is gonna leave behind secret UFO parts…here, in the middle of the Alabama woods? Tin-foil hat much?”

After tossing the brass casing in my canvas pouch, I swept the metal detector over the small hole I’d made once again. There was a high-pitched sound in my earphones loud enough to make my eardrums buzz. Something else was down there, alright.

“The old newspapers said all this was just a restricted grass field for pilot training, but it wasn’t. Everybody knows that. It was a part of Brookley Air Force Base, out of Mobile, and no one really knows what went on here.”

“Well, just don’t go digging up any landmines,” Billy scoffed.

The trowel scraped against something in the hole. Whatever it was, the thing had a square shape and each corner was pretty well-buried.

“I don’t think you’ve got to worry about that. Why would there be mines here, anyway?”

Billy shrugged. “Right, I forgot. The only thing here is beer cans, empty brass shells, and more bottle caps than I can count.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…”

Billy looked up at the sun and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Not a damn cloud in the sky. Must be a hundred degrees out here, Jess. Come on and let’s head back to the house already. It’s burning up out here.”

“Hang on, Billy. Jesus, you’re impatient. I think I…I got something.”

“Huh? Another piece of junk?” He leaned over and got a better look. “That’s a big one.”

I managed to get the tip of my trowel underneath the object and pulled back, snapping old roots and freeing it from its earthy prison. The thing was caked in dirt, so I lightly brushed it off and wrapped my hands around it. When my fingers came into contact with the bluish-colored metal, I felt an odd, intense coldness.

“Oh wow, look at this thing!”

Billy took a swig out of a beer he’d stolen from Daddy’s refrigerator and eyed the weird object curiously. “What the hell is it?”

I turned it over in my hands. The object was shaped like some sort of frame; but was round inside instead of square-shaped like the outside. Strange lines had been etched all over it and the weird metal was cold, almost freezing, wherever I touched it.

“Come on, Jess! What did you find?”

“I…I don’t know. Some kind of metal part? It feels…cold, like a piece of ice of somethin’.”

“Cold? Bullshit. Let me see that thi-“

The moment Billy’s hand touched the object, a shock gripped me. All my muscles seized up at once and a surprised yelp only managed to come out of me like a gurgle. I wanted to let go of the thing, but my hand wouldn’t unclench no matter how hard I tried. Billy seemed to be experiencing the same thing, and I watched in horror as he convulsed and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Just when I thought I couldn’t take another second of it, there was a crackling explosion like thunder that tore through the air and I was propelled violently backwards. Paralyzed by whatever the strange force was, I could only feel the soft grass underneath my back and watch the trees sway in the wake of a fresh breeze. Slowly, the sunny sky faded and everything turned to darkness.

When I woke up, my head was killing me. It was still daylight, but the sun had begun to dip down below the tree line. My eyes adjusted and I glanced at my watch, which had stopped working.


I looked around again. It had to be much later than that, now. Hours later.

“Billy?” I called out and shakily got to my feet.

“Where’d you go?”

There was a pained groan on the other side of a gigantic pine tree. Leaves shifted noisily as he sat up and I ran over to him. He was on his feet before I got there.

“Are you ok?”

Billy winced and rubbed both temples. “God damn, Jess. My head feels like I got thrown in a clothes dryer and put on permanent press overnight. What the fuck just happened?”

I looked back towards the small crater I’d dug up earlier. The strange metal object was sitting right on the edge of it.

“I guess it was that…whatever it was, that I dug up. It shocked us, I think.”

“That was one hell of a shock. Lucky I didn’t piss all over myself.” He checked his pants again, to be sure.

As I was talking to Billy, I noticed a warm sensation that seemed to crawl up and down my skin. It started at my toes and swept up my legs, across my belly and chest, and to the top of my head. Over and over the unusual feeling did this, a little faster each time. I didn’t know what to make of it.

“Do you feel that, too?” I asked and grabbed my belly. The sensation was growing more intense.

“Ooh! It’s like I’m being dunked in hot water and pulled back out again.”

Billy massaged a large bruise on his neck. “Yeah. I wasn’t gonna say anything…thought maybe I had a concussion or somethin’.”

