[Sub][Dom][mf][rough][sex][oral][fetish] “Bosses secret” – By myself (This is the first part, the rest is linked in comments)

The smoke hung thick like a morning haze. White light lit the room thanks to florescent bulbs fitted into the ceiling. This was corporate life and the benefits of being the boss. "please, make yourself comfortable," she told me in a liquid cool tone. I had not known the purpose of our meeting. It was the evening. I would have been home by now enjoying a beer. Over time means nothing on a salary pay.

Furniture littered the room in a mechanical fashion. A velvet red couch hugged the wall with the accompanying coffee table. Front center was my bosses desk. Orderly, neat, compact, with only the essentials for the work day. I chose the chair that sat in front.

The chair felt expensive in the way that made me envy the little use it must get. She pulled on her cigarette. It made a cracking noise like balling up newspaper that echoed in the quite room.

She exhaled.

"Do you mind if I smoke?," she asked as if it was a rhetorical question. I had never enjoyed cigarettes, but who am I to tell the boss no.

"I don’t mind."

She smiled. It was a subtle smile, but it drew my attention that her lipstick was fresh. Her lips radiated an auburn purple. Her make up was light. Used to hide the slight creases that appear in age.

I had never thought much about it, but she must be in her 40s. She held an aura of wisdom and power that only came with age. And a job title.

She stood up and walked around her desk with cigarette in hand.

She was barefoot.

It was a strange thing to notice for most. But for a man with a strong fetish it stands out. She wasn’t sporting the flashy black pumps that I normally see her in. Her office must make her feel comfortable relaxed. The same was I was supposed to make myself feel, but my heart raced. Her toes were painted a deep purple that shined through her nude hose. I had not noticed the hose until I watched her long slender toes and she walked in front of the desk. She sat on the edge. Crossed her legs and scrunched her toes. For the moment I was enamored. Oblivious to the world around me. Too caught up to not make it obvious.

Dammit, I made it obvious.

She noticed.

Confusion and intrigue flooded her face. ”what are you looking at?” I grew flush. My mouth was dry, but I got through the words. “I like your purple nail polish.” Did I just say that? Why didn’t I lie and say it was something else?

"Now that is unusual coming from a guy." she said in a curious tone. "Do you like nail polish? Have you ever worn any?"

Wow. That was a bold question. I suppose that is the sort of confidence you have power. "Oh no, I just like it on your toes… "

Silence returned to the room. I was wrought in disbelief that I had said that to my boss.

She exhaled a plume of smoke.

Her head titled back and she let out a coarse laughter that comes from years of smoking. She took another drag from her cigarette and lifting her foot in front of my face with her toes pointing towards me.

"So you like my toes?" she asked as she exhaled more smoke.

Shit, she knew exactly what I meant. Emotions flooded my body. Her toes were beautiful and perfectly taken care of. Thoughts of what I could do poured into my brain like a water fall. I suppressed my instincts. Was she toying with me? The obvious power play made my head spin. She was my boss and it would be highly unprofessional to have sexual contact with her.

"Admiring my feet was not why I brought you in here, " broke the silence.

My heart pounded. Her words were cold. I felt as though I had slipped big time. Maybe people are right when they say guys think with their cock instead of their brains. I fumbled for what to say next. But she answered.

"I brought you in here to discuss a new project, but I do believe that this." She paused. "This is much more fun."

Her foot slowly lowered to my knee. I felt the pressure of her toes as she showed me the arc of her sole. The hose slightly lifting from the inside of her arc. "You are an odd one. I have never had a guy swoon over my feet." she put out out the cigarette.

"Most men are simple. Most men just want to fuck, or have their cocks sucked. But you. No, you get caught up staring at my feet."


For lack of a better word. I did not know how to respond. She had made a move on me. Or it seemed that way. "It isn’t like I don’t enjoy a good blow job." I said. She began laughing again. This time it was different. It was sensual, teasing, inviting. "So foot boy, what do you want to do with my feet?" I didn’t want to tell her what I wanted to do. Others don’t understand how awkward it can be to explain. Wanting to smell and suck a girls toes is not a conversation a guy has often.

At least not me.

I kept it simple.

"I enjoy giving foot massages," I admitted.

"Those black heels do take a lot out of my feet. I bet you notice me in those heels don’t you?" Of course I do.

I know she has black pumps, red heels with the high backs, blue flats, black flats and I do enjoy her open toed white pair.

Her foot raised again. "Well?"

