Worst. Roommate. Ever. [MF] [Oral]

"And hey, how about next time, you wash YOUR dishes! Don't make me do them," I yelled. Sarah simply shook her head. "You should know by now Will, I only work when I get payed." She continued watching T.V. Worst. Roommate. Ever. Constantly making me wash her clothing, clean her dirty dishes, the list could go on forever. I scrubbed the last piece of grime off of a plate and was finally finished.

It was early in the morning, and Sarah was watching the news. The sunlight shone on her tanned skin, making it shiny. I had worked hard, so I decided it was my turn to watch T.V. I sat down next to her, grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels. "Hey!" she yelled, her whiny voice pearcing my ears. She pounced on me, but I could over-power her easily. I was 23, and she was 21. I shrugged her off as she tried to pin me onto the couch. She frowned and stomped off to the kitchen, probably to make breakfast. I went back to the T.V., but felt something… in my pants. Fuck, I thought. I had a boner. Had she noticed? I looked over to her. She was still in her PJ's, with a small, orange top and striped Pajama Bottoms. I stared at her tanned skin, her sandy blonde hair, her plump ass… What was I thinking, I hated this women. Why was I still living with her?

I shook my head, but caught myself staring once again. She had a rip in her pajamas, about 4-5 inches wide. I could see her thigh, tanned like the rest of her body. I smirked, I could use this to embarrass her. "Hey," I shouted to her. She looked at me, still seething with anger at the fact that I took away her T.V. "You have a rip on your PJ's," I said. She looked around on her legs. "No I don't," she said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you do," I said, smirking. She pouted, and walked over. "Prove it." I tugged on the rip in her pants, and then stuck my hand through, poking her thigh. "See, told you," I said. I was about to withdraw my hand, but she grabbed my wrist, and pulled it in further. I squeezed her plump thighs. I liked that, Sarah wasn't skinny or anorexic, yet she wasn't chubby either. She had a lean, fit body, but still kept nice curves. I stroked her thigh, rubbing my hand up and down, before running a single finger up her ass crack. She shuddered, and I squeezed her ass with a firm grip. She was smiling. I put my hand around her thigh, and pulled her onto my lap. We locked in a warm embrace. There was a feint smell of honey from her body, probably from her shower last night. Our lips locked, and we kissed. Our tongues explored each others mouthes, as I ran my hands down her body. She gripped onto my neck, pulling my face in further. I ran my hand up her belly, stroking it, and I cupped one of her C-Cup tits through her shirt. I gave it a light squeeze, and I felt her nipples begin to harden. I tweaked her nipple lightly through her shirt as we continued kissing. She ran her hand through my short brown hair, stroking the back of my head. Not long after that, her left hand moved down my body, her fingers rubbing my knob. She slipped her hand through the hole and began rubbing my cock, up and down. We stopped kissing, and she ripped my pants off. She pounced on me, and unlike before when I pushed her off, I let her on top of me. While kissing me, she carressed my cock, sliding her hand up and down. She pulled her shirt off, allowing me to grasp her tanned tits, her browned nipples. I began to lick her boobs, sucking on the nipples. She let out a small moan, and started sucking a little harder. I stopped, only to take my shirt and her pants off, and we continued, completely naked. She got off of me, and bent over her couch, one leg perched on the arm rest, the other firmly on the ground. I gave her pussy light tap, and began to stroke it, going up and down. My other hand cupped her tits and began to squeeze them. She was getting really moist now, and I slipped one of my fingers in. She shuddered, and began to rock slowly back and forth on my finger. I slipped another one in, starting off slowly, and gradually speeding up. She started rubbing her vagina, and used her juices to lubricate my dick. She slid her hands up and down as I worked on her pussy.

I withdrew my fingers, and slowly slid my cock in. I was a good size, about 6.5 inches, but that seemed more than enough for her. Her pussy was rather tight, clenching down on my hard penis. She moaned softly, but as I got faster, she got louder. The only sounds in the room was her moaning, my grunting and the slapping off my balls hitting her thighs. She moaned in ecstasy, her body shuddering on my cock. We were both about to come. Her body shuddered as she came all over my dick. I kept on going, and came a few seconds later. I withdrew my cock, and slumped down onto the couch. Warm cum was oozing from her wet pussy. She looked at me, and licked her lips. She wasn't done yet. We crawled over the couch and layed on to of me. We simply layed there hugging, stroking each other. We were exhausted, but we wanted more.

She slid down my body, and gripped my cock, stroking the thick shaft. She licked the head of it, lapping up the cum around the sides, and got me hard once again. She licked up and down, and the kissed the tip. She slowly slid her mouth down the shaft, her puffy cheeks taking it all in. She started moving up and down, faster and faster each time. This was honestly one of the best blow jobs I had ever had. While she worked on the shaft, her tongue was busy fiddling around on my head, and her hands were stroking my balls. I pushed her head down slightly further, and I bucked my hips up and down. I shuddered, a moan escaping from my lips. She stopped, and started to kiss the head of my penis. She licked it all over, kissing it, swallowing it slightly, moving her mouth up and down it, before sliding her lips over my cock again. That did it. I warned her I was about to cum, as to not piss her off by filling her mouth, but this made her even more eager. I came in her mouth, moaning. Cum filled her mouth. She looked up at me, leaning over me, and opened her mouth, the lower half filled with jizz. She swallowed it, and smiled at me. She slid over, laying next to me. I rolled over, and kissed her lips, smelling her honey scented hair, but now I could smell sweat and cum. I smiled at he, and she gave me a cheeky grin. I kiss her once more, and moved onto my back her arm draped across me, and he left leg rubbing my calf. I looked up to the ceiling, and fell asleep. Best. Roommate. Ever.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/298l6x/worst_roommate_ever_mf_oral