“Billy, I-“

A jolt of tingling pleasure suddenly flooded into my pussy, causing me to stagger. Each time the hot wave passed that spot, it hit me again. After three or four times, I was barely able to stand and digging my fingers into the bark of the tree that was holding me up.

Meanwhile, Billy was rolling on the ground and holding his crotch. The expression on his face and the sounds coming out of him were like a man in the throes of a mind-blowing orgasm. He twisted and writhed, kicking up dirt all over, unable to control himself.

“What…nnnnnggg…holy shit, Jess!”

I pressed my hand between my legs to try and quiet the sensation, but it didn’t help one bit. The hot waves became so fast that I felt covered in them all at once. Vibrating energy surrounded me…no, it was me. I fell to my knees, no longer able to stand. There was a shimmer of light in my eyes and I felt like I was floating, leaving my body behind. The pleasant energy left me in an instant and was replaced by an incredible lightness. I tried to move my arms and legs but nothing happened. The breeze seemed to blow right through me as felt myself glide upwards.

Higher I went, ten…twenty feet above the forest floor. It was unreal. Words would not come from my mouth and I had no control at all. Then, some uncanny force began to tug at me. It was like gravity, pulling me down, towards Billy, who was now lying on the ground and not moving. His eyes were glazed over and his mouth hung open.

Oh my God…was he dead? Was I?

The gentle tug became increasingly powerful. Whatever it was, it was pulling me…into…my brother. I felt my legs come alive again, and then my arms. As the floating sensation faded away, I could once again feel the ground under me. Something invisible gripped around my waist one last time and then, it too, vanished.

A hoarse cough resounded out of me and I called out for Billy all over again.

“Billy! What…” This wasn’t me! This wasn’t my voice! “…happened?

I grabbed my throat as the words slipped out. There was a pronounced knot near the middle. My face felt rough and covered in a layer of sandpaper bristles. What the hell is going on?

The first things I really saw were the palms of my hands. They were dirty and rough. As I held them out, I realized that they were not my hands at all. They were far too large. When I turned them over, I noticed that the light pink nail polish I’d applied earlier that day was no longer there. Then came the real shock; I was wearing my brother’s clothes! And my breasts…they were…gone? The soft, supple mounds on my chest had become hard and defined pectoral muscle.

— Pt 2 Below vvvv

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/29kj3h/a_quick_change_mf_inc_transformation


