Linda (Cuckold Story) (FMMM)

Linda and I met at a dive bar in the town I am from 10 years ago. She was 38 years old, recently divorced, and as I would later find out a very hot woman. She was very attractive little lady. She stood about 5'3, 115 lbs, nice c-cup breasts. She had shoulder length sandy blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. Her build was athletic and she had nice muscular legs that were soft and smooth and a firm round bottom.

Linda was one of those women who loved to party and could drink with the boys. That night I met her some friends and I were at a local watering hole and having a good time. She was there with another girl who was a regular named Janet and naturally several men gravitated to the two attractive ladies. She wore a skirt with a white blouse and some nice sandal shoes that showed off her pretty legs and feet. There was a lot of loud music, laughing, dancing, and a lot of drinking. I was playing pool near the table where Linda and Janet were sitting and several of my guy friends were flirting with them. We were all chatting and having a good time and I was looking for an opening where I could introduce myself proper to her because she seemed like a very nice girl. I had been trying to muster up the nerve to ask Linda for a dance but I was shy and plus every time I saw an opening another of my buddies would move in and whisk her to the dance floor. She loved to dance and was definitely enjoying all the attention she was getting from all of the men, most of who were a few years younger than she was.

There was a break in the action when she and I had a moment to talk alone. I asked if she was having a good time and she giggled and said, “yes!” And it was about time because she was getting out of a bad marriage. Said her and her husband of 15 years had grown apart. She was 38, never had any children, and was enjoying her new found freedom. She told me that they had split up about two months before and this was the first time she had been out to cut loose. She worked at and office supply company and just as I was getting to know a little bit more about her, one of my friends Brad came up behind Linda and grabbed her by the waist and told her he wanted a dance. He hung over her shoulder and startled she leaned to the side and smiled and said “OK hun” and the two of them stumbled out on to the dance floor. I was really attracted to her. She was so very easy going and free, and had a pleasant personality. She was very down to earth, approachable, and sort of bubbly. Plus she was downright sexy and the alcohol lowered her inhibitions and made her even more fun.

Much to my dismay Brad was putting on the moves. He had pulled Linda really close to dance and his hands were all over her legs, hips and back. Not sure about just what kind of girl she was, he did not go near her ass but it did not appear that she would have minded one bit if he did. He was the best looking out of our crew and always got all the women. Tall, dark and handsome as they say and just had to confidence to score with ease. After the song was over they smiled at each over and strolled back over to the table holding hands loosely.

It was getting pretty late and Janet exclaimed that she had to get going. She had to get up in the morning to work. The other guys in my crew objected the way people do when they want the party to keep going, Janet continued determined and asked Linda if she was ready to leave. Brad not wanting Linda to leave said not to worry. Asked Linda if she wanted to stay we could drive her home later and Linda nonchalantly agreed. Janet did not seem too think it was a big deal and did not make a fuss about leaving a girlfriend behind, and she left in a boisterous goodbye giving most everyone a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

After Janet was gone we all had another round of shots. Played a few games of pool then talked about leaving the bar. At that point it was myself, Linda, Brad and another two of my buddies Rick and Steve. We decided to head back to my house because I had the best setup. I rented a nice place where we all hung out a good bit. It was private and we could drink, smoke, and party without worrying about bothering neighbors or the cops or anything.

When we left I drove Linda and Steve and Brad and Rick followed in Brad's truck. Linda and I chatted some more on the way back to my place while Steve was in the back seat rolling a joint that we were all going to burn once we got back to my place.

When we got back to my place we all sat on my sectional sofa and turned on some music and smoked the joint and talked some more. We laughed and were having a great time. Linda was really funny were were just having an awesome time all talking about different stuff and getting silly. Everyone was pretty high and feeling good when someone suggested that we have another drink. I told everyone I would make something in the blender and I went off to mix up some daiquiris.

