Innocence and Submission [MF, Mdom, Fsub]

We met on a Wednesday, you had just started at the IT firm I worked at. I shook your hand, sure that I looked for all the world like deer caught in the headlights; mesmerized at your beauty. "Have a nice day," you said, as you were ushered to the next employee. Nice indeed! Just before you left the room, I saw you look at me and smile. Was I mistaken, or was that a naughty smile? Wishful thinking, surely.

I watched you over the course of the next few weeks and I became more and more certain that you were doing the same; sneaking a peek when you thought I wasn't looking. What I was even more certain of, was that your outfits were growing more, provocative. Even daring.

It became my goal, each morning, to catch the first glimpse of you, through my office window, before anyone else. I would peel away the blinds, like a lovesick boy opening a present. You liked me looking and took pleasure it exposing yourself to me, even if it was just the smallest part of what I truly wanted to see; all of it. That's what I wanted to believe, at least.

I also tried to go out of my way to get your attention on me, in turn. Rolling up the sleeves on my button-up shirt when you were close, flexing my forearm, biceps just slightly. It was all rather silly, I know now. But for those few moments, I it was all I could do to grasp at the straws of your attention. It started off so innocently.

Of course, I was overjoyed when a project we were both working on got behind schedule and a few of us were asked to stay late. It was a Wednesday, and sadly I didn't see too much of you during the day, or after work; slaving away at my computer, taking breaks only to go to the bathroom or make myself a warm drink. Never catching sight of you.

At around 10PM, people started filtering out of the building, having completed their tasks. I was close to done but worked slowly on purpose, hoping to at least see you once. When I was sure that I had to be the only person left in the building, I resigned myself to finishing the last of my work.

That is, until you stepped into the room. You didn't sweep into the room, like some highborn princess, nor did you skulk. One minute, you weren't there and the next, you simply were. That's how it always went. No moment mattered before, just the present.

You wore high heels, black with the tiniest bit of silver. High, almost uncomfortably so, it seemed. But unlike other women I had seen, you wore them and not they you. You were confident in them; you were confident in everything. Just like the pencil skirt and white blouse you were dressed in. Pencil thin, clinging to your body in all the right places; all the places. "Hi, I thought I was alone," you said, brushing your fringe from your eyes. "So did I, glad to see you're still here though," You smiled slyly; a look that I hadn't seen on you before, or had I? It made my heart pump, blood rush faster.

"If you'd like, I could carry on working here, with you?" you said, pointing to the chair opposite my table. "I would, sit down, please." I told you, trying my utter best to keep the excitement from my voice.

You closed the door, sat down and took out your laptop; started working. From where I was sitting, despite the table which was rather low, I could see most of your body. Your chest, rising and falling slowly as you took a breath, let it out, took a breath, let it out. Your curvy hips, constrained withing the boundaries of your skirt, pressing against them, nearly breaking free, I fantasized. And your crossed legs, the slit in the skirt showing just a hint of thigh. Smooth, tanned skin.

You looked up and caught my eye and I looked down immediately, blushing from being caught staring so obviously. You didn't look away and instead, you got up, reached over my table, stretching over far and getting a pencil from beside me. Your white blouse hung down, revealing just a peek of your breasts, lined in a lacy black bra. I had never seen them before and although I knew they were quite large, I had never known of the small mole you had on the one. It started off so innocently.

You wrote something down, for a few minutes, taking pauses to look at your laptop screen. Until, you got up again, this time coming to stand beside me, standing against my desk, inches away from me and pointing at something on my screen, I'm sure it must have been relevant but what it was escaped me completely. I could see the outline of your thong through your skirt, faintly. Maybe I imagined it. The scent of your perfume filled me and I thought for a moment that it was some kind of poison, intoxicating me.

You sat back down again and I took a moment to try to still my heart, sure that you could hear it thumping inside my chest. I failed. I took a deep breath and then, emboldened by your advances, I got up and went to stand beside you. My work pants weren't overly tight but I was sure you could tell that I was excited; not fully erect, but surely visible. I spoke for a while, very proud that what I got out wasn't gibberish. When I was done speaking and pointing at things on your screen, I made to turn around. But you looked up from below me; your brown eyes catching mine, and said one word: 'Wait'. You reached out with your right hand, slowly but confidently, and touched my leg; low, near my knee.