  1. Part 2————— “Holy shit!” I cursed, and backpedaled like a frightened animal. When I finally got to my feet, I dared to unbutton the pair of my brother’s jeans I was now inexplicably wearing. There, bunched up in a pair of tightie-whities, was a thick, flaccid cock. I was tempted to touch it, but relented when I heard my girlish voice groan out a few feet away. “Jess?” “Billy! Oh my god, something’s happened! Something…terrible!” “Why do I feel so weird?” I watched him as he realized that he now had two perky breasts and long hair that fell down over his face. Billy rolled over onto all fours and I could see his bottom…my bottom. I shook my head, hoping that I was only having a dream. I wasn’t. Billy pulled at the shorts and straightened them out before pulling himself up. Why had seeing my own butt brought on such arousal? It wasn’t like I hadn’t seen my own ass before. Just seeing the curves of it brought on this strange stirring inside me. It was so round and…and smooth. I wanted to hold it and give it a rough squeeze. Damn… Was this what Billy thought when he looked at me? Something twitched between my legs. Oh man, what was I thinking? Am I getting…hard? The cock in my jeans had, indeed, begun to stiffen. It rubbed uncomfortably against the zipper, straining to get free, as it struggled to achieve its full size. I tried pushing it down, but that only resulted in more discomfort. “Jess…why do I have…these? Oh, whoa…” Billy said. As he squeezed the pert B-cups in his hands, he seemed both mystified and completely overjoyed with them. “That thing…it did something to us. Switched our minds, or our bodies or something!” “It did, didn’t it? Mmmmm.” I stomped over to him, set on slapping his hands away. He wasn’t supposed to do that! That was my body, damn it! When I got close enough, though, the stirring hardness of my cock stopped me. Whatever part of me was now male had become extremely turned on by Billy’s actions. Or, was it some memory or devious impulse that lived within the new brain I inhabited? “Billy…stop…you shouldn’t be doing that,” I whispered. Absently, I squeezed the hard bunch that had developed between my legs. “That’s me you’re touching…but it isn’t…oh, we have got to fix this.” The feeling in my pants only got worse as I watched him play with the body that used to be mine. I felt somehow violated by his actions, but the pulsing arousal in my crotch was most definitely enjoying the show. I really am hot, aren’t I? Look at that cleavage as he pushes them together. Such nice breasts…mmm…I just want to touch them so bad. I pressed my thighs together and tried to push the thoughts out, but they weren’t going anywhere. Any minute, and it felt like my dick was going to tear a hole through the jeans. “Wow, sis…you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to play with your tits.” It couldn’t tell if he was joking or just being candid. Billy continued massaging his new breasts, closing his eyes and taking in slow breaths to enhance the experience. “So soft…rubbing them like this makes me tingle, you know, down there.” “B-billy…you’ve g-gotta…” I stuttered. “These pants are too tight…uhnnn…it hurts.” I squirmed uncomfortably again. Maybe if I just unzip them a little, the pressure won’t be so bad. So, I did. With one quick movement, I drew down the zipper and the jeans opened. The aching, hard mass bulged out and relief flooded me temporarily. Even though I still had on the underpants, they did nothing to conceal just how long and erect Billy’s manhood (or was it mine, now?) was. It would have been almost comical to see something like that if I hadn’t been so confused and thoroughly aroused, not to mention actually being the one experiencing it! Billy already had the tight yellow t-shirt off that I’d been wearing that day and was working on unlatching the bra. “Hey Sis…will you do me a favor? Undo this thing, will ya?” I hesitated for a moment. That’s my body…isn’t it? I…I can’t help him do this, can I? Oh, but I did. The compulsion was far too strong to resist. It was almost like watching myself in a video or something. The bra came off easily enough, and there were my breasts. Tender little things. Just big enough to cup in your hands. Hard, excited, pink nipples that, for some reason, I wanted more than anything to put in my mouth. And down below, just under