Linda and Greg stepped outside on the back porch to have a smoke and Rick and Steve just chilled on the sofa. Took me a few minutes to get all the drinks together and when I came back into the living room I was shocked at what I saw. In the back corner near the door to the back porch Greg and Linda were kissing heavily and his hands were all over her just as before when they were dancing at the bar, but this time his hands found their way down to her ass, and he was rubbing her tits through her blouse. She was lost in his grasps and kissed him back deeply with a lot of passion and a lot of tongue. I stood there frozen at the site and watch intently, my cock growing hard instantly as I watched. His kisses went down to her neck and cleavage I knew that he was just getting started, but where would it stop? I mean they were in the same room as 3 other men. I thought of shouting at them to go to the spare bedroom but instead I just put the drinks on the sofa and sat down with Rick and Steve who were impervious to what was going on in the corner of the room. I looked over again and Brad had his hand up Linda's skirt and was obviously rubbing her pussy through her panties, her head leaned back in ecstasy. Just then Rick exclaimed breaking my trance, “I do believe Brad is going to fuck this bitch right in front of everybody.” About that time Brad leaned her against a table I had in the back of the room and laid her down on it and went down. Linda slowly opened her legs ever so slightly and Brad reached up and pulled her panties off putting her legs in the air and he slid them off her flip flops hit the floor. With that his face was buried in her pussy, her legs were spread and her grunts and moans began.

We could not help but turn and watch what was going on. Brad went to town licking and sucking all over Linda's pussy. She moaned and whimpered over and over as he lapped up her juices. At one point he was finger fucking her while he sucked and you could hear her wetness as the sound filled the room with her vocal pleasure. With that Brad stood and unzipped his pants and took his cock out. Me and the other two watched intently as Brad stood between her legs and slid his cock inside. Her screams of pleasure were louder than before and after a few minutes of slow and steady pumps Brad increased his pace until he was pounding her hard on the table, still in her skirt and blouse he hadn’t bothered to undress her fully. He fucked her hard like that for a good 5 minutes and the table shook as she stared into his silent eyes through at least two more orgasms. She help his strong arms to brace against the force. She moaned and told him to fuck her harder calling him baby. My heart sank. “Come on baby, fuck me baby, ohhhhh yes!!!” Brad pulled out and came all over stomach and collapsed on top of her laying his head on her breast. She hugged him and kissed his forehead and caressed his hair until he stood and they both stood up to fix themselves. Brad pulled up his pants and Linda straightened her skirt.


