
Part 1

… once the wolf had devoured Red's grandmother he had cornered Red in her cabin home. He walks slowly closer to her as his form changes into a man. She is afraid by him which created a smirk that grew into a lustful smile. His eyes roamed her body, as hers were staring into his. He stares at her lips as they tremble in his very presence. His eyes widen in his growing lust towards Red as he gazes at her piercing nipples through her thin, egg white gown which is boarded in red lace. His eyes move up, looking at her bare shoulders that held her gown up, barely. As he was observing every little thing of Red, she couldn't help but to stare at him. She began to look at his lips that were being moistened by his tongue each time he settled his eyes on something he admired, greatly. She bit hers previously out of fear, but now in want of his. She looked lower down to his perfect jawline, firm muscles of his neck, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and thinking to herself that he must be a living, chiseled, marble sculpture. He walks towards her as he stares deeply into her black eyes and as she walks back from each of his steps nearing, she couldn't help but to also want him to completely take control of her. He walks in a calm, and aggressive way towards the wall that she will be forced to stand against. He slams her body against the wall with his and licks the outside of her lips. She slides her hands to touch his jaw, but to only be stopped by his grip around her wrists and slamming them over her head. Holding them up, he lets his right hand roam free over her body, feeling each little thing his eyes were observing. Brushing her neck lightly with only his fingers, that lower to circle on her collarbone, lowering to her shoulder where he rests his hand for a moment, but with a grip. He slowly moves his face closer to hers, almost in a passionate, and delicate way.. He leans in to kiss Red's luscious lips and his lips touch hers, only to find himself wanting more. Red, helpless but to only kiss back, and keep her thoughts to herself thought only this, that the wolf be hers…



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