those old nylon cut-offs…something hot and wet that I could plunge this impossibly hard, swollen erection into. *This is a bad thing…we are in so much trouble right now…* “Touch them, Jess,” Billy whispered to me. I couldn’t get over how strange it was to hear my own voice talking to me like that. “Please, Jess. I…I want you to, so much.” My hands were shaking. The sun still hadn’t yet gone down, and the stagnant, humid air of the Deep South had brought my temperature to a broil. I could feel little beads of sweat trickle down my forearms from my shoulders. The old tank top that Billy had worn seemed to stick to every pore. “I’ll…ok, just one squeeze…” I gave him a look of warning. “Then, we gotta figure out how to change back.” That Alabama heat was nothing compared to the feverish warmth of the flesh under my hand. The hard nipple was in the center of my palm and I squeezed…God damn…a rush of excitement coursed through my veins and down, into the engorged member that hung between my legs. How can this be making me so horny? “Oh man, that feels…really nice,” Billy murmured. With one hand holding open the waistband of my favorite pair of shorts, he’d stuck his hand inside and was playing with the pair of slick folds that waited there. “This is wrong…we can’t do this, Billy,” I heard myself say. Or was it a part of him talking? “You’re my brother. This is…incest.” “No, no, it ain’t. This is a dream or somethin’. I gotta be dreamin’, Jess.” No longer able to ignore the pleading sense of discomfort, I snapped down the yellow and blue band and exposed my rigid cock. It jutted out, just like one I’d seen before, on graduation day almost one year ago. That was when I finally lost my virginity to my then-boyfriend, Robbie Hayden. But this cock…this one was mine, somehow. I didn’t care anymore how it happened. Alien technology? Some buried government secret? Exposure to an experimental hallucinogen? All that mattered was feeding my hungry need. I wrapped one hand around the stiff shaft and pumped. Fuck, that feels good. Insanely good. Billy’s cock was much bigger than I remembered it being the day I caught him peeping at me. The whole thing was further around and longer than my pathetic little vibrator. Damn. Billy even put poor Robbie Hayden’s prick to shame; and I’d thought he was supposed to be big. Each slow, purposeful stroke made me shudder in pleasure. I closed my eyes and craned my head back, lost in the swimming, tingling bliss. The whole area around the head was easily twice as sensitive as my pussy had been. I wondered what it would feel like to actually come. That had to be mind-blowing. I was so lost in the pleasure I was giving to myself that I didn’t notice Billy leaning in closer until it was too late. He was down on his knees; lip-stick painted mouth open and hot breath against my cock, and then he encircled it around me. “Ohhhh shit…” I groaned, feeling my legs waver unsteadily. Those lips wrapped around my cock like a tight, liquid ring and made my hands fall away and down to my sides. I was totally helpless with that sweet mouth engulfing me. His head bobbed as he worked diligently. Each time those lips graced the rounded tip of my swollen cock, little wet sounds like kisses greeted my ears. My hands found the long, silky locks of brown hair and twisted into them. I still knew that it was my hair I was grabbing, but doing that was something I knew any girl would savor. After awhile, the sensation of something bubbling and brewing rose up inside me. Everything became heightened and the sack between my legs seemed to draw up. I’m getting so close…I can feel it…oh, Jesus, I think I’m almost there… And then, Billy stopped. I bucked my hips into his soft hands, but he wouldn’t allow me to come just yet. “I…I couldn’t help myself, Jess. I’ve never wanted to suck a dick before, I swear,” Billy confessed after he released his mouth from my member. Billy’s face…my face, that is, looked ashamed, but that didn’t stop his saliva-soaked hand from continuing to keep me hard. “But it was right there in front of me, and it looked so…good, and I just had to do it. I just wanted to please you, more than anything.” The need to have my release took over what little control I had remaining. “Pull those shorts off,” I ordered bluntly. “It’s my turn to try something.” ————–Pt 3 below vvv