I waited, sure of what I wanted to happen but unsure what was about to. You didn't break eye contact, but started moving your hand upwards, aching inch by aching inch. And then, you stopped just short and then looked down. My heart sank.

"Tell me what you want me to do now." you said with a new sound in your voice, one I hadn't heard before. The confidence was gone and it was timid, meek. "Excuse me?" I said, unsure if I had heard you right "Please…tell me what you want me to do to you." you asked again, sounding almost…desperate? A million things rushed though my head.

"Rub it, softly." I told you, commanded you. You kept your face down but I was sure you were smiling. A naughty smile. "If it pleases you," you replied in a thin voice, "Whatever pleases you, master."

At this point, I was completely hard, visibly so. Your hand knew just where to go, and I could see that you took pleasure in it. You didn't remove your eyes from the bulging area in my pants, fixated your gaze on your prize, almost seeming to treasure it. You remained completely motionless, besides your hand, rubbing softly over me. "Like this?" you asked, still fixated on your task. "Yes, good. You're doing good."

You continued until I felt I couldn't hold it any longer, until I could feel it rising up inside me. I felt almost ashamed at my lack of stamina, I hadn't been with someone in a long time. But along with that feeling, I felt in control. I could do what I wanted, couldn't I? The thought was exhilarating. "Unzip me."

You moved a bit closer to me and got onto your knees in front of me. You undid the clip on my pants then took the zipper in your hand and looked up, only slightly. "Like that, yes. Good." I told you and you smiled again, glad for the praise. You zipped down my pants and again, waited. For a moment I was confused, what were you waiting for now? Then I realized that you were untrained, unskilled. You were my little sex doll and I would need to give you step by step instructions on how to please me. "Pull down my pants and underwear." I said…no, commanded. I had found strength in my voice and you were mine completely now, the authority in my voice made you understand that. You followed my instructions, revealing my thick cock as you did so. I was ready to cum, I knew it. But I wanted to prolong it just the tiniest bit, make you work for it.

"Put your hands behind your back and lick it, only the base. Just with the tip of your tongue." As you moved your arms, holding them out behind you, I could see your shoulders arch, and your neck. You were beautiful, pure. I wanted nothing more then to change that, to defile all that you were. To make you want me so completely that it took over every waking thought, every sleeping fantasy. You started licking me then, with your head tilted slightly to the side, your tongue almost quivering with the pleasure.

I allowed you to continue for a time, how long I wasn't sure. I was doing my best to keep myself contained, to extend my pleasure. Until I said, "Stop. Move back, and stay!" in the steadiest voice I could muster. You obeyed immediately even though I could see the reluctance in your eyes, and mouth. You stayed completely still, hand still behind your back and your mouth still slightly open, your full red lips wet and so inviting. Then I felt a wave of pleasure roll over me as I came, hard while standing in front of you. A single droplet landed on your face, just above your lips where it trickled down, over your lips and into your mouth. You licked it up greedily. The rest fell on the floor in front of you. Your eyes were still downcast and I could see you restrain yourself from bending down, to lick it up. I was watching you and you knew it. Be good to your master, do only what he tells you to.

For another minute I watched you, until I no longer needed to suppress the convulsions I was feeling. "Very good, my pet. You have done well." I told you softly, tracing my finger along your jaw line, down your neck, stopping just short of reaching the point between your breasts. "Very good indeed. I think you have earned a small reward, "Get up."

I watched as you got up from your knees, hands still behind your back and then, waited. "Turn around, put your hands on my desk, spread your legs, a foot apart." Again you obeyed, immediately and eagerly. I just looked at you for a moment, at how your calves looked in your high heels, your perfect ass in your tight skirt and your beautiful neck and short hair. I moved closer.

I knelt down beside you and put my hand on your ankle then softly brushed up against your leg, always on the inside. Higher and higher I went and as I did so, softened the touch more and more. Your skirt was open just enough for me to get my hand in between your legs but by that point, the touch was almost gone, so soft it was. You shivered, slightly as I reached your inner thigh, even as faint as the touch was. I moved my hand down again, did the same, this time on your right leg. Again you shivered. "Thank you master." you said softly, "Thank you." I repeated the process, this time going slightly higher, left leg, then right. Then again, and again. The next one would have my hand as high as it could go, all the way to your pussy, hidden behind your tight thong. My touch went higher, and higher. Inexorably towards its goal, then stopped. You shivered again and the tiniest bead of moisture trickled down your thigh, I watched it run down your calf and down your heel. I saw your hands gripping my desk harder as you did your best to remain motionless.