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  1. With that they came over to the sofa and sat down and remembering the drinks I had just made for them and they both picked one up. Everyone sat quietly drinking the last drink of the night and Brad piss drunk by now, and worn out from the fucking, passed out and began to snore. Linda said that she needed another smoke and stepped outside again. About that time Steve and Rick fired up another joint and I stepped outside with Linda hoping to talk to her more. Outside we had a cigarette and made small talk not mentioning what had just occurred. She was much more serious now than before and we talked about how she and Janet became fiends, her job, and what her plans were for the following day. She told me she was tired and wanted to lay down. I told her that she could lay down in my bed and she agreed and once inside I pointed her down the hallway to the master bedroom at the end of the hall. I was shocked by what I had just witnessed but Linda acted as if it were normal, to fuck a stranger in front of three other strangers. Her hair was slightly messed up and her skirt wrinkled and her bare legs and feet looked soft and sexy as she walked down the hall. She looked freshly fucked and she still looked beautiful albeit a bit disheveled. Into the bedroom she went and she left the door open behind her. I sat there stunned and thought about going back there to lay with her. I could see through the door that she was laying on the bed. Before I could get up the nerves to head down the hallway Rick and Steve stood and wend into the back room. I wanted to tell them to leave her alone, that she was tired and wanted to sleep but I did not say anything. They entered my room and I could still see in as they settled onto the bed. She raised up to look at them as they entered the room and then shifted herself on the bed to allow room as they slid down onto the bed one on each side of her. When Rick and Steve entered the room Linda leaned up on her side to greet them as they entered. They laid down onto the bed with her one on each side. She quickly turned to kiss Rick as Steve was behind her from the side kissing her shoulder. Their hands were all over her body and she continued to kiss Rick with vigor taking his tongue deep into her mouth. They were ravaging her like beasts through her clothes and she suddenly jumped up from the bed. She got up from between them and quickly pulled her hair up into a ponytail, she pulled off her skirt and blouse leaving her beautiful naked frame standing in the doorway. She looked out of the doorway, down the hall into my direction and we locked eyes just before she eased back down between them on the bed. She laid in between them as they caressed her until she was ready to take control. She started with blow jobs sucking both of their cocks as they leaned back onto the bed, her knees on the floor she serviced them both. Steve leaned fully back and Linda sucked at his cock while shifting her ass high in the air as if to invite Rick to take her from behind. Rick got behind and entered her first and her slurps, moans, and whimpers continued muffled by Steve’s cock in her mouth. I could not believe this was happening. This beautiful lady was hot, ready to fuck, and was getting it on with two of my best friend in my bed and all I could do is stand frozen like a statue. I thought about going back to join them but I was scared and thought it would be awkward to ease into what was already happening between the 3 of them. Instead I watched as Steve finished blowing his cum all over her ass and she sucked Rick’s cock like a wild woman as he shot his load all down her throat. They both managed about 10 minutes of sucking and fucking with Linda much the same way Brad had earlier, the difference is that they were not ready to pass out. They were just getting started and after a brief minute or so to recharge they were back on her. Every so often I would walk near the open door to get a closer view. The bedroom was dark but every detail of what was going on was evident in the dim light from inside the room and moonlight coming through the window. Outside the crickets chirped though and open window, as Linda’s screams and moans carried through the walls and outside of the house as I watch her get ravaged. I stood in disbelief as they proceeded to fuck Linda repeatedly in every position imaginable. Sometimes together, sometimes taking turns. They both fucked her missionary, doggy, cowgirl, and reverse-cowgirl and standing up several times. They moved her around at will, and she followed their lead letting them have their way with her and during each shift she allowed them to move her limp dunk body as they desired as they used her in every way imaginable. As she frantically rode up and down on Steve’s cock Rick entered her from behind not even asking as they both penetrated her at the same time. She screamed in pleasure as Rick shot his load into her ass and called her a slutty bitch. She the sucked Steve off one last time as he came on her face and he told her to lick every drop of cum off his big cock. She did as she was told. When they were finished they had been fucking for over two hours straight. Rick and Steve came down the hallway spent and crashed onto the couch and Linda went to the bathroom to wash up. I heard the door open and she laid back down in the bed and I thought to myself that this was my opportunity. I wanted to go back there and lay with her and experience the ecstasy she had given my three close friends. After several minutes of stomach butterflies I went back into the master room where she lay. Linda leaned up on a elbow as I entered the room to see who entered and then she put her head back on my pillow her naked body half covered by the sheets. I asked, “did you have a good time.” and she smiled and rested her eyes on the pillow and said “yes…I did.” I continued, “can I lay down” to which she replied “ I guess so… it IS your bed.” I let out a goofy chuckle and told her that I guess she was right. I took off my shirt and pants and got into the bed in my undies. As my torso hit the sheets, I felt the cold wetness of cum and sweat on the sheets against my skin, and laid down in it. I looked into Linda’s face. She lay facing me in the bed with her eyes closed. I looked at the clock and it was 3:30am. I touched her arm to get her attention before she drifted and she half mumbled “huh?” I asked her if I could touch her more and she said. “I’m really sleepy baby” and she drifted off to sleep. I lay there and quietly jerked off looking at her naked body next to me sleeping in the moonlit room. I came then I drifted off to sleep dreaming of the sex we would have in the morning. I awoke to a rustling noise and muffled voices coming from the guest bedroom which shares a wall with my bedroom where I was laying. I quickly looked to my side to see Linda was no longer in the bed next to me. I heard a deep voice muffled voice from the next room that I was pretty sure was Brad. I looked into the hallway and the door to the spare bedroom was closed. Steve and Rick were down the hall passed out on the couch and Linda was nowhere to be seen. I got a glass and placed to against the wall to try to listen to what was going on behind the closed door and as soon as I placed my ear to the glass I heard Linda’s gentle voice echo through the glass. “uh, ohhh, ummm hmmm.” She whimpered. Brad’s deep muffled voice spoke to her with authority asking her what sounded to be dirty questions that I could not make out and she continued to moan as if under his control, answering with “uh huh, oh yes baby.” Each whimper thrilling me and torturing me at the same time as I knew that Brad was the recipient of Linda’s full attention yet again. Soon I no longer needed the glass as the sounds of their lovemaking got more pronounced and more clear. The bed squeaked, and shook, and the headboard tapped the wall with their rhythm. An occasional smack of the skin as he slapped Linda’s ass rang out each time she squealed with the pleasure of his strong body taking control of her. A strong man he was and she moaned and squealed as if to tell him what a wonderful lover he was and I was a afterthought, insignificant, a fly on a wall. I retreated to my bed and I lay there in the dark and gently rubbed my rock cock and listened to Greg fuck Linda into the night. It was 4:00am.

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