  2. Billy did as I asked, and peeled the nylon shorts all the way down to his ankles and then kicked them off into the dust. Every inch of skin was so smooth and tanned; that body was perfect…it was increasingly hard to remember that it once belonged to me. “Put your hands against that tree and bend over.” “W-what are you going to do?” Billy asked nervously. “I’m going to taste you. Spread your legs apart, slut.” My hands were on that perfect, tight little ass before I knew what I was doing. I spread the cheeks apart with my thumbs and brought my tongue against the velvety pair of folds. Billy moaned out quietly and I put my mouth to task. I started by gliding my tongue up and down the slick groove between the clit and the narrow entrance that I ached to drive my manhood into. Billy seemed to really enjoy this, and began rocking his hips rhythmically and making soft, whimpering noises. Did I sound like that when I’d been eaten out the first time, too? I added one finger, which I moved in circles around the outside first, before slowly slipping it inside the rubbery, lubricated channel. Billy let out another soft moan at the sensation and I watched as his legs began to quiver. “Don’t stop,” Billy whispered breathlessly. My pace increased until I was plunging my finger like a piston, driving it into his pussy to the knuckle while I lapped my tongue underneath it. Billy grabbed his breasts and twisted the pink nipples desperately. With each more rapid thrust, he lurched forward with his mouth open and inhaled in sharp little gusts. “I’m coming, Jess…you’re making me come…nngggg…” Billy suddenly shot away, pulling himself off of my jutting, licking ministrations. He let out a weak cry and placed his hand over his exposed entrance. I watched as his…my…entire body quivered and the muscles on his back stood out like taut bands of steel. “That was…wow…I can’t believe we did that,” he said between rasping breaths. “We aren’t done yet.” I stroked my rigid cock impatiently. The need had to be quelled. “Lay down, over there on the grass. Get on your back.” Without question, Billy did as I commanded. As I brought myself down over my own body, I had a jarring sense that I was looking into an enormous mirror. “I know how long you’ve wanted this,” I said as I looked into my own eyes. “I can see it…in your mind, somehow. You’ve been thinking about putting your dick in me for years now, haven’t you?” Billy nodded and then grimaced slightly as I pushed my cock against the tight entrance between his legs. The foreskin on my shaft stretched and the folds parted open, giving way. I flexed my firm abdominal muscles and drove myself in deeper. The surrounding sensation of tightly hugging warmth enveloped me with each inch, until I was fully sheathed inside. “I’m all filled up,” Billy said with a groan and wrapped his hands around my back. “Fuck, I’m losing it, Jess. This is…ohhh…” I withdrew completely and he guided me back inside. The indescribably soft feeling that surrounded my cock was nearly too much to handle. Perhaps it was instinct or just raw desire, but I planted my hands on Billy’s waist and began to thrust into him like an animal. At first, the pleasure seemed to originate from the sides of my shaft. It would shoot backwards and into me, before drowning in my belly. After a few minutes of increasingly more intense pounding, the pleasure drifted and settled in the head of my member. I watched with delight as my inhabited body writhed this way and that underneath me. Seeing that happen from the outside was so alien to me. Before much longer, Billy was in the throes of another colossal orgasm. The interior walls of his pussy clamped down, but did nothing to stop the fat cock between my legs from entering him again and again. The initial belief that my member could not possibly become even more sensitive fell away in a heartbeat. Without warning, that feeling was upon me. It was something unstoppable and wholly uncontrollable. My hips moved of their own accord and my body worked in unison to achieve my release. “Oh…Billy, I’m…” I tried to tell him, but the words could barely manage to form. My brain felt locked into one singular purpose; climax. “Coming! Oh, fuck!” Instead of the typical feeling I got when I came, there was a deluge of jolting, electric chords of ecstasy. They were concentrated in the very tip of my cock for several seconds and then raced upwards in a flash, washing over my shoulders, and into my spine, and then somewhere inside my brain. The satisfying feeling of physical release arrived next as my cock erupted, spilling white-hot seed inside the wonderful pussy that had made it happen. Something clenched underneath my sack with each pulsing jet and I could feel my shaft jerk and twitch as it went. I rutted, delivering a few last, short thrusts, and felt the used folds milk me dry. Billy and I stayed like that, locked together in the grassy clearing, until the setting sun turned the sky to a burnt orange haze. Once I finally withdrew my flaccid member, the reality of what we’d done struck me like a sledgehammer. We sat and talked for awhile about what should happen. We’d both enjoyed the strange experience immensely, hadn’t we? Billy said as much, though he didn’t seem as confused about it as I did. “It was just, like, masturbation, that’s all,” he explained, using that cute little voice of mine to get his point across. “You were just using a new way to get yourself off, right? It’s not like I fucked you…uhm, well, not exactly.” “I guess…” “You just need some time to think about it.” “Maybe we should just bury the thing and forget we ever found it.” Even as the words left my mouth, I knew I didn’t have the heart to put the object, whatever it was, back into the ground. The experience we’d shared was just too enjoyable not to be repeated. “You know you don’t want to do that!” “Yeah, you’re right,” I said and gave Billy a grin. “It is getting late, though. I think I know how to change back. As much as I enjoyed being you for a while, I don’t want to stay like this forever.” Transforming back was easy enough, it turned out. We just touched the strange piece of metal at the same time and we were back to normal almost instantly. Once we switched back, we swore to keep what we’d found a secret. And only to use it together. ————————— Hope you liked my little yarn. ;) Oh yeah, and I realize that a lot of folks in this sub seem to enjoy many of the free, literotica-style stories, but if anyone is interested in also getting free and heavily discounted self-published erotica ebooks for their Kindles, Nooks, or whatever – [The Naughty List](http://www.naughtylistbooks.com/) might be a good service for you to check out. We’ve got a little over 1,100 readers already signed up and so far, they seem to really love it. :) Our newsletters are twice weekly now but soon they will be daily, and we only advertise books that are free, 99 cents, or deeply discounted. It’s free to sign up, no spam, and all that. TNL is one of the few places out there for erotica authors to actually showcase their stuff to readers since they are shunned by most places that *do* offer that kind of service. I’m sure they would all appreciate the chance to show some of their work to you!

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