My mouth was dry. I had a rush of excitement and nervousness. I rolled the chair forward to make it easier on her and wrapped my hands around her feet. The hose on feet felt incredible. Smooth, delicate, and sheer. My thumbs rolled up her inner foot pressing the hose up with them. Her toes flexed as she let out a slight moan.

"I could get used to this. I think I hired you for the wrong job." she said with a smile. "do you enjoy it?" I didn’t want to just say yes. I loved every second of it. We had gotten this far so I decided to take a chance.

I wrapped my lips around her big. I softly sucked them and kissed the ball of her feet. She looked stunned. I couldn’t tell if it was repulsed or just surprised. She was ignorant of foot fetish culture and that I wanted to suck her toes. I hesitated to continue.

"Well… Continue."

Now I was the stunned one. She wanted me to continue. I started sucking her toes again. Her hose were well worn in from the day, but her feet tasted fresh. She took exceptional care of them.

I felt her toes wiggle in my mouth. Her toes were delicate and long. They gave me plenty to suck and I wanted to give them all the attention they deserved.

She pulled her toes out of my mouth. The hose was damp from my spit and clung to her toes. She put her foot on my face with my nose in between her big toe and the next. "Is this what you like?"

I felt her other foot running on my leg. Her toes pushed down on my hard cock as I inhaled. I swapped her foot for the next, because the both needed my attention. The dry hose was like starting fresh and I wanted to pull my cock out and cover her toes in my cum. I didn’t realize

she had other plans.

She pulled her foot from my mouth. Another cigarette lit in her mouth. She inhaled. “I can’t let you have all the fun can I?”

she exhaled.

She stood up and lifted up her miniskirt. I watched as she slid her underwear down her thighs. She lifted a leg and threw them across the room. She sat back on her desk. I followed the stockings up her legs. The lace hugged her upper thighs. Her skirt had been pulled back and she sat with her legs open. She was completely shaved.

"I think you know what to do."

She was dominant. She was telling me what to do like I had no choice. Unknown to her I love eating pussy. Her pussy was radiating heat. I felt it on my lips as I hovered over her. I laid gentle kisses on her inner thigh.

I know what teasing does to a girl.

I laid wet kisses all around her. Softly kissing her lips up and down. Her breathing was heavier. Her cigarette was just ember.

She forcefully pushed out the cigarette and grabbed me by the hair. I felt her fingers wrap around my head as she pushed me into her. She held me there and rolled her hips to rub her pussy on my face. I buried my tongue inside her. My tongue couldn't do much, but she let out a huge moan.

I clinched her thighs so she let up. Looks like I have the upper hand.

I slid my tongue back inside her and ran it up her lips. I wrapped my lips around her clit and licked with little sucking. Being a young engineer I consume a lot of porn and every once in a while I watch videos on different tricks.

It worked.

Her toes curled and hips bucked towards me. I don’t think she was expecting the surge of pleasure. Her pussy was dripping wet so I took two fingers and slid them inside. I pushed down hard with my fingers towards her butt. I fucked her with my fingers keeping pressure pushed down firmly.

She wasn’t expecting any of that. Every man she had ever been with never took the time to explore what makes a woman tick. She sought out selfish men who fucked for themselves and would use them for sex.

This was different.

She knew it and I knew it. Too caught up she screamed and pulled my hair. I didn't let up. I felt her pussy tighten around my fingers. I couldn't believe it.

She was cumming.

Five minutes of eating her out she was helpless. This powerful woman who tried to assert her dominance on me now reverted to a teenage school girl being fucked for her first time. Pleasure ran through her from her head to the tips of her toes.

The thrill took me over.

I shoved her back on the desk. The neat methodical setup was now torn apart. I pulled her skirt off and pulled my pants down.

She was breathing heavily, with no time to respond. I shoved myself inside her. I could tell she was sensitive. She couldn't handle my cock inside her and she tried to push me away. This may have been the first time she ever had a real orgasm.

I fucked her hard. There was no kissing or intimacy now. I tore her top off. She had a pink lace bra on that matched the panties she removed from earlier. My fingers wrapped around her throat. I made it hard for her to breath. Power and dominance consumed me.

I watched tears bleed from her eyes like black blood down her cheeks. Her nails dug into my skin… continued in blog post

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/29lyq0/subdommfroughsexoralfetish_bosses_secret_by


  1. Thank you! I am in the process of re-writing it to have it accepted to lushstories. I hope I can get it done soon, but I have also started another story. I am glad you liked it though.

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