I stood up and took your hair in my hand and you arched your back as I did so. I pulled back on your head, only slightly and was rewarded with a soft low moan from you. "If only you knew how hard I was going to fuck you tonight." I whispered in your ear as I unzipped your skirt. Despite how tight it was, it fell effortlessly, gliding over your silky skin and came to rest on the floor, around your feet. I moved to behind you and touched your hips and you watched you arch your back even further, sticking your ass out further for me. In one fluid motion I slapped you, then again, and again. I could see the outline of my hand appear almost immediately. "You'll move when told to, no sooner." I scolded you. Another bead of moisture trickled down. This time, reaching your heel faster than before. Again, I touched your hips and simply held them for a few seconds, softly caressing the area around where your thong dug into your skin. I then moved one hand to the small of your back and pressed down firmly on your spine; you had no choice but to follow my direction and lowered your upper body down to my desk. The other hand, I moved to between your legs and took hold of your thong; I felt how wet it was already, how warm. In one smooth motion, I pulled it to the side, hard enough to make your pussy gape open slightly and I thrust into you. I almost regretted it as I had needed to use all my power to get it in completely, so tight were you. You gasped loudly, but did not scream. I left it inside you for another moment, listening to the whimpers coming from you then pulled out slowly, as slow as I could. Then thrust, as hard as I could, and out. Three times I did this before I pulled out, abruptly.

As my cock left your pussy, your lips moved back together tightly as another few drops ran down your leg making patterns like rain on a window as they did so. You were breathing hard, audibly so. I gripped your ass, hard in an effort to restrain myself. "Thank your master," I ordered you. Your breath still hadn't abated and you barely got out, "Thank you…" I slapped you again, "Master!" "Master! Master!" you whimpered.

Once more, I got down to my knees, spreading your legs further as I did so. "That's better," I said, "Good girls get rewarded, don't think I'll forget it." As the last word left my mouth, I bit into your thigh, not too hard but I knew it would leave a mark. An incomprehensible exclamation left your mouth and as it did I stuck out my tongue and licked, all the way up your leg, collecting all the little trails of moisture. At the speed I was going, my tongue would plow into your slit; I wanted to desperately. But I slowed down, just short. Instead, I softly placed the tip of my tongue on your clit and pushed down on it slightly, then licked all the way back to your ass, as soft as I could.

"Thank you master, thank you so much." you moaned. I used both my hands to pull your lips apart. Again, I licked you. I didn't need to lick too hard to get my tongue in-between them. You tasted glorious, I wanted all of it. For a few minutes, I simply reveled in the pleasure of pleasing you, of licking rhythmically and methodically.

I could feel your body tensing up more very minute as I went on. When I was sure you couldn't last any longer, your pussy was wet enough that at some points, I had to take a moment to swallow before carrying on, I got up and said, "This is what good girls get."

I reached around with my left hand, and places it on your tummy. My right, I placed upon your hip and then, as I moved my left hand down to your pussy, I thrust inside of you. I didn't thrust hard, but rather deliberately and slowly. That was all that you needed, I knew. You tightened around me and a spasm ran through your body. I kept rubbing your clit and moving your hips forward and backward, ever so slightly but my cock remained still inside you, riding the waves and waves of pleasure you were experiencing. As the third spasm ran through your body, your convulsions became too much for me, your pussy milking my cock like a well-trained mouth. I became thicker and thicker to the point that I was worried I would never get it out again, but you loved it, every moment. I simply stood there, as deep inside you as I could go as it burst, filling you. I stopped rubbing you and put my left hand on your other hip, simply stood still for a few moments, taking in everything. Your drenched legs, quivering body, head laying flat on my desk.

"Alright," I said, when I felt I could talk without stuttering, "Now that you're warmed up, I can begin."



  1. Loving this story, it plays well into one of my own fantasies ;) Keep up the great work, hope to see more